英语 中的 pressure 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 pressure 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 pressure 的说明。

英语 中的pressure 表示压力 yā lì, 压力 yā lì, 压力 yā lì, 压力 yā lì, 繁重, 气压 qì yā, 迫使某人做某事, 强迫某人做某事 qiáng pò mǒu rén zuò mǒu shì, 迫使 pò shǐ, 迫使…进入, 气压 qì yā, 气压 qì yā, 压,用力按 yòng lì àn, 按压..., 施加压力 shī jiā yā lì, 施压, 低压区 dī yā qū, 大气压力 dà qì yā lì, 回压 huí yā, 气压 qì yā, 褥疮 rù chuāng, 血压 xuè yā, 血压袖带, 过度暴力, 强迫, 强制, 高血压 gāo xiě yā / gāo xuè yā, 高压力 gāo yā lì, 高气压 gāo qì yā, 压力大的 yā lì dà de, 低血压 dī xiě yā / dī xuè yā, 别有压力, 来自同龄人的压力 lái zì tóng líng rén de yā lì, 压力锅, 高压锅, 高压的环境, 压力重重的处境, 压力测量器 yā lì cè liáng qì, 压力集团 yā lì jí tuán, 压力指示计 yā lì zhǐ shì jì, (身体的)加压止血点,压痛点,血压点 shēn tǐ de jiā yā zhǐ xiě diǎn / shēn tǐ de jiā yā zhǐ xuè diǎn,yā tòng diǎn,xiě yā diǎn / xuè yā diǎn, 危机地点,危急场面,紧急边缘, 压力调节器 yā lì tiáo jié qì, 压力控制阀 yā lì kòng zhì fá, 情感宣泄的出口,减压阀 qíng gǎn xuān xiè de chū kǒu,jiǎn yā fá, 高压烹调, 向…施加压力 xiàng shī jiā yā lì, 对...施加压力, 强迫, 迫使, 逼迫, 卸去…身上的压力 xiè qù shēn shàng de yā lì, 减轻…压力,缓解…拥堵, 高压脊 gāo yā jǐ, 社会压力 shè huì yā lì, 时间压力, 胎压, 在压力之下 zài yā lì zhī xià。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 pressure 的含义

压力 yā lì

noun (force applied)

The pressure of the rubble from the fallen building was too great for Alf to push it off.

压力 yā lì

noun (force: of water, air, etc.)

The house had very low water pressure, making showering difficult.

压力 yā lì

noun (figurative (influence)

The Senator used pressure to influence his peers.

压力 yā lì

noun (figurative (mental stress)

Wes is under a lot of pressure.


plural noun (stresses: obligations, etc.)

The pressures of work and home were getting to her, so she decided to take a vacation.

气压 qì yā

noun (weather) (天气)

There is an area of high pressure over the state.


verbal expression (figurative (coerce)

The older kids pressured Ben into stealing some candy.

强迫某人做某事 qiáng pò mǒu rén zuò mǒu shì

verbal expression (figurative (coerce)

The salesman pressured his customer to buy.

迫使 pò shǐ

transitive verb (figurative (coerce)

I'll tell you when I'm ready; don't pressure me!


(figurative (coerce)

She was pressured into marriage when she was too young.

气压 qì yā

noun (atmospheric force)

Masses of high and low air pressure create the weather on Earth.

气压 qì yā

noun (degree of atmospheric force) (空气压力的衡量单位)

The current temperature is -1, and the air pressure is 1016 millibars.

压,用力按 yòng lì àn

(press firmly)

If you get a nosebleed, you should pinch your nose and apply pressure.


(press firmly on [sth])

Applying pressure to the cut will stop the bleeding.

施加压力 shī jiā yā lì

(figurative (try to persuade)

What the army calls "applying pressure to prisoners" other people might call "torture".


(figurative (try to persuade)

MPs are applying pressure on the government to spend more money on education.

低压区 dī yā qū

noun (meteorology)

A stationary area of low pressure over the Great Lakes has brought us a week of rain and fog.

大气压力 dà qì yā lì

noun (air pressure)

I have trouble breathing when the atmospheric pressure drops.

回压 huí yā

noun (force going against flow)

An obstruction in the water pipe was causing back pressure.

气压 qì yā

noun (atmospheric force)

Hurricanes have low barometric pressure.

褥疮 rù chuāng

noun (bedridden person's pressure sore) (疾病)

The nurses turned the patient daily to prevent him getting bed sores.

血压 xuè yā

noun (on vessels)

The doctor told me that my blood pressure was rather high.


noun (medical device)

The nurse placed a blood pressure cuff around my arm.


noun (physical force)

The police were accused of using excessive pressure to break up the demonstration.

强迫, 强制

noun (coercion)

Many employees feel under excessive pressure to work extra hours.

高血压 gāo xiě yā / gāo xuè yā

noun (medicine: hypertension) (医学)

Exercise and diet are the best way to control high blood pressure.

高压力 gāo yā lì

noun (intense or stressful situation)

She has been working under high pressure to pass her exams.

高气压 gāo qì yā

noun (oppressive weather conditions) (天气)

An area of high pressure is building over the Atlantic.

压力大的 yā lì dà de

noun as adjective (stressful)

She has a high-pressure job.

低血压 dī xiě yā / dī xuè yā

noun (hypotension)

Low blood pressure can make you feel dizzy.


interjection (informal, ironic (indicating urgency)

If you answer the next question correctly, you will win the £1000 prize; no pressure!

来自同龄人的压力 lái zì tóng líng rén de yā lì

noun (feeling of needing to conform)

Teenagers find it hard to resist peer pressure.

压力锅, 高压锅

noun (cooking device)

I prefer to cook my rice in a pressure cooker.

高压的环境, 压力重重的处境

noun (figurative (pressurized situation)

The board meeting was a real pressure cooker – I thought the chairman was going to explode!

压力测量器 yā lì cè liáng qì

noun (instrument: measures pressure)

Check the pressure gauge to make sure the tires are full.

压力集团 yā lì jí tuán

noun (organization that campaigns or lobbies)

Conservative pressure groups are intent on hindering the president's agenda.

压力指示计 yā lì zhǐ shì jì

noun (instrument that indicates pressure)

The pressure indicator shows the current pressure level inside the cooker.

(身体的)加压止血点,压痛点,血压点 shēn tǐ de jiā yā zhǐ xiě diǎn / shēn tǐ de jiā yā zhǐ xuè diǎn,yā tòng diǎn,xiě yā diǎn / xuè yā diǎn

noun (anatomy: pulse point) (解剖学)

The human body has many highly sensitive pressure points.


noun (figurative (situation likely to cause trouble) (比喻)

The disputed territories remain a pressure point between the two countries.

压力调节器 yā lì tiáo jié qì

noun (instrument: stable pressure)

The pressure regulator controls the pressure inside the pressure cooker.

压力控制阀 yā lì kòng zhì fá

noun (device: controls pressure)

The plumber replaced the pressure valve on the water heater.

情感宣泄的出口,减压阀 qíng gǎn xuān xiè de chū kǒu,jiǎn yā fá

noun (figurative (for emotional release) (比喻)

Boxing is often used as a pressure valve for juvenile delinquents.


transitive verb (method of cooking food)

Pressure-cook the potatoes for about 7 minutes.

向…施加压力 xiàng shī jiā yā lì

transitive verb (apply force to)

Put pressure on the cut to stop the bleeding.

对...施加压力, 强迫, 迫使, 逼迫

transitive verb (figurative (compel, coerce)

The mayor put pressure on the police to drop the case.

卸去…身上的压力 xiè qù shēn shàng de yā lì

verbal expression (unburden)

The company is hiring extra workers to relieve the pressure on their existing staff.


verbal expression (decongest) (交通)

The expansion of the rail network will relieve the pressure on the roads.

高压脊 gāo yā jǐ

noun (weather forecast: elongated area of high atmospheric pressure) (天气预报)

A ridge of high pressure is lying over the country, so it should be fine for the next few days.

社会压力 shè huì yā lì

noun (others' expectations)

Some communities place a great deal of social pressure on women to get married.


noun (stress of an imminent deadline)

Students perform do not perform well when they feel stressed because of time pressure.


noun (air pressure inside tire)

在压力之下 zài yā lì zhī xià

adverb (subjected to coercion)

He was under pressure to make a decision so he finally said "yes.".

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。