英语 中的 garden 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 garden 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 garden 的说明。

英语 中的garden 表示花园 huā yuán, 菜园 cài yuán, 花园 huā yuán, 植物园 zhí wù yuán, 公园 gōng yuán, 种植 zhòng zhí, 土地肥沃的地区 tǔ dì féi wò de dì qū, 种花, 种植 zhòng zhí, 后院 hòu yuàn, 啤酒店露天区, 植物园 zhí wù yuán, 伊甸园 yī diàn yuán, 花园,庭园 huā yuán, 园艺叉, 花园门,花园大门, 花园浇水用塑料管 huā yuán jiāo shuǐ yòng sù liào guǎn, 花园派对, 花园小路 huā yuán xiǎo lù, 田园沙拉, 花园棚屋, 园艺垃圾, 普通的, 平凡的, 离职前带薪假期, 守护神雕像 shǒu hù shén diāo xiàng, 菜园,菜地 cài yuán, 欺骗 qī piàn, 观赏园 guān shǎng yuán, 假山庭园 jiǎ shān tíng yuán, 楼顶花园, 花园楼顶, 玫瑰园 méi guī yuán, 室外茶室 shì wài chá shì, 菜园子 cài yuán zi, 有围墙的花园, 动物园 dòng wù yuán。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 garden 的含义

花园 huā yuán

noun (plot: flowers)

I've planted some tulips in the garden in front of the house.

菜园 cài yuán

noun (plot: vegetables)

These onions are from the garden in my backyard.

花园 huā yuán

noun (UK (yard: area outside house, esp. with lawn) (指独立式房屋带的院子)

My house has a small garden where Lily and Kyle like to play.

植物园 zhí wù yuán

noun (botanic park)

Let's go for a walk in the garden, which is famous for its collection of rare plants.

公园 gōng yuán

noun (often plural (park)

Kensington Garden is a lovely oasis in the city.

种植 zhòng zhí

intransitive verb (cultivate plants)

She gardens for fun.

土地肥沃的地区 tǔ dì féi wò de dì qū

noun (figurative (fertile area)

The soil in Virginia is so rich, it's a veritable garden.


transitive verb (cultivate flowers)

He gardens only roses.

种植 zhòng zhí

transitive verb (cultivate vegetables) (蔬菜和作物等)

You may garden root crops and lettuce.

后院 hòu yuàn

noun (rear garden)

They sit in the backyard and read all summer.


noun (pub's outdoor area)

植物园 zhí wù yuán

noun (where plants are cultivated)

Orchids are in full bloom now at the botanical garden.

伊甸园 yī diàn yuán

noun (Biblical paradise) (圣经)

Scholars have tried to determine the location of Eden.

花园,庭园 huā yuán

noun (plot for flowers)


noun (tool for turning soil)

Use a garden fork to loosen the soil.


noun (door providing access to a garden)

花园浇水用塑料管 huā yuán jiāo shuǐ yòng sù liào guǎn

noun (for water)

I have to attach the garden hose to the outdoor tap in order to water my garden.


noun (outdoor party)

花园小路 huā yuán xiǎo lù

noun (paved walkway)

He failed to notice the bright flowers as he walked down the cool garden path.


noun (dish: raw vegetables)

I'll have the garden salad with blue cheese dressing.


noun (wooden outhouse)

My husband spends a lot of time in his garden shed.


noun (plant matter)

普通的, 平凡的

adjective (US, figurative (common, unexceptional)


noun (UK: figurative (time off before end of contract)

守护神雕像 shǒu hù shén diāo xiàng

noun (ornamental garden figure) (用作花园内装饰物的)

Jack has a collection of gnomes in his garden.

菜园,菜地 cài yuán

noun (plot for vegetables, herbs)

欺骗 qī piàn

verbal expression (informal, figurative (deceive)

I never suspected he was just leading me down the garden path.

观赏园 guān shǎng yuán

noun (landscaped and cultivated area)

The Moorish ornamental garden at the Alhambra Palace is one of the most-visited sites in Europe.

假山庭园 jiǎ shān tíng yuán

noun (rockery)

These plants are suitable for rock gardens.


noun (garden on flat roof of building)


noun (top storey having a garden)

玫瑰园 méi guī yuán

noun (where roses are grown)

Charles and Lavinia met secretly in the rose garden.

室外茶室 shì wài chá shì

noun (outdoor tearoom)

菜园子 cài yuán zi

noun (allotment)

I'm growing tomatoes and squash in my vegetable garden.


noun (enclosed outdoor area)

动物园 dòng wù yuán

noun (formal (zoo, animal park) (正式用语)

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garden 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。