英语 中的 posting 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 posting 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 posting 的说明。

英语 中的posting 表示委任的工作职位, 帖子 tiě zi, 过账 guò zhàng, 邮件 yóu jiàn, 邮件 yóu jiàn, 邮政系统 yóu zhèng xì tǒng, 工作 gōng zuò, 军事岗哨 jūn shì gāng shào, 军营 jūn yíng, 寄出 jì chū, 张贴 zhāng tiē, 把…发布出来, 职位 zhí wèi, 贸易站 mào yì zhàn, 杆, 球门柱 qiú mén zhù, 帖子 tiě zi, 桩 zhuāng, 后面的,之后的,后 hòu miàn de ,zhī hòu de,hòu, 在...上贴满广告, 公布 gōng bù, 得...分, 在账本上标记为 zài zhàng běn shàng biāo jì wéi, 把…入账 bǎ rù zhàng, 派遣(某人)到(某岗位), 分配(某人)到…工作 fēn pèi mǒu rén dào gōng zuò, 招聘启事。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 posting 的含义


noun (work placement)

Ian is currently on a posting abroad; he's working in Paris for six months.

帖子 tiě zi

noun (internet message) (网上)

Patricia's posting has been read two hundred times.

过账 guò zhàng

noun (account keeping) (会计)

With many sub-ledgers, posting can be a time-consuming process.

邮件 yóu jiàn

noun (UK, uncountable (mail delivery)

The bill is going out in today's post.

邮件 yóu jiàn

noun (UK, uncountable (mail: letters, parcels, etc.)

Can you check today's post for the letter from the bank?

邮政系统 yóu zhèng xì tǒng

noun (UK, uncountable (mail delivery system)

The post is slow in rural areas.

工作 gōng zuò

noun (job, position)

Lee was hired for a post in government.

军事岗哨 jūn shì gāng shào

noun (military station)

The soldiers were sent to a surveillance post near the front lines.

军营 jūn yíng

noun (military camp)

The sergeant is respected on this post.

寄出 jì chū

transitive verb (UK (send by mail)

I posted the letter today.

张贴 zhāng tiē

transitive verb (display on notice board, etc.)

The professor posted the test results in the hallway.


transitive verb (share on internet) (在网上)

She posted her favorite quote on her profile page.

职位 zhí wèi

noun (place where task is carried out)

Last year, Janine helped construct wells at her post in Africa.

贸易站 mào yì zhàn

noun (trading post)

The trappers entered the trading post.

noun (pole)

The car hit a post.

球门柱 qiú mén zhù

noun (goalpost)

The ball bounced off the post.

帖子 tiě zi

noun (forum message)

The third post in the thread had the answer he was looking for.

桩 zhuāng

noun (rod used to repair tooth structure) (用于修复牙齿结构)

The dentist fitted her with a post to keep the crown stable.

后面的,之后的,后 hòu miàn de ,zhī hòu de,hòu

prefix (after, later) (前缀)

On Sundays I enjoy a post-lunch stroll in the park. The country experienced an economic boom in the postwar years.


transitive verb (cover with posters)

The boys posted the fence with concert advertisements.

公布 gōng bù

transitive verb (publish, advertise)

The company posted the job vacancies in the newspaper.


transitive verb (US (score) (体育比赛)

The visiting team posted a goal in the first half.

在账本上标记为 zài zhàng běn shàng biāo jì wéi

transitive verb (mark in a ledger)

The business posted a profit.

把…入账 bǎ rù zhàng

transitive verb (update a ledger)

Post today's numbers in the general ledger.


(often passive (assign [sb] to a station)

The enlisted man was posted to a sniper unit near the town.

分配(某人)到…工作 fēn pèi mǒu rén dào gōng zuò

(assign [sb] to a job)

She was posted from headquarters to a field office.


noun (advertisement for employees)

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posting 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。