英语 中的 ringing 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 ringing 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 ringing 的说明。

英语 中的ringing 表示清脆的,响亮的 qīng cuì de ,xiǎng liàng de, 铃声 líng shēng, 振铃声的 zhèn líng shēng de, 鸣响 míng xiǎng, 戒指, 指环, 圆圈 yuán quān, 钟声,铃声,门铃 zhōng shēng ,líng shēng ,mén líng, 环形 huán xíng, 打电话 dǎ diàn huà, 敲响 qiāo xiǎng, 响,发出响声 xiǎng,fā chū xiǎng shēng, 鸣响 míng xiǎng, (人或物形成的)环形 rén huò wù xíng chéng de huán xíng, 集团 jí tuán, 拳击场地 quán jī chǎng dì, 环形场地 huán xíng chǎng dì, 年轮 nián lún, 电磁炉灶的环形区域, (天体周围的)环状物 tiān tǐ zhōu wéi de huán zhuàng wù, 打铃 dǎ líng, 电话 diàn huà, 铃声 líng shēng, 吊环 diào huán, 吊环项目,吊环运动 diào huán xiàng mù, 摇铃召唤 yáo líng zhào huàn, 嗡嗡作响 wēng wēng zuò xiǎng, 听起来 tīng qǐ lái, 充满, 环绕, 响彻, 充满响声, 在...戴上环, 给...套上脚环, 在…周围画圆圈 zài zhōu wéi huà yuán quān, 包围 bāo wéi, 把…切成圈 bǎ qiē chéng quān, 把…缠绕起来 bǎ chán rào qǐ lái, (电话的)振铃声 diàn huà de zhèn líng shēng, 清脆响亮的声音 qīng cuì xiǎng liàng de shēng yīn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 ringing 的含义

清脆的,响亮的 qīng cuì de ,xiǎng liàng de

adjective (bell, etc: pealing sound) (铃声等)

The ringing bell could be heard throughout the whole town.

铃声 líng shēng

noun (act of ringing bells)

The ringing of church bells wakes me up every morning.

振铃声的 zhèn líng shēng de

adjective (phone: sounding)

Can someone silence that ringing phone?

鸣响 míng xiǎng

noun (buzzing in the ears) (耳朵里嗡嗡响)

After the loud concert, Maria had a ringing in her ears.

戒指, 指环

noun (jewelry worn on finger) (首饰)

Yvonne made a beautiful silver ring. The couple exchanged rings.

圆圈 yuán quān

noun (circular band)

There was a ring of metal around the bird's leg.

钟声,铃声,门铃 zhōng shēng ,líng shēng ,mén líng

noun (sound of a bell) (声音)

The ring of the bell woke me up.

环形 huán xíng

noun (circular shape)

A ring of vines encircled the tree. A ring of coffee stained the tablecloth.

打电话 dǎ diàn huà

transitive verb (UK (phone)

Edward rang all of his friends.

敲响 qiāo xiǎng

transitive verb (sound: a bell)

The monk rang the bell.

响,发出响声 xiǎng,fā chū xiǎng shēng

intransitive verb (telephone: sound) (电话)

The phone rang twice.

鸣响 míng xiǎng

intransitive verb (sound like a bell)

When hit with a spoon, the brass candlestick will ring.

(人或物形成的)环形 rén huò wù xíng chéng de huán xíng

noun (circle: people, objects, etc.)

The dancers formed a ring.

集团 jí tuán

noun (network of people, cartel)

The police broke up a drug ring.

拳击场地 quán jī chǎng dì

noun (boxing)

The boxer stepped into the ring.

环形场地 huán xíng chǎng dì

noun (arena for circus, etc.) (如马戏场、竞技场等)

This circus has three rings.

年轮 nián lún

noun (tree: growth circle) (树)

Old trees have many rings.


noun (cooking hob)

Place the saucepan on the ring and heat gently for five minutes.

(天体周围的)环状物 tiān tǐ zhōu wéi de huán zhuàng wù

noun (matter: orbits a planet)

Saturn has the most rings.

打铃 dǎ líng

noun (act of ringing)

The class starts at the ring of the bell.

电话 diàn huà

noun (telephone call)

Just a quick ring to let you know I got home safely.

铃声 líng shēng

noun (tone, note) (电话)

The telephone's ring is loud.

吊环 diào huán

plural noun (gymnastic apparatus) (体操)

The gymnast held onto the rings.

吊环项目,吊环运动 diào huán xiàng mù

plural noun (gymnastic event) (体操)

Kurt is the best at the rings.

摇铃召唤 yáo líng zhào huàn

intransitive verb (summon by ringing a bell)

The queen rang for her servant.

嗡嗡作响 wēng wēng zuò xiǎng

intransitive verb (ears) (耳朵)

My ears are ringing.

听起来 tīng qǐ lái

intransitive verb (figurative (sound a particular way)

His words rang true.

充满, 环绕, 响彻, 充满响声

(be filled with sound) (声音)

The church rang with the sound of music.


transitive verb (fit a ring to: nose of livestock) (牲畜的鼻子上)

The farmer ringed his cattle so that they could be led.


transitive verb (fit a tag to: a bird) (小鸟)

The birds were ringed so that they could be identified later.

在…周围画圆圈 zài zhōu wéi huà yuán quān

transitive verb (draw a circle around)

Ring the answer that you think is correct.

包围 bāo wéi

transitive verb (surround)

The police ringed the gang.

把…切成圈 bǎ qiē chéng quān

transitive verb (US (cut into rings)

Ring the onion and add to the salad.

把…缠绕起来 bǎ chán rào qǐ lái

(encircle with [sth])

She ringed the door handle with some Christmas tinsel.

(电话的)振铃声 diàn huà de zhèn líng shēng

noun (phone: sound indicating connection is made)

I got a ringing tone, so the phone wasn't out of order.

清脆响亮的声音 qīng cuì xiǎng liàng de shēng yīn

noun (voice: resonant, loud)

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ringing 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。