英语 中的 sale 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 sale 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 sale 的说明。

英语 中的sale 表示出售 chū shòu, 减价销售 jiǎn jià xiāo shòu, 销售量 xiāo shòu liàng, 销售额 xiāo shòu é, 销售 xiāo shòu, 销售,销售行业 xiāo shòu, 销售部 xiāo shòu bù, 转让或抵押契约,卖契, 自家做的糕点义卖 zì jiā zuò de gāo diǎn yì mài, 销售凭证 xiāo shòu píng zhèng, 跳蚤市场 tiào zǎo shì chǎng, 现金交易 xiàn jīn jiāo yì, 清仓销售 qīng cāng xiāo shòu, 清仓甩卖, 销售点电子转帐, 资产销售活动, 火灾受损物品拍卖 huǒ zāi shòu sǔn wù pǐn pāi mài, 减价出售 jiǎn jià chū shòu, 出售 chū shòu, 车房售卖, 商品 shāng pǐn, 做成买卖 zuò chéng mǎi mài, 卖出, 有售 yǒu shòu, 低价出售 dī jià chū shòu, 销售点, 销售点的, 预售, 预售期, 售前的, 将…出售 jiāng chū shòu, 杂物拍卖 zá wù pāi mài, 销售价 xiāo shòu jià, 亏本出售。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 sale 的含义

出售 chū shòu

noun (commercial transaction)

The sale proceeded as planned.

减价销售 jiǎn jià xiāo shòu

noun (reduced price offering)

The department stores usually have sales in August.

销售量 xiāo shòu liàng

noun (item or quantity sold)

"How many sculptures did we sell?" "We had three sales today."

销售额 xiāo shòu é

plural noun (uncountable (total receipts from selling)

Sales of smartphones are up by 38% on last year.

销售 xiāo shòu

noun as adjective (relating to sales)

Leon is preparing his sales presentation for the new product line.

销售,销售行业 xiāo shòu

noun (uncountable (profession concerned with selling)

Steven works in sales; he earns a huge commission on every item he sells.

销售部 xiāo shòu bù

plural noun (uncountable, informal (department concerned with selling)

Darren demonstrated the latest edition of the product to Sales.


noun (written, initialism (bill of sale)

自家做的糕点义卖 zì jiā zuò de gāo diǎn yì mài

noun (US (fundraising: selling cakes) (为募集基金而进行的)

Sally and Marie baked cookies together for the bake sale.

销售凭证 xiāo shòu píng zhèng

noun (receipt)

The dealership gave me a bill of sale when I bought a car.

跳蚤市场 tiào zǎo shì chǎng

noun (UK (sale of used items in public place)

There is a car boot sale every week in the town's main car park.

现金交易 xiàn jīn jiāo yì

noun ([sth] paid for in cash)

The store had no record that John bought the knife because it was a cash sale.

清仓销售 qīng cāng xiāo shòu

noun (closeout: sale to clear stock)

After the fire the bookstore held a clearance sale, and I got lots of books very cheaply.


noun (sale: stock clearance)


noun (acronym (payment system)


noun (to dispose of [sb]'s property)

When old Mrs. Hutchinson passed away, her children held an estate sale to sell all the antique furniture she collected.

火灾受损物品拍卖 huǒ zāi shòu sǔn wù pǐn pāi mài

noun (sale of fire-damaged goods)

The smoke-damaged merchandise was discounted for the fire sale.

减价出售 jiǎn jià chū shòu

noun (figurative (low-price selling of assets) (资产等)

The struggling business had a fire sale on old stock items, to generate more cash flow.

出售 chū shòu

adjective (available for purchase) (标识,广告)

There's a "For Sale" sign in Richard's garden.


noun (US (sale of used items) (出售二手家居用品等)

They sold a lot of their old things in a garage sale.

商品 shāng pǐn

plural noun (merchandise)

做成买卖 zuò chéng mǎi mài

verbal expression (salesperson: close a deal)

A good salesperson can make a sale even after the customer says no.


verbal expression (put on the market)

Please offer for sale my share of the project, I need the money for something else.

有售 yǒu shòu

adverb (available for purchase)

People are already queuing up to buy this new smartphone, though it doesn't go on sale until tomorrow morning.

低价出售 dī jià chū shòu

adverb (US (available at a lowered price)

Look at my new skirt! I got it on sale - 50% off!


noun (place where [sth] is sold)


noun as adjective (relating to place where [sth] is sold)

Retailers are paying increasing attention to their point-of-sale displays.


noun (private advance sale)


noun (period before a sale)


adjective (before a sale)

将…出售 jiāng chū shòu

verbal expression (offer for purchase)

He put his house up for sale because it had become too small for his family.

杂物拍卖 zá wù pāi mài

noun (sale of unwanted items)

These old clothes of mine are only fit for a jumble sale.

销售价 xiāo shòu jià

noun (discounted cost)

Even the sale price is more than I'm willing to pay.



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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。