英语 中的 plants 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 plants 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 plants 的说明。

英语 中的plants 表示小株植物 xiǎo zhū zhí wù, 植物 zhí wù, 厂,工厂 chǎng,gōng chǎng, 种植 zhòng zhí, 机械 jī xiè, 发电厂,能源厂 fā diàn chǎng, 栽赃 zāi zāng, 间谍 jiàn dié, 种植,栽种,播种 zhòng zhí,zāi zhòng ,bō zhǒng, 放 fàng, 仔细瞄准, 移殖, 往…投放鱼苗 wǎng tóu fàng yú miáo, 安插, 栽, 放置 fàng zhì, 播种 bō zhǒng, 种植 zhòng zhí, 蚜虫 yá chóng, 花坛植物, 球根, 柑橘属植物 gān jú shǔ zhí wù, 燃煤发电厂, 白鲜, 附生植物, 胶草, 室内盆栽植物 shì nèi pén zāi zhí wù, 室内盆栽植物 shì nèi pén zāi zhí wù, 水电厂 shuǐ diàn chǎng, 工厂 gōng chǎng, 核电站 hé diàn zhàn, 造纸厂 zào zhǐ chǎng, 植物解剖学 zhí wù jiě pōu xué, 动植物 dòng zhí wù, (靠植物为食的)虫子 kào zhí wù wéi shí de chóng zi, 植物病害 zhí wù bìng hài, 植物界 zhí wù jiè, 植物 zhí wù, 苗圃 miáo pǔ, 植物病理学 zhí wù bìng lǐ xué, 植物生理学 zhí wù shēng lǐ xué, 植物展示架 zhí wù zhǎn shì jià, 植物种子 zhí wù zhǒng zi, 播种 bō zhǒng, 种树 zhòng shù, 植物性的, (接触导致中毒的)有毒植物 jiē chù dǎo zhì zhòng dú de yǒu dú zhí wù, (食用导致中毒的)有毒植物 shí yòng dǎo zhì zhòng dú de yǒu dú zhí wù, 发电厂 fā diàn chǎng, 吊兰, 水草 shuǐ cǎo, 水厂, 供水管线。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 plants 的含义

小株植物 xiǎo zhū zhí wù

noun (small organism)

Our office has a lot of potted plants.

植物 zhí wù

noun (organism)

Seaweed is a marine plant.

厂,工厂 chǎng,gōng chǎng

noun (factory) (加工制造)

This is an efficient manufacturing plant.

种植 zhòng zhí

transitive verb (place in soil)

We are going to plant a tree in the garden.

机械 jī xiè

noun (machinery)

They had to invest in plant before they could build the road.

发电厂,能源厂 fā diàn chǎng

noun (power plant)

Our electricity comes from a plant in the next town.

栽赃 zāi zāng

noun (incriminating evidence)

The drugs were a plant, placed by the police.

间谍 jiàn dié

noun (spy)

They suspected that Riley was a plant.

种植,栽种,播种 zhòng zhí,zāi zhòng ,bō zhǒng

intransitive verb (place plants in soil) (农业)

Spring is the best time to plant.

放 fàng

transitive verb (put in position)

The weightlifter planted his feet.


transitive verb (place with careful aim)

Lonnie planted a shot in the centre of the target.


transitive verb (place animals)

Twenty deer were planted on the island to increase numbers.

往…投放鱼苗 wǎng tóu fàng yú miáo

transitive verb (stock with fish)

The game warden planted the lake with trout.


transitive verb (place as a spy) (间谍等)

The enemy wants to plant spies in our government.

transitive verb (place incriminating evidence)

The mafia planted the body in Jerry's car.

放置 fàng zhì

transitive verb (place: explosives, bomb) (爆炸物,炸弹)

The office received a call from someone claiming to have planted a bomb in the building.

播种 bō zhǒng

phrasal verb, intransitive (put seedlings in earth)

Make sure you have hardened your seedlings off before the time comes to plant out.

种植 zhòng zhí

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (seedling: put in earth)

蚜虫 yá chóng

noun (insect: greenfly) (一种小昆虫)

Aphids have damaged all my plants this year.


noun (ready-grown plant for planting)


noun (plant root) (植物的)

Mother received some daffodil bulbs for Christmas.

柑橘属植物 gān jú shǔ zhí wù

noun (plant bearing citrus fruit)

Lemons, limes and grapefruit are all types of citrus.


noun (power station: burns coal)


noun (aromatic herb) (芳香草本植物)


noun (plant: growing on another)


noun (plant)

室内盆栽植物 shì nèi pén zāi zhí wù

noun (plant grown indoors)

室内盆栽植物 shì nèi pén zāi zhí wù

noun (potted indoor plant)

The conservatory was filled with exotic houseplants.

水电厂 shuǐ diàn chǎng

noun (industrial facility generating electricity from water)

工厂 gōng chǎng

noun (factory)

Goods produced by the manufacturing plant included bags and shoes.

核电站 hé diàn zhàn

noun (factory that generates atomic energy)

造纸厂 zào zhǐ chǎng

noun (factory where paper is made)

The residents demonstrated against the project to build a new paper plant.

植物解剖学 zhí wù jiě pōu xué

noun (structure and parts of plants)

We studied plant anatomy in biology lessons last week.

动植物 dòng zhí wù

noun (living organisms)

(靠植物为食的)虫子 kào zhí wù wéi shí de chóng zi

noun (insect that feeds on plants)

植物病害 zhí wù bìng hài

noun (blight that afflicts plants)

植物界 zhí wù jiè

noun (all species of plant)

Orchids are one of the most interesting plants in the plant kingdom.

植物 zhí wù

noun (vegetation, flora)

The island is noted for its abundant plant life.

苗圃 miáo pǔ

noun (place where plants are cultivated)

植物病理学 zhí wù bìng lǐ xué

noun (botany: diseases in plants)

植物生理学 zhí wù shēng lǐ xué

noun (science of plants' vital processes)

Which school do you go to to learn about plant physiology?

植物展示架 zhí wù zhǎn shì jià

noun (shelves for displaying pot plants)

植物种子 zhí wù zhǒng zi

noun (seed of a plant)

Some plant seeds are distributed by the wind.

播种 bō zhǒng

verbal expression (sow seeds)

We planted the seeds in clay pots.

种树 zhòng shù

verbal expression (put seeds in the earth or plant seedling trees)

It is always best to plant trees in spring or autumn.


adjective (food: containing only plants)

(接触导致中毒的)有毒植物 jiē chù dǎo zhì zhòng dú de yǒu dú zhí wù

noun (plant that is toxic to the touch)

Learning to identify poisonous plants is a good tip for any hiker.

(食用导致中毒的)有毒植物 shí yòng dǎo zhì zhòng dú de yǒu dú zhí wù

noun (plant that is toxic when eaten)

Jimson weed is a poisonous plant that is toxic to cattle if they eat too much of it.

发电厂 fā diàn chǎng

noun (factory where energy is generated)

John works at the power plant. The local power plant was fined for emitting too much pollution.


noun (plant with long thin leaves)

水草 shuǐ cǎo

noun (botany)


noun (for purifying or distributing water)


noun (pipework)

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plants 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。