英语 中的 seed 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 seed 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 seed 的说明。

英语 中的seed 表示种子 zhǒng zi, 种子 zhǒng zi, 萌芽 méng yá, 种子 zhǒng zi, 种子选手, 种子 zhǒng zi, 播种 bō zhǒng, 提供种子, 播 bō, 种, 给...催雨, 使发展, 使萌芽, 把…列为种子选手, 鸟食 niǎo shí, 葛缕子,凯莉茴香 gé lǚ zǐ,kǎi lì huí xiāng, 芫荽子, 茴香籽, 亚麻籽 yà má zǐ, 亚麻仁, 亚麻仁制的, 衰落, 衰败, 走下坡路, 花谢结籽 huā xiè jié zǐ, 葡萄籽 pú táo zǐ, 大麻籽油, 大麻籽, 芥菜籽 gài cài zǐ, 植物种子 zhí wù zhǒng zi, 播种 bō zhǒng, 罂粟子 yīng sù zǐ, 南瓜籽, 种子资本, 本金,原始资本 běn jīn, 籽头, 心皮 xīn pí, 芝麻种子, 结籽, 播种, 开始干某事, 葵花子。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 seed 的含义

种子 zhǒng zi

noun (of a plant, fruit, vegetable) (植物的)

I will plant some tomato seeds for my garden this year.

种子 zhǒng zi

noun (for planting) (种植用的)

Most flower seeds should be planted in warm soil.

萌芽 méng yá

noun (figurative (germ: of an idea)

You have planted the seed of an idea in my mind.

种子 zhǒng zi

noun (literary, uncountable (sperm) (文学修辞,指精子)

His seed produced two sons.


noun (tennis: ranked player) (网球)

Roger was selected as a seed in the tournament, so he did not have to compete in the first round.

种子 zhǒng zi

noun (computing: data sharer) (计算机,指数据分享)

播种 bō zhǒng

intransitive verb (plant)

It is too early to seed for a good harvest.


intransitive verb (computing: share data) (计算机,指数据分享)

播 bō

transitive verb (plant lawn)

On Sunday he seeded the lawn.

transitive verb (plant fruit)

Grandmother seeded apple trees when she was young.


transitive verb (clouds)

Scientists seed clouds by adding silver iodide.

使发展, 使萌芽

transitive verb (figurative (ideas)

She seeded the idea of a vacation to Greece in his mind.


transitive verb (rank: a contestant)

Wendy performed well in the competition, and was seeded for the next tournament.

鸟食 niǎo shí

noun (grain fed to birds)

Rita put some bird seed on the bird table.

葛缕子,凯莉茴香 gé lǚ zǐ,kǎi lì huí xiāng

noun (usually plural (spice: cumin) (香料)

Add caraway seeds to the pan and stir gently.


noun (dried seed of cilantro plant)

The rice is flavored with coriander and saffron.


noun (spice)

亚麻籽 yà má zǐ

noun (uncountable (crop: linseed)


noun (seed of flax plant)

Linseed oil is made from flax seeds and is used as a drying oil in varnishes and paints.


noun as adjective (oil, etc.: made from flax seed)

衰落, 衰败, 走下坡路

verbal expression (slang, figurative (decline, deteriorate)

He was once a great actor but rather went to seed in middle age.

花谢结籽 huā xiè jié zǐ

verbal expression (plant: produce seed and dry up)

Prevent flowering plants from going to seed by removing the dead flower heads.

葡萄籽 pú táo zǐ

noun (seed of a grape)

I bought some grape-seed oil to cook with.


noun (oil from hemp seeds)


noun (often plural (seed of hemp plant)

芥菜籽 gài cài zǐ

noun (grain of the mustard plant)

My mother seasons steamed cabbage with vinegar and mustard seed.

植物种子 zhí wù zhǒng zi

noun (seed of a plant)

Some plant seeds are distributed by the wind.

播种 bō zhǒng

verbal expression (sow seeds)

We planted the seeds in clay pots.

罂粟子 yīng sù zǐ

noun (tiny seed of the poppy plant)

I love Polish bread as it usually has poppy seeds on it.


noun (usually plural (edible seed of fruit)

Pumpkin seeds contain many nutrients.


noun (small sum invested in new business)

Most of the seed capital for Mike's startup came from his friends and family.

本金,原始资本 běn jīn

noun (to start a business)

Paul managed to obtain the seed money to set up a business.


noun (botany: cluster of seeds on a plant)

心皮 xīn pí

noun (part of a plant containing seeds) (植物学术语)


noun (usually plural (edible grain of the sesame plant)

Here's a recipe for stir-fried broccoli with sesame seeds.


(plant: produce seeds) (花草)

The flower will set seed in late summer.

播种, 开始干某事

verbal expression (initiate or prompt [sth])

She sowed the seed of doubt in his mind.


noun (edible grain of the sunflower)

Tania added sunflower seeds to her bread dough.

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seed 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。