英语 中的 s 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 s 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 s 的说明。

英语 中的s 表示[字母表中的第19个字母] [ zì mǔ biǎo zhōng de dì shí jiǔ gè zì mǔ ], 小号 xiǎo hào, [南方的缩略形式], 吸引…的注意力 xī yǐn de zhù yì lì, 引起…的注意 yǐn qǐ … de zhù yì, 近在咫尺 jìn zài zhǐ chǐ, 掷石可及的距离, 在…附近 zài … fù jìn, 离…一箭之遥, 喉结 hóu jié, 阿狄孙氏病 ā dí sūn shì bìng, 日常工作 rì cháng gōng zuò, 结果好 jié guǒ hǎo, 阿兹海默症,老年痴呆症, 某人的掌上明珠, 愚人节 yú rén jié, 愚人节的, 愚人节 yú rén jié, 有距离的, 艺术家工作室 yì shù jiā gōng zuò shì, 尽快 jǐn kuài, 大专文凭 dà zhuān wén píng, 保持一定距离 bǎo chí yí dìng jù lí, 手臂够得到地,一臂之长 shǒu bei gòu de dào de,yí bì zhī cháng, 生命垂危 shēng mìng chuí wēi, 唇枪舌剑 chún qiāng shé jiàn, 由...出钱, 让...付出代价, 臣服于某人脚下, 在某人脚边, 在某人身旁,在某人身边, 和某人站在一起,站在某人一边, 受...的吩咐, 在…的敦促下, 任凭...决定, 以损伤...为代价,以伤害...为代价, 因为,由于 yīn wèi ,yóu yú, 受...支配, 茫然不知所措, 束手无策,无计可施 shù shǒu wú cè, 随叫随到 suí jiào suí dào, 唾手可得的,手边的 tuò shǒu kě dé de,shǒu biān de, 足癣 zú xuǎn, 美国童子军, 转让或抵押契约,卖契, 理学学士学位, 理学学士 lǐ xué xué shì, 男子婚前告别单身聚会, 学士学位 xué shì xué wèi, 主心骨, 面包店 miàn bāo diàn, 十三 shí sān, 发面酵母,面包酵母, 面包店 miàn bāo diàn, 银行汇票 yín háng huì piào, 可调座椅, 理发店 lǐ fà diàn, 男声四重唱, 掌控 zhǎng kòng, 站在...的角度思考, 做某人的耳目, 让…得益, 争先恐后地登门拜访, 出类拔萃的人 chū lèi bá cuì de rén, 新手的好运 xīn shǒu de hǎo yùn, 代表… dài biǎo, 在…背后, 贝尔面瘫,面部神经麻痹, 鸟巢 niǎo cháo, 鸟瞰 niǎo kàn, 全景 quán jǐng, 对..发火, 捉迷藏, 揭露...的身份, 让…震惊, 让…无法思考, 三明治 sān míng zhì, 帆缆军士长 fān lǎn jūn shì zhǎng, 内部,深处 nèi bù,shēn chù, 减弱落势, 伤某人的心, 和...分手, 啤酒酵母 pí jiǔ jiào mǔ, 使...注意, 理科学士 lǐ kē xué shì, 理科学士持有人, 靶心 bǎ xīn, 目标 mù biāo, 大头鱼 dà tóu yú, 肉商 ròu shāng, 买方市场 mǎi fāng shì chǎng, 险些 xiǎn xiē, 虚张声势 xū zhāng shēng shì, 特点,特征 tè diǎn,tè zhēng, 骆驼毛 jià tuó máo, 骆驼毛布料 jià tuó máo bù liào, 骆驼毛制成的 jià tuó máo zhì chéng de, 银行本票 yín háng běn piào, 猫爪 māo zhuǎ / māo zhǎo, 爪牙,傀儡,被人利用的人 zhǎo yá / zhuǎ yá,kuǐ lěi,bèi rén lì yòng de rén, 懂某人的意思, 引人注目 yǐn rén zhù mù, 据...所知。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 s 的含义

[字母表中的第19个字母] [ zì mǔ biǎo zhōng de dì shí jiǔ gè zì mǔ ]

noun (19th letter of alphabet)

Is there one S or two in “desiccate”?

小号 xiǎo hào

adjective (abbreviation (clothing size: small) (衣服)

The shirt comes in S, M, L, and XL.


noun (written, abbreviation (south)

The instructions say to start by identifying which way is S.

吸引…的注意力 xī yǐn de zhù yì lì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (attract notice)

引起…的注意 yǐn qǐ … de zhù yì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (be noticed)

近在咫尺 jìn zài zhǐ chǐ

expression (figurative (very close)

The house that I bought was a hair's breadth away from the sea.


noun (figurative, informal (short distance)

The distance from our house to hers is a stone's throw.

在…附近 zài … fù jìn

expression (figurative, informal (nearby)

We can easily walk to Martha's house; she lives a stone's throw away.


expression (figurative, informal (near)

The shop is just a stone's throw from my house.

喉结 hóu jié

noun (prominent part of man's throat)

A man's Adam's apple sticks out from his throat.

阿狄孙氏病 ā dí sūn shì bìng

noun (glandular disorder)

John F. Kennedy reportedly suffered from Addison's disease.

日常工作 rì cháng gōng zuò

expression (informal, figurative (routine activity)

There's no need to thank me - it's all in a day's work for me.

结果好 jié guǒ hǎo

expression (everything is resolved happily)


noun (progressive brain disease)


noun (beloved person)

Jenny loved all her children, but her eldest child was the apple of her eye.

愚人节 yú rén jié

noun (abbreviation, informal (April Fools' Day)


noun as adjective (joke, prank: played on 1st April) (玩笑、恶搞)

愚人节 yú rén jié

noun (1st April)

On April Fools' Day, it's traditional to play practical jokes on people before midday.


noun as adjective (figurative (not intimate)

艺术家工作室 yì shù jiā gōng zuò shì

noun (workshop of an artist)

One half of the barn has been converted into an artist's studio. That potter whose work you loved finally opened his art studio to the public.

尽快 jǐn kuài

adverb (acronym (as soon as possible)

Please send your reply to the following address ASAP.

大专文凭 dà zhuān wén píng

noun (US (2-year qualification)

For an associate degree, it's not unusual for students to study part time.

保持一定距离 bǎo chí yí dìng jù lí

adverb (figurative (at safe distance)

He has lied to me before, so I keep him at arm's length now.

手臂够得到地,一臂之长 shǒu bei gòu de dào de,yí bì zhī cháng

adverb (literal (at end of your arm)

The wild deer stood at arm's length from us.

生命垂危 shēng mìng chuí wēi

adverb (figurative (very ill, about to die)

唇枪舌剑 chún qiāng shé jiàn

expression (figurative, informal (arguing)

The couple are constantly at each other's throats, always arguing about something or other.


adverb (paid for by [sb] else)

Faculty can attend the conference at the university's expense.


adverb (figurative (causing [sb] discomfort)

John made a joke at Lina's expense, causing everyone to laugh except Lina, who frowned in dismay.


adverb (figurative (worshipping)

Michael had all of the audience at his feet when he sang his latest hit song.


adverb (in front of feet)

The pencil was lying at his feet, just where he had dropped it.


adverb (beside) (本义)

I will sit at your side during the banquet.


adverb (figurative (supporting, comforting) (比喻,表示支持)

Fortunately, your husband will always be at your side because he loves you.


expression (literary (as ordered by)


expression (literary (as strongly requested by)

The accused man was deported to the UK at the behest of the British government.


adverb (according to [sb]'s judgement)


preposition (figurative (to detriment of [sb]) (人)

因为,由于 yīn wèi ,yóu yú

preposition (because of) (指由于某人行为)


preposition (dependent)


adjective (upset, frustrated)

Kathy was at her wit's end with worry when her son failed to come home from school.

束手无策,无计可施 shù shǒu wú cè

adjective (unable to find a solution)

Having spent three hours unsuccessfully trying to fix the photocopier, Dave was at his wit's end.

随叫随到 suí jiào suí dào

expression (available to serve you at any time)

I will be at your beck and call.

唾手可得的,手边的 tuò shǒu kě dé de,shǒu biān de

expression (figurative (easily available) (比喻)

You should have everything you need at your fingertips before you start your work.

足癣 zú xuǎn

noun (fungal infection)

I wear sandals in the shower at the gym so I won't pick up athlete's foot.


noun (initialism (Boy Scouts of America)

The vision of the B.S.A. is to prepare every eligible youth in America to become a responsible, participating citizen.


noun (written, initialism (bill of sale)


noun (graduate degree)

Richard has a Bachelor of Science from Lancaster University.

理学学士 lǐ xué xué shì

noun (holder of science degree)

Kate is a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry.


noun (party for a husband-to-be)

Bachelor parties tend to be wild and crazy. // We're going to a nightclub for Simon's stag do.

学士学位 xué shì xué wèi

noun (undergraduate qualification)

Most well-paying jobs today require at least a bachelor's degree.


noun (figurative ([sth/sb] that supports)

Jerry is the backbone of this office; it would never succeed without him.

面包店 miàn bāo diàn

noun (informal (baker's shop)

I asked George to stop by the baker and pick up a loaf of bread.

十三 shí sān

noun (food: thirteen)

The bakery sells its fresh doughnuts by the baker's dozen.


noun (leavening agent used in baking)

Baker's yeast is used to leaven bread.

面包店 miàn bāo diàn

noun (store that sells bread, cakes)

The bakery on Main Street sells delicious rye bread.

银行汇票 yín háng huì piào

noun (pay order, banker's cheque)


noun (seat at male hairdresser's) (美容美发店用的)

In order to get my hair cut, the man asked me to sit on the barber's chair.

理发店 lǐ fà diàn

noun (men's hairdressing salon) (男士用)

A spinning red, white, and blue pole denotes a barbershop.


noun (singing group: four men's voices)

Martin sings bass in a barbershop quartet.

掌控 zhǎng kòng

verbal expression (figurative (have control)

If he thinks he can lead the team better, let him have the driver's seat.


verbal expression (figurative (be in another person's situation)


verbal expression (figurative (gather information) (比喻义)


verbal expression (benefit [sb])

I know you're not a natural linguist, but learning French would be to your advantage, given that we live in France.


verbal expression (figurative (be keen to meet with [sb])

If you have a good idea, investors will beat a path to your door.

出类拔萃的人 chū lèi bá cuì de rén

noun (figurative, informal (superb person, thing)

新手的好运 xīn shǒu de hǎo yùn

noun (success despite inexperience)

Joe attributed his success to beginner's luck.

代表… dài biǎo

preposition (in place of [sb])

I'm phoning on behalf of my daughter, who has lost her voice. The millionaire sent somebody to bid on the painting on his behalf.


expression (figurative, informal (without [sb]'s knowledge)

She often told lies about him behind his back.


noun (facial paralysis)

鸟巢 niǎo cháo

noun (structure built by a bird)

There is a bird's nest built in the tree outside my house.

鸟瞰 niǎo kàn

noun (view from above)

I got a bird's-eye view of the Atlantic as my plane flew over it.

全景 quán jǐng

noun (figurative (overall view)


verbal expression (figurative, informal (respond angrily, impatiently)


noun (blindfolded tag game)


verbal expression (reveal [sb]'s true identity)


verbal expression (slang (astound [sb])

When I heard about the revolutionary new cancer treatment, it blew my mind. Wait until you see the final scene of the movie--it's going to blow your mind!


verbal expression (slang (drugs: disorient, overwhelm [sb]) (药物)

三明治 sān míng zhì

noun (informal, initialism (sandwich: bacon, lettuce and tomato) (培根、生菜、番茄组成)

帆缆军士长 fān lǎn jūn shì zhǎng

noun (ship's officer)

内部,深处 nèi bù,shēn chù

plural noun (figurative (innermost part: of building, etc.) (建筑等)

The crew labored in the bowels of the building to repair the plumbing leak.


verbal expression (lessen impact)

Fortunately, the pillow broke the boy's fall, and he wasn't injured.


verbal expression (figurative (make [sb] sad)

It breaks my heart to hear you are quitting.


verbal expression (figurative (end relationship)

That boy will only break your heart.

啤酒酵母 pí jiǔ jiào mǔ

noun (yeast used to ferment beer)

Mixing brewer's yeast in sugar water will create CO² that attracts and drowns mosquitoes.


verbal expression (make [sb] aware of)

An employee brought the matter to my attention.

理科学士 lǐ kē xué shì

noun (initialism (degree: Bachelor of Science)

Lauren is studying for a B.S. in Chemistry at Cornell.


noun (initialism (holder of Bachelor of Science degree)

靶心 bǎ xīn

noun (darts, archery: centre of target)

John threw a dart, which hit the bull's eye.

目标 mù biāo

noun (figurative (target, goal)

大头鱼 dà tóu yú

noun (type of catfish)

肉商 ròu shāng

noun (meat shop, department)

The butcher is open until 5:00, but the rest of the store closes at 8:00.

买方市场 mǎi fāng shì chǎng

noun (low prices, large supply)

It is definitely a buyer's market for large gas-guzzling automobiles.

险些 xiǎn xiē

adverb (by the slightest margin)

The horse won by a hair's breadth.

虚张声势 xū zhāng shēng shì

verbal expression (challenge [sb] who may be faking)

特点,特征 tè diǎn,tè zhēng

noun (figurative (identifying mark, sign)

Serena dresses flamboyantly; brightly-colored clothing is her calling card.

骆驼毛 jià tuó máo

noun (hair of a camel)

骆驼毛布料 jià tuó máo bù liào

noun (fabric made of camel's hair)

骆驼毛制成的 jià tuó máo zhì chéng de

noun as adjective (made from camel's hair)

银行本票 yín háng běn piào

noun (US (cheque issued by a bank)

Since I had no credit card, and the store does not accept personal checks, I had my bank issue me a cashier's check to purchase my new computer.

猫爪 māo zhuǎ / māo zhǎo

noun (foot of a cat)

A cat's paw is soft on the bottom, but has dangerous retractable claws.

爪牙,傀儡,被人利用的人 zhǎo yá / zhuǎ yá,kuǐ lěi,bèi rén lì yòng de rén

noun (figurative (duped person) (比喻)


verbal expression (informal, figurative (understand what [sb] means)

引人注目 yǐn rén zhù mù

verbal expression (be noticeable)

The bold designs and bright colours of these dresses really catch the eye.


expression ([sb] knows for a fact)

To my certain knowledge, Wellington won the battle of Waterloo.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。