英语 中的 sea 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 sea 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 sea 的说明。

英语 中的sea 表示海 hǎi, 海洋 hǎi yáng, 海浪,波涛 hǎi làng,bō tāo, 大量 dà liàng, 海洋的 hǎi yáng de, 亚得里亚海, 爱琴海, 海空救援 hǎi kōng jiù yuán, 在大海上,在广阔的水面上 zài dà hǎi shàng,zài guǎng kuò de shuǐ miàn shàng, 茫然的 máng rán de, 波罗的海, 处于两难境地, 水手的葬礼 shuǐ shǒu de zàng lǐ, 海葬 hǎi zàng, 由海路 yóu hǎi lù, 加勒比海 jiā lè bǐ hǎi, 里海, 石鳖, 死海 sǐ hǎi, 深海 shēn hǎi, 深海的 shēn hǎi de, 深海潜水员 shēn hǎi qián shuǐ yuán, 深海潜水 shēn hǎi qián shuǐ, 深海捕鱼, 加利利湖, 回到海里去, 回到海里去, (未加盐的)硬饼干 wèi jiā yán de yìng bǐng gān, 外海, 公海 gōng hǎi, 地中海 dì zhōng hǎi, 海鸥 hǎi ōu, 北海, 海洋腹足软体动物,海蛞蝓, 外海, 鲍鱼 bào yú, 出航 chū háng, 出海 chū hǎi, 红海, 风大浪急的海面 fēng dà làng jí de hǎi miàn, 海葵 hǎi kuí, 黑鲈,海鲈鱼 hēi lú,hǎi lú yú, 鲷鱼 diāo yú, 鲷类, 海风 hǎi fēng, 船长 chuán zhǎng, 巨变 jù biàn, 变形 biàn xíng, 海牛 hǎi niú, 海参, 老水手 lǎo shuǐ shǒu, 狗形神兽, 海飞龙, 海雕, 海运 hǎi yùn, 海玻璃, 海上浮冰, 在船上保持平衡的能力,不晕船的能力, 海平面 hǎi píng miàn, 海平线的, 海洋生物, 海狮 hǎi shī, 海雾 hǎi wù, 海獭 hǎi tǎ, 海盐 hǎi yán, 扇贝 shàn bèi, 扇贝 shàn bèi, 贝壳 bèi ké, 海蛇, 海鞘, 海龟 hǎi guī, 海胆 hǎi dǎn, 海景 hǎi jǐng, 海鸟, 海鱼, 海滨区 hǎi bīn qū, 海滨 hǎi bīn, 海鸥 hǎi ōu, 海马 hǎi mǎ, (海岸)防波堤 hǎi àn fáng bō dī, 海水 hǎi shuǐ, 水手号子, 海葱, 海星 hǎi xīng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 sea 的含义

海 hǎi

noun (smaller than ocean)

The Mediterranean is a sea, not an ocean.

海洋 hǎi yáng

noun (expanse of salt water)

The sea is home to thousands of different species of fish.

海浪,波涛 hǎi làng,bō tāo

noun (often plural (movement of the sea)

Heavy seas caused the boat to sink.

大量 dà liàng

noun (figurative (large quantity)

The festival crowd was a sea of faces.

海洋的 hǎi yáng de

noun as adjective (of the sea)

The sea turtle comes to the beach to mate.


noun (body of water east of Italy) (意大利东部水域)


noun (part of Mediterranean Sea) (地中海的一部分)

海空救援 hǎi kōng jiù yuán

noun (emergency service at sea)

在大海上,在广阔的水面上 zài dà hǎi shàng,zài guǎng kuò de shuǐ miàn shàng

adverb (on the open water)

The old sailor loves to recount his adventures at sea.

茫然的 máng rán de

adjective (figurative (disorientated)

Clara was all at sea in the advanced calculus class.


noun (in Central Europe) (中欧北部水域)


expression (figurative (facing a dilemma)

水手的葬礼 shuǐ shǒu de zàng lǐ

noun (sailor's funeral)

My grandfather had an honoured burial at sea.

海葬 hǎi zàng

noun (disposal of ashes in ocean)

由海路 yóu hǎi lù

adverb (via boat or ship)

I hate travelling by sea because I get seasick easily.

加勒比海 jiā lè bǐ hǎi

noun (part of Atlantic Ocean)

I enjoyed a cruise in the Caribbean Sea, visiting Puerto Rico, Barbados and the American Virgin Islands.


noun (large inland sea) (位于欧亚交界处)


noun (sea mollusk)

死海 sǐ hǎi

noun (body of salt water in Middle East)

The Dead Sea is a huge salt lake between Israel and Jordan lying 422 meters below sea level.

深海 shēn hǎi

noun (lowest ocean layer)

Plants cannot grow in the deep sea because there is no sunlight.

深海的 shēn hǎi de

noun as adjective (relating to deeper parts of the sea)

深海潜水员 shēn hǎi qián shuǐ yuán

noun ([sb] who scuba dives at great depths)

Deep-sea divers are trying to repair the leaking oil-pipe.

深海潜水 shēn hǎi qián shuǐ

noun (scuba diving at great depths)

Deep-sea diving opens a whole new universe to scientists, engineers and archaeologists.


noun (fishing in deep ocean waters)


noun (lake in Israel)


verbal expression (UK, figurative, informal (expressing contempt) (表蔑视)


interjection (UK, figurative, informal (expressing contempt) (表蔑视)

(未加盐的)硬饼干 wèi jiā yán de yìng bǐng gān

noun (hard unsalted biscuit)


noun (often plural (open waters)

公海 gōng hǎi

noun (often plural (ocean beyond territorial waters)

地中海 dì zhōng hǎi

noun (sea)

海鸥 hǎi ōu

noun (bird)

The beach was full of mews today.


noun (part of Atlantic Ocean) (大西洋东北部)


noun (marine mollusc)


noun (nautical)

鲍鱼 bào yú

noun (chiefly UK (abalone: Channel Island) (海峡群岛)

出航 chū háng

verbal expression (leave land, embark)

We put out to sea expecting an easy voyage, but the storm quickly forced us back to port.

出海 chū hǎi

verbal expression (ship: leave land)

We'll put to sea again once the sails have been repaired.


noun (channel to Indian Ocean)

风大浪急的海面 fēng dà làng jí de hǎi miàn

noun (stormy or choppy sea)

Rough seas prevented his return from Capri to Naples.

海葵 hǎi kuí

noun (tentacled sea creature) (海洋生物)

黑鲈,海鲈鱼 hēi lú,hǎi lú yú

noun (marine fish) (一种海鱼)

My favourite type of fish is sea bass.

鲷鱼 diāo yú

noun (fish off European coasts)


noun (porgy)

海风 hǎi fēng

noun (gentle wind blowing in from the sea)

There's a constant sea breeze in California which makes the heat tolerable.

船长 chuán zhǎng

noun (commander of a ship)

My grandfather was a sea captain, the master of a merchant ship.

巨变 jù biàn

noun (figurative (major transformation)

变形 biàn xíng

noun (transformation caused by sea) (因为海洋的作用)

海牛 hǎi niú

noun (manatee)

In Costa Rica they take good care to preserve the sea cows.



老水手 lǎo shuǐ shǒu

noun (figurative (veteran sailor)

Captain Ahab, whose face was scarred by lightning, was the ultimate sea dog.


noun (heraldry: beast)


noun (fish) (鱼类)



海运 hǎi yùn

noun (transport of goods by ship)


noun (glass fragment worn smooth by the tide)


noun (frozen ocean water)


plural noun (figurative, informal ([sb]'s balance on a ship)

海平面 hǎi píng miàn

noun (sea's surface height)

One third of the Netherlands is at or below sea level. Global warming is causing sea levels to rise worldwide.


noun as adjective (at sea's surface height)


noun (animals and plants of the ocean)

海狮 hǎi shī

noun (large seal)

Sea lions eat huge quantities of fish.

海雾 hǎi wù

noun (thin fog coming in off the sea)

海獭 hǎi tǎ

noun (marine mammal)

Sea otters are amazingly agile swimmers, but rather clumsy on land.

海盐 hǎi yán

noun (salt extracted from the sea)

I always cook with sea salt.

扇贝 shàn bèi

noun (large edible marine mollusc)

扇贝 shàn bèi

noun (food) (食物)

贝壳 bèi ké

noun (outer casing of a marine mollusc)


noun (animal: aquatic reptile)


noun (variety of marine creature)

海龟 hǎi guī

noun (aquatic tortoise that lives in the ocean)

海胆 hǎi dǎn

noun (spiky round sea creature)

He stepped on a sea urchin and the spines got stuck in his foot.

海景 hǎi jǐng

noun (view over the ocean)


noun (bird inhabiting marine areas)

As the boys approached the beach, they could hear seabirds calling.


noun (animal: marine fish)

海滨区 hǎi bīn qū

noun (mainly UK (land alongside the shore)

The seafront was damaged by the strong storm.

海滨 hǎi bīn

noun as adjective (mainly UK (alongside the shore)

There are many seafront hotels along this road.

海鸥 hǎi ōu

noun (marine bird)

Lisa stood on the shore, watching the seagulls swoop over the water.

海马 hǎi mǎ

noun (small horse-like fish)

Some seahorses are no bigger than your finger.

(海岸)防波堤 hǎi àn fáng bō dī

noun (groyne: wave barrier)

海水 hǎi shuǐ

noun (salt water from the ocean)


noun (sailors' song)

The sailors sang a shanty to improve morale.


noun (botany: plant)

海星 hǎi xīng

noun (star-shaped sea creature)

We saw different kinds of starfish on the beach.

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。