英语 中的 road 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 road 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 road 的说明。

英语 中的road 表示高速公路,公路 gāo sù gōng lù,gōng lù, 街道 jiē dào, 路 lù, 小路 xiǎo lù, (两地之间的)道 liǎng dì zhī jiān de dào, 途径,路,大道 tú jìng,lù,dà dào, 主干道 zhǔ gàn dào, 匝道, 辅路 fǔ lù, 主干道 zhǔ gàn dào, 乡间小道 xiāng jiān xiǎo dào, 小路 xiǎo lù, 土路 tǔ lù, 将来,今后 jiāng lái,jīn hòu, 马路那头 mǎ lù nà tóu, 岔路 chà lù, 分岔路口, 碎石子路 suì shí zi lù, 高姿态, 公路 gōng lù, 道德制高点, 十拿九稳的途径 shí ná jiǔ wěn de tú jìng, 上路,离开某地开始旅程 shàng lù,lí kāi mǒu dì kāi shǐ lǚ chéng, 主路 zhǔ lù, 铺路用的碎石, 中庸的,平庸的 zhōng yōng de,píng yōng de, 中间路线的,中间立场的 zhōng jiān lù xiàn de,zhōng jiān lì chǎng de, 路中央 lù zhōng yāng, 此路不通, 山地的 shān dì de, 越野的, 在旅行 zài lǚ xíng, 在巡回(演出)中 zài xún huí yǎn chū zhōng, 在路上 zài lù shàng, 去往… qù wǎng, 临行前最后一次, 用砖石铺的路 yòng zhuān shí pū de lù, 环行路 huán xíng lù, 通道,通路 tōng dào,tōng lù, 车祸 chē huò, 道路封闭, 横冲直撞的司机(骑车者) héng chōng zhí zhuàng de sī jī ( qí chē zhě ), 减速丘,减速带, 行路图 xíng lù tú, 行动计划 xíng dòng jì huà, 公路电影, 公路泄愤行为 gōng lù xiè fèn xíng wéi, 道路安全, 路肩 lù jiān, 路演, 做…的路演, 交通标志 jiāo tōng biāo zhì, 道路试验, 公路旅行 gōng lù lǚ xíng, 道路使用者, 道路工人, 路上被撞死动物的尸体 lù shàng bèi zhuàng sǐ dòng wù de shī tǐ, 受人厌烦的人, 二级公路 èr jí gōng lù, 辅道, 旁路 páng lù, 岔道 chà dào, 收费公路 shōu fèi gōng lù, 蜿蜒的路,弯弯曲曲的路,曲折的路。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 road 的含义

高速公路,公路 gāo sù gōng lù,gōng lù

noun (traffic route)

We drove along winding country roads to reach the village. That road is Highway Nineteen to Albany.

街道 jiē dào

noun (street)

The post office is three blocks down this road.

路 lù

noun (route)

Do not take the wrong road or you will get lost.

小路 xiǎo lù

noun (path)

You will see roses a little way down the road.

(两地之间的)道 liǎng dì zhī jiān de dào

noun (way)

Which road should I take to get to Athens?

途径,路,大道 tú jìng,lù,dà dào

noun (figurative (way) (比喻)

She is on the road to happiness.

主干道 zhǔ gàn dào

noun (main traffic route)

A motorist was caught doing almost double the 70-mph limit on an A road in Worcestershire.


noun (US (slip road on a motorway) (高速公路)

The access road to the highway is actually a very long on-ramp.

辅路 fǔ lù

noun (UK (special, express route) (与快速路平行)

A vehicle has broken down on the access road, causing long traffic delays.

主干道 zhǔ gàn dào

noun (main road or route)

The arterial roads into the city often get blocked up with traffic in the rush hour.

乡间小道 xiāng jiān xiǎo dào

noun (not a main route)

They got lost somewhere in the back roads of Devon.

小路 xiǎo lù

noun (countryside: side road)

土路 tǔ lù

noun (unmade road, track)

Main Street is paved but all the other streets are just dirt roads.

将来,今后 jiāng lái,jīn hòu

adverb (figurative, informal (in the future)

We're planning to have kids somewhere down the road, maybe in five years or so.

马路那头 mǎ lù nà tóu

adverb (further along the street)

This is number 17 Main Street; number 25's down the road in that direction.

岔路 chà lù

noun (path that splits into 2 directions)

Take a left when you come to the fork in the road.


noun (figurative (decision point) (决策)

Ryan had reached a fork in the road; should he get a job or go to university?

碎石子路 suì shí zi lù

noun (path of small stones)

This gravel road is only wide enough for one car.


noun (figurative (morally superior approach)

公路 gōng lù

noun (UK (highway, main road)


noun (figurative (most ethical position or method)

十拿九稳的途径 shí ná jiǔ wěn de tú jìng

noun (figurative (sure way)

上路,离开某地开始旅程 shàng lù,lí kāi mǒu dì kāi shǐ lǚ chéng

verbal expression (slang, figurative (leave, start a journey) (俚语,比喻)

We rose early and hit the road before 7.00 am.

主路 zhǔ lù

noun (principal street)

Learner drivers usually practise on side streets before going on to the main roads.


noun (material for making, mending roads)

The construction worker poured metal into the pot hole.

中庸的,平庸的 zhōng yōng de,píng yōng de

adjective (informal, figurative (average, mediocre)

The band abandoned their experimental tendencies for a middle-of-the-road sound in an effort to sell more records.

中间路线的,中间立场的 zhōng jiān lù xiàn de,zhōng jiān lì chǎng de

adjective (informal, figurative (politics: not extreme) (政治)

His politics then were very middle of the road; they became radical later.

路中央 lù zhōng yāng

noun (centre of a street)

The child froze in the middle of the road as the car sped towards him.


noun (cul-de-sac)

山地的 shān dì de

adverb (on unmade terrain)

Four wheel drive cars are designed to be driven off road.


adjective (vehicle: for rough terrain)

An African Safari requires a sturdy off-road vehicle.

在旅行 zài lǚ xíng

adverb (travelling)

We will be on the road for days when we drive from New York to Los Angeles.

在巡回(演出)中 zài xún huí yǎn chū zhōng

adverb (on tour)

She spends several months of the year on the road, touring with her band.

在路上 zài lù shàng

adverb (on the way, on a path: to [sth])

Eating less and exercising more has me on the road to losing weight.

去往… qù wǎng

preposition (heading for, destined for)

Are we on the road to Rome?


expression (final [sth] before leaving a place)

用砖石铺的路 yòng zhuān shí pū de lù

noun (path of slabs or stones)

After 3 kilometres, the paved road became a gravel one, which made cycling difficult.

环行路 huán xíng lù

noun (UK (motorway around a city)

We used the ring road to avoid the traffic in the city centre.

通道,通路 tōng dào,tōng lù

noun (entry to a traffic route)

Road access to the airport is closed due to flooding.

车祸 chē huò

noun (law: traffic collision) (法律)

Khalid was injured in a road accident.


expression (sign: road)

The workmen put up a 'Road Closed' sign.

横冲直撞的司机(骑车者) héng chōng zhí zhuàng de sī jī ( qí chē zhě )

noun (figurative (driver: does not stay in lane)

I wish this truck would move into the proper lane - he's such a road hog.


noun (speed bump that slows traffic)

There are a lot of road humps along this street.

行路图 xíng lù tú

noun (route plan for drivers)

Sarah was looking at the road map, trying to decide on the best route to Oxford.

行动计划 xíng dòng jì huà

noun (figurative (plan)

The President explained his road map for the future of the economy.


noun (film about a journey)

Easy Rider is a well-known example of a road movie.

公路泄愤行为 gōng lù xiè fèn xíng wéi

noun (informal (aggression while driving) (非正式用语)

Most of us have experienced road rage at one time or another.


noun (prevention of traffic accidents)

Children are taught about road safety at school.

路肩 lù jiān

noun (area at the side of a motorway)

The truck banged into the SUV on the road shoulder.


noun (touring performance or display)

The road show will be touring the entire country at 15 venues.


transitive verb (US (put on as touring performance)

The producer decided to road-show the play.

交通标志 jiāo tōng biāo zhì

noun (traffic notice)

Didn't you see the road sign? - it said 'Cattle Crossing Ahead'.


noun (US (test of vehicle in use) (为检测车辆安全性等的)

The article reports results from the road tests of three new cars.

公路旅行 gōng lù lǚ xíng

noun (journey in a car, bus, etc.)

We're planning a road trip to Perth this weekend.


noun ([sb] who uses roads)


noun (person employed to do roadworks)

路上被撞死动物的尸体 lù shàng bèi zhuàng sǐ dòng wù de shī tǐ

noun (uncountable (animal killed by traffic)

Yuck, there's some roadkill over there. I can't believe how much roadkill we've seen on this journey.


noun (figurative (someone unwanted)

二级公路 èr jí gōng lù

noun (arterial road)

The road south was a secondary road, and in very bad condition.


noun (road alongside expressway)

旁路 páng lù

noun (small street)

Phil parked the car on a side road.

岔道 chà dào

noun (UK (ramp: to enter or exit a highway) (高速公路)

收费公路 shōu fèi gōng lù

noun (highway for which a fee is charged)

There are a lot of toll roads around Orlando airport.


noun (route or highway with many turns)

There is a winding road that leads to the top of the hill.

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road 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。