英语 中的 love 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 love 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 love 的说明。

英语 中的love 表示爱 ài, 爱情 ài qíng, 爱,热爱 ài,rè ài, 喜爱 xǐ ài, 爱 ài, 爱,热爱,爱好,喜爱 ài,rè ài,ài hào ,xǐ ài, 喜爱做某事, 情人 qíng rén, 宝贝 bǎo bèi, 伙计 huǒ jì, 热情,激情 rè qíng,jī qíng, 性爱 xìng ài, 对…的钟爱, 零分 líng fēn, 钟爱的事物 zhōng ài de shì wù, 爱 ài, 和…性交 hé xìng jiāo, 爱心行动 ài xīn xíng dòng, 兄弟般的情谊 xiōng dì bān de qíng yì, 青涩的初恋, 宫廷恋爱, 别有所图的爱, 与...疯狂相爱, 相爱, 坠入爱河 zhuì rù ài hé, 爱上某人 ài shàng mǒu rén, 一见钟情 yí jiàn zhōng qíng, 找到真爱, 为了爱 wèi le ài, 出于对…的爱 chū yú duì de ài, 看在上帝的份上 kàn zài shàng dì de fèn shàng, 禁忌的性爱 jìn jì de xìng ài, 禁忌之恋 jìn jì zhī liàn, 自由性爱 zì yóu xìng ài, 爱神 ài shén, 爱得痴迷的,坠入爱河的,热恋中的,爱得神魂颠倒的 ài de chī mí de,zhuì rù ài hé de,rè liàn zhōng de,ài de shén hún diān dǎo de, 我爱你 wǒ ài nǐ, 我爱你 wǒ ài nǐ, 我爱你 wǒ ài nǐ, 我如此爱你 wǒ rú cǐ ài nǐ, 我愿意, 入迷的 rù mí de, 爱上某人 ài shàng mǒu rén, 爱上某物, 苦艾,洋艾 kǔ ài, 情人,恋人,意中人 qíng rén,liàn rén,yì zhōng rén, 逝去的爱,失落的爱,失去的爱, 爱你无比, 风流韵事 fēng liú yùn shì, 嗜好 shì hào, 一见钟情 yí jiàn zhōng qíng, 私生子 sī shēng zi, 爱你的, 游泳圈 yóu yǒng quān, 恋爱对象,恋爱角色, 情书 qíng shū, 情话,表白 qíng huà,biǎo bái, 爱情生活, 双人沙发, 情歌 qíng gē, 爱情故事 ài qíng gù shì, 三角恋,三角恋情, 亲热时留下的吻痕或咬痕, 对…痴迷,迷恋 mí liàn, 做爱 zuò ài, 要做爱,不要作战 yào zuò ài,bú yào zuò zhàn, 母爱 mǔ ài, 母爱 mǔ ài, 吾爱,我的爱人 wú ài,wǒ de ài rén, 互相讨厌 hù xiāng tǎo yàn, 无论如何都不 wú lùn rú hé dōu bù, 父母之爱 fù mǔ zhī ài, 性爱 xìng ài, 少年男女之间的恋爱,早年的初恋 shào nián nán nǚ zhī jiān de liàn ài,zǎo nián de chū liàn, 自爱, 自恋 zì liàn, 性爱 xìng ài, 性爱 xìng ài, 疯狂地爱着..., 严厉的爱, 真正的爱情 zhēn zhèng de ài qíng, 真正的爱人 zhēn zhèng de ài rén, 挚爱地 zhì ài de, 致以我的爱, 致以良好的祝颂, 想要 xiǎng yào。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 love 的含义

爱 ài

noun (uncountable (affection)

Love is perhaps the most important human emotion.

爱情 ài qíng

noun (uncountable (romantic feelings)

You could see her love for him in her eyes.

爱,热爱 ài,rè ài

transitive verb (feel affection for)

Of course I love my mother.

喜爱 xǐ ài

transitive verb (be fond of)

I love Jane. She's always such fun to be with!

爱 ài

transitive verb (have romantic feelings for)

You can tell that she loves her boyfriend by the look on her face.

爱,热爱,爱好,喜爱 ài,rè ài,ài hào ,xǐ ài

transitive verb (like strongly)

I love basketball.


verbal expression (activity: enjoy)

I love jogging in the park when the weather is warm.

情人 qíng rén

noun (lover)

She was my first love.

宝贝 bǎo bèi

interjection (informal (affectionate term) (爱称)

Can you give me the remote control, please, love?

伙计 huǒ jì

interjection (UK, informal (friendly term of address) (昵称)

When I got to the bar, the barman asked me, "What would you like, love?"

热情,激情 rè qíng,jī qíng

noun (passion)

His love made her feel so good.

性爱 xìng ài

noun (slang (sexual gratification) (俚语)

He was in a good mood. His wife probably gave him some love the night before.


noun (strong liking)

His love for basketball was apparent to everybody.

零分 líng fēn

noun (tennis score: zero) (网球)

The score is now thirty-love.

钟爱的事物 zhōng ài de shì wù

noun ([sth] loved, interest)

Ballet was her first love.

爱 ài

intransitive verb (have deep affection)

She just loves too much.

和…性交 hé xìng jiāo

transitive verb (slang (have sex) (俚语)

I want you to love me passionately tonight, baby.

爱心行动 ài xīn xíng dòng

noun (action motivated by love)

兄弟般的情谊 xiōng dì bān de qíng yì

noun (kindness towards others)

Brotherly love is the love you have for your neighbor or your fellow man.


noun (figurative (teenage infatuation)


(code of behavior)


noun (fake love)


verbal expression (figurative (fall in love)


verbal expression (couple: become infatuated)

The couple fell in love when they were in college.

坠入爱河 zhuì rù ài hé

verbal expression (become infatuated: with [sb])

Gina falls in love every five minutes!

爱上某人 ài shàng mǒu rén

verbal expression (become infatuated with [sb])

I think I fell in love with him the very first time we met.

一见钟情 yí jiàn zhōng qíng

verbal expression (become infatuated with a stranger)

As soon as I saw him across the dancefloor, I fell in love at first sight.


verbal expression (meet one's perfect partner)

The romantic teenager hopes to find true love.

为了爱 wèi le ài

adverb (motivated by love)

When I marry, I'll marry for love and nothing else.

出于对…的爱 chū yú duì de ài

preposition (out of love for)

I like gardening just for the love of seeing things grow.

看在上帝的份上 kàn zài shàng dì de fèn shàng

interjection (expression of frustration)

John, for the love of God, just sit quietly for a minute and let me think!

禁忌的性爱 jìn jì de xìng ài

noun (sexual relationship: taboo)

My sister's child was a result of our forbidden love.

禁忌之恋 jìn jì zhī liàn

noun (romantic relationship: taboo)

Romeo and Juliet is a sad tale of forbidden love.

自由性爱 zì yóu xìng ài

noun (dated (extra-marital or promiscuous sex) (旧时用语,指不受婚姻等约束的随便的性爱)

爱神 ài shén

noun (mythology: Aphrodite, Venus) (神话,爱神为阿佛洛狄特或维纳斯(在罗马神话中的名字))

爱得痴迷的,坠入爱河的,热恋中的,爱得神魂颠倒的 ài de chī mí de,zhuì rù ài hé de,rè liàn zhōng de,ài de shén hún diān dǎo de

expression (figurative (infatuated)

After Cara's first date with Matt, she was head over heels in love with him.

我爱你 wǒ ài nǐ

expression (textspeak, abbreviation (I love you)

See you for dinner tonight. I love u.

我爱你 wǒ ài nǐ

interjection (declaration of strong affection) (表达强烈的感情)

I love you, Mom!

我爱你 wǒ ài nǐ

interjection (declaration of strong romantic feelings) (表达浪漫的爱情)

I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

我如此爱你 wǒ rú cǐ ài nǐ

interjection (great affection)

I love you so much that I can't stand to be apart from you.


interjection (enthusiastic yes)

"Would you like to go out for a drink?" "I'd love to."

入迷的 rù mí de


People who are in love never listen to anyone else's advice. The two of them are in love, and they spend every moment together.

爱上某人 ài shàng mǒu rén

verbal expression (be infatuated)

He's so thoughtful! I am in love with him.


verbal expression (figurative (be very keen)

He is in love with the sound of his own voice.

苦艾,洋艾 kǔ ài

noun (herb: wormwood)

情人,恋人,意中人 qíng rén,liàn rén,yì zhōng rén

noun (poetic or humorous (female lover, girlfriend) (诗歌用语或幽默用语,指女性)


noun (romantic relationship that has ended)


expression (for signing off a letter) (书信落款)

风流韵事 fēng liú yùn shì

noun (romantic relationship)

She's having a love affair with a married man.

嗜好 shì hào

noun (figurative (intense liking for)

Her love affair with all things Japanese started two years ago after holidaying there.

一见钟情 yí jiàn zhōng qíng

noun (instant romantic attraction to [sb])

When Harry met Sally it wasn't love at first sight; they fell in love some years later.

私生子 sī shēng zi

noun (slang (illegitimate offspring)

That girl is a love child; she has never met her father.


adverb (letter: affectionate sign-off) (书信结尾)

游泳圈 yóu yǒng quān

noun (slang, figurative (fat midriff) (比喻,俚语)

It's time to start exercising my abs and obliques; my love handles are getting noticeable!


noun (romantic role in story) (电影或故事中)

The actor plays the love interest in the film.

情书 qíng shū

noun (letter expressing romantic feelings)

He wrote her a love letter every day while he was away.

情话,表白 qíng huà,biǎo bái

noun (figurative (expression of affection)

The movie is his love letter to the city of Rome.




noun (small couch, bench)

This love seat was handmade in Indonesia from solid teak.

情歌 qíng gē

noun (song expressing romantic feelings)

Most pop songs are love songs.

爱情故事 ài qíng gù shì

noun (story about a romantic relationship)


noun (relationship between three people)

A love triangle, causing conflict between three people, is a classic movie plot.


noun (red mark from lover's bite)

对…痴迷,迷恋 mí liàn

expression (infatuated)

I am madly in love with you.

做爱 zuò ài

verbal expression (have sex)

The survey found that average couple make love three times a week.

要做爱,不要作战 yào zuò ài,bú yào zuò zhàn

interjection (pacifist slogan of the 1960s) (20世纪60年代和平主义者的口号)

'Make love not war' was the best-known slogan of the hippy movement.

母爱 mǔ ài

noun (motherly affection)

母爱 mǔ ài

noun (affection felt by a mother for her child)

吾爱,我的爱人 wú ài,wǒ de ài rén

noun (informal (affectionate term) (非正式用语)

Are you coming my love?

互相讨厌 hù xiāng tǎo yàn

noun (mutual dislike)

There's no love lost between those two. They've always hated each other.

无论如何都不 wú lùn rú hé dōu bù

adverb (impossible to obtain by any means)

You can't get a table in that restaurant for love or money.

父母之爱 fù mǔ zhī ài

noun (affection of one's mother and father)

Parental love is stronger than any other.

性爱 xìng ài

noun (sexual intercourse)

少年男女之间的恋爱,早年的初恋 shào nián nán nǚ zhī jiān de liàn ài,zǎo nián de chū liàn

noun (figurative (adolescent infatuation)

The two teenagers had a case of puppy love.


noun (high self-esteem)

自恋 zì liàn

noun (vanity)

性爱 xìng ài

noun (physical passion)

性爱 xìng ài

noun (intercourse, sex)


verbal expression (love madly)


noun (harsh treatment of [sb] to help them)

真正的爱情 zhēn zhèng de ài qíng

noun (romantic infatuation)

Anyone could see it was true love between the couple; they couldn't take their eyes off each other.

真正的爱人 zhēn zhèng de ài rén

noun (fated romantic partner)

After eighteen years apart she was reunited with her true love.

挚爱地 zhì ài de

expression (affectionately)

致以我的爱, 致以良好的祝颂

expression (used to sign off affectionately) (信件结束语)

想要 xiǎng yào

verbal expression (used to request or accept [sth])

I would love a cup of coffee, thank you.

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