英语 中的 start 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 start 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 start 的说明。

英语 中的start 表示开始 kāi shǐ, 开始做某事, 开始 kāi shǐ, 开动, 发动, 启动, 开始 kāi shǐ, 惊跳 jīng tiào, 起跑线 qǐ pǎo xiàn, 领先 lǐng xiān, 在最初阶段给予的帮助 zài zuì chū jiē duàn gěi yǔ de bāng zhù, 出发 chū fā, 突然一动 tū rán yí dòng, 启动 qǐ dòng, 突出 tū chū, 参加 cān jiā, 起始 qǐ shǐ, 创立 chuàng lì, 使某人开始做某事 shǐ mǒu rén kāi shǐ zuò mǒu shì, 让…参加比赛 ràng cān jiā bǐ sài, 开始追赶, 在...开始, 开始 kāi shǐ, 开始 kāi shǐ, 以…开始 yǐ … kāi shǐ, 发起对…的攻击, 开始攻击, 开始谈论, 起步,开始立业 qǐ bù, 开始 kāi shǐ, 重新开始 chóng xīn kāi shǐ, 启动 qǐ dòng, 创立,成立 chuàng lì,chéng lì, 开工, 动工, 开创, 开始, 开业 kāi yè, 重新开始 chóng xīn kāi shǐ, 感觉不对劲, 开始时, 早起, 提早开始, 抢跑, 疾速起跑,迅速起步,快速起跑, 良好的开端,开门红, 首先 shǒu xiān, 重新开始 chóng xīn kāi shǐ, 自始至终,始终 zì shǐ zhì zhōng,shǐ zhōng, 从一开始 cóng yì kāi shǐ, 顺利开始 shùn lì kāi shǐ, 开始… kāi shǐ …, 先跑, 优势 yōu shì, 助动启动, 发动,启动 fā dòng,qǐ dòng, 启动 qǐ dòng, 启动 qǐ dòng, 重新开始 chóng xīn kāi shǐ, 开始 kāi shǐ, 良好开端, 站立式起跑, 原地起步, 重新开始,从头开始 chóng xīn kāi shǐ,cóng tóu kāi shǐ, 重新开始,从头开始 chóng xīn kāi shǐ,cóng tóu kāi shǐ, 动身返回, 从头做起, 首先 shǒu xiān, 以...开始, 重新启动 chóng xīn qǐ dòng, 启动 qǐ dòng, 开动 kāi dòng, 新兴公司 xīn xīng gōng sī, 起动阶段, 起始阶段的,启动时期的 qǐ shǐ jiē duàn de,qǐ dòng shí qī de, 启动成本, 吓一跳地。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 start 的含义

开始 kāi shǐ

intransitive verb (begin)

We're waiting for the movie to start.


verbal expression (begin doing)

When she stroked the cat, she started sneezing.

开始 kāi shǐ

transitive verb (begin)

The chairman started the meeting.

开动, 发动, 启动

transitive verb (machine) (机械等)

Start the car. It's time we left.

开始 kāi shǐ

noun (beginning)

Get ready for the start of the race.

惊跳 jīng tiào

noun (startle)

His start when he heard the news didn't seem very genuine to me; I think he already knew.

起跑线 qǐ pǎo xiàn

noun (starting place)

The cars are waiting at the start.

领先 lǐng xiān

noun (lead, advantage)

Number twelve is off to a good start.

在最初阶段给予的帮助 zài zuì chū jiē duàn gěi yǔ de bāng zhù

noun (beginnings: in life or business)

Mr. Simon gave me my start in this business.

出发 chū fā

intransitive verb (set out)

The family started for home.

突然一动 tū rán yí dòng

intransitive verb (jerk)

She started at the loud noise.

启动 qǐ dòng

intransitive verb (come into action)

My car wouldn't start.

突出 tū chū

intransitive verb (protrude)

Her eyes started from their sockets at the news.

参加 cān jiā

intransitive verb (participate in an event)

The rookie hopes to start in the big game.

起始 qǐ shǐ

intransitive verb (have as lowest level)

Houses prices here start at around $200,000.

创立 chuàng lì

transitive verb (establish)

My grandfather started the family business.

使某人开始做某事 shǐ mǒu rén kāi shǐ zuò mǒu shì

transitive verb (cause to do [sth])

Your words started me thinking.

让…参加比赛 ràng cān jiā bǐ sài

transitive verb (sports: select [sb] to perform)

The manager started his best pitcher.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (begin chasing [sb/sth])


phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (begin, commence)

开始 kāi shǐ

phrasal verb, intransitive (begin [sth])

The marathon runner started off at a slow pace.

开始 kāi shǐ

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (cause to begin)

Tom and Stan had a big row today; I'm not sure what started it off.

以…开始 yǐ … kāi shǐ

(informal (begin with)

I think I will start off with an appetizer and then have a main dish.

发起对…的攻击, 开始攻击

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (begin attacking)

She started on carving the turkey with a vengeance.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (begin talking about)

She started on again about her boyfriend, I'm tired of listening.

起步,开始立业 qǐ bù

phrasal verb, intransitive (begin career) (事业)

His father owned the company so he didn't have to start out in the mail room.

开始 kāi shǐ

phrasal verb, intransitive (begin)

Let's start out by introducing ourselves.

重新开始 chóng xīn kāi shǐ

phrasal verb, intransitive (begin again)

If it doesn't look good when you finish, you need to start over -- do it again.

启动 qǐ dòng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (machine: switch on) (电脑等)

Start up your computer and log in to the network.

创立,成立 chuàng lì,chéng lì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (business: open, form) (公司等)

Melissa has started up a business from her home.

开工, 动工, 开创, 开始

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (project: initiate) (工程、项目等)

The village had no cricket club, so Mike decided to start one up.

开业 kāi yè

phrasal verb, intransitive (new business: begin operating)

A new company is starting up in the area and they want to recruit local people.

重新开始 chóng xīn kāi shǐ


After ten minutes, the motor started up again.


expression (figurative, informal (you have misgivings about [sth])


expression (when [sth] begins)

At the start, learning to drive can be difficult.


noun (rising early in the morning)

I'm going to bed now, as I have an early start tomorrow.


noun (beginning before scheduled time)

I went into work at eight so that I could get an early start.


noun (in a race) (赛跑)


noun (race: rapid beginning) (赛跑)


noun (figurative (favorable beginning)

首先 shǒu xiān

adverb (informal (to begin with, in the first place)

We'll take names and phone numbers for a start, then later on we can get more details.

重新开始 chóng xīn kāi shǐ

noun (chance to begin anew)

The child was moved to a different school to give him a fresh start.

自始至终,始终 zì shǐ zhì zhōng,shǐ zhōng

adverb (all the way through)

He won the race, having been in the lead from start to finish.

从一开始 cóng yì kāi shǐ

expression (since the beginning)

顺利开始 shùn lì kāi shǐ

verbal expression (informal (begin well)

Our new employee has gotten off to a good start.

开始… kāi shǐ …

verbal expression (figurative (initiate [sth])


noun (race: starting ahead) (赛跑)

My little sister runs slowly, so I give her a head start.

优势 yōu shì

noun (figurative (advantage)

His parents' wealth gave him a head start in life.


transitive verb (vehicle: start with jumper cables) (车辆)

发动,启动 fā dòng,qǐ dòng

transitive verb (motorcycle: start up) (摩托车等)

启动 qǐ dòng

transitive verb (figurative (prompt, boost)

启动 qǐ dòng

noun (figurative (prompt, boost)

重新开始 chóng xīn kāi shǐ

verbal expression (begin anew)

开始 kāi shǐ

verbal expression (begin)


noun (figurative (initial advantage)

Because Mason knew the new job was going to be posted today, he had a running start on the other candidates.


noun (from standing position)

The runners set off from a standing start.


noun (from being stationary)

重新开始,从头开始 chóng xīn kāi shǐ,cóng tóu kāi shǐ

(begin again)

重新开始,从头开始 chóng xīn kāi shǐ,cóng tóu kāi shǐ

(begin again)


(begin to return)

It will only take us half an hour to walk home, but it's getting dark, so maybe we'd better start back.


verbal expression (start from the very beginning)

When my grandparents first came to this country, they had to start from scratch.

首先 shǒu xiān

verbal expression (do first)


verbal expression (informal (begin with)

I like to start my day off with a three-mile run.

重新启动 chóng xīn qǐ dòng

verbal expression (machine: reactivate)

启动 qǐ dòng

noun (computing: switching on) (计算机)

You should check which programs run automatically at startup.

开动 kāi dòng

noun (machine: activation) (机械)

The machine makes an odd sound on startup.

新兴公司 xīn xīng gōng sī

noun (new business)

Kirsten quit her job at a software company to join a startup. Most start-up businesses fail within the first two years.


noun as adjective (relating to starting)

The entrepreneurs arranged a meeting with the bank to secure their startup capital.

起始阶段的,启动时期的 qǐ shǐ jiē duàn de,qǐ dòng shí qī de

noun as adjective (new business) (企业或工程)


plural noun (for a new business)


adverb (with a surprised jolt or jump)

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start 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。