英语 中的 present 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 present 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 present 的说明。

英语 中的present 表示礼物 lǐ wù, 现在时态 xiàn zài shí tài, 现在 xiàn zài, 出席的 chū xí de, 出席 chū xí, 现在的 xiàn zài de, 介绍 jiè shào, 介绍, 引见, 赠予 zèng yǔ, 把…授予..., 存在(于头脑中)的,萦绕(于头脑中)的 cún zài yú tóu nǎo zhōng de, 现存的 xiàn cún de, 呈现, 上演, 介绍 jiè shào, 展示 zhǎn shì, 提交 tí jiāo, 提出(指控等) tí chū zhǐ kòng děng, 赠与 zèng yǔ, 送…礼物 sòng lǐ wù, 向…描述, 向…介绍, 为…表演, 目前 mù qián, 目前 mù qián, 圣诞礼物, 永存,常在 yǒng cún, 现在分词 xiàn zài fēn cí, 现在进行时, 当代 dāng dài, 当代的 dāng dài de, 现在分词 xiàn zài fēn cí, 现在完成时 xiàn zài wán chéng shí, 现在完成时态 xiàn zài wán chéng shí tài, 现在进行时, 一般现在时 yì bān xiàn zài shí, 一般现在时,现在时态 yì bān xiàn zài shí,xiàn zài shí tài, 现值 xiàn zhí, 呈现自己 chéng xiàn zì jǐ, 介绍自己 jiè shào zì jǐ, 直到现在 zhí dào xiàn zài。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 present 的含义

礼物 lǐ wù

noun (gift)

The birthday present was just what she wanted.

现在时态 xiàn zài shí tài

noun (grammar: tense) (语法)

This paragraph is in past tense, but that paragraph is all in present.
to be的第一人称单数现在时是"am"。

现在 xiàn zài

noun (current time)

Try to stop worrying about tomorrow and keep your thoughts in the present.

出席的 chū xí de

adjective (in attendance)

The company director thanked all those present for making the conference a success.

出席 chū xí

verbal expression (attend)

It is essential that the entire team be present at this meeting.

现在的 xiàn zài de

noun as adjective (moment, time: current)

At the present moment, we don't need anything.

介绍 jiè shào

transitive verb (person: introduce)

Dad, allow me to present my boss, Mr. Smith.

介绍, 引见

(formal (person: introduce to [sb])

Governor, may I present Mr. Johnson to you?

赠予 zèng yǔ

transitive verb (confer, give)

The previous year's winner presented the award.


(confer, give to)

It gives me great pleasure to present this award to you.

存在(于头脑中)的,萦绕(于头脑中)的 cún zài yú tóu nǎo zhōng de

adjective (in mind)

With the failures of past governors constantly present in his mind, the politician vowed to do better.

现存的 xiàn cún de

(existing now)

Wild buffalo are no longer present in North America.

呈现, 上演

transitive verb (show: stage, put on) (戏剧)

We now present our musical extravaganza!

介绍 jiè shào

transitive verb (plan, idea: introduce) (想法、计划等)

Allow me to present my findings.

展示 zhǎn shì

transitive verb (put on display)

The museum plans to present the new statue as part of an upcoming exhibit.

提交 tí jiāo

transitive verb (invoice) (发票等)

The vendor presents his invoice weekly.

提出(指控等) tí chū zhǐ kòng děng

transitive verb (law: charges) (法律)

The district attorney presented charges of assault.

赠与 zèng yǔ

transitive verb (give)

For his years of service, they presented him with a gold watch.

送…礼物 sòng lǐ wù

(give as a gift)

They presented a bouquet of flowers to the winner.

向…描述, 向…介绍

(plan, idea: introduce) (计划、想法等)

He presented his plan to increase sales to his co-workers.


(perform for [sb])

We are proud to present the play "Hamlet" to you tonight.

目前 mù qián

adverb (currently)

At present, there are six students enrolled in the phonetics course.

目前 mù qián

adverb (now, currently)

At the present time, there are many migrating birds here.


noun (festive gift)

The family spent Christmas Eve wrapping their Christmas presents.

永存,常在 yǒng cún

adjective (always existing)

现在分词 xiàn zài fēn cí

noun (written, abbreviation (present participle)


noun (grammar: current progressive tense) (语法现象)

"I am writing a sentence" is an example of the present continuous tense.

当代 dāng dài

noun (modern age)

The historian was only interested in the past and not at all in tune with the present day.

当代的 dāng dài de

noun as adjective (of, in the modern age)

Present-day medicine uses a lot of sophisticated equipment.

现在分词 xiàn zài fēn cí

noun (grammar: -ing form of a verb)

The present participle of "run" is "running."

现在完成时 xiàn zài wán chéng shí

noun (tense: have been doing, etc.) (语法现象)

The present perfect is used for situations that began in the past and have continued until the present.

现在完成时态 xiàn zài wán chéng shí tài

noun (grammar: have been, etc.) (语法结构为:have + 过去分词)

In this exercise, students have to decide whether to use the present perfect tense or the past simple tense.


(linguistics) (语言学)

一般现在时 yì bān xiàn zài shí

noun (grammar: indicative tense)

The present simple is one of the first tenses which students are taught when they are learning English.

一般现在时,现在时态 yì bān xiàn zài shí,xiàn zài shí tài

noun (grammar) (语法)

In this lesson, the students learn how to use the present tense.

现值 xiàn zhí

noun (current monetary worth)

The present value of many homes has dropped considerably during the housing bust.

呈现自己 chéng xiàn zì jǐ

verbal expression (give an appearance or impression)

Graham likes to present himself as a highly educated person.

介绍自己 jiè shào zì jǐ

verbal expression (introduce yourself)

Make sure that you present yourself with confidence.

直到现在 zhí dào xiàn zài

adverb (until now)

I've worked for six weeks but haven't been paid up to the present.

让我们学习 英语

现在您对 英语 中的 present 的含义有了更多的了解,您可以通过选定的示例了解如何使用它们以及如何阅读它们。并记住学习我们建议的相关单词。我们的网站会不断更新新单词和新示例,因此您可以在 英语 中查找您不知道的其他单词的含义。

present 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。