英语 中的 serve 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 serve 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 serve 的说明。

英语 中的serve 表示为…服务 wèi … fú wù, 把(食物等)提供给, 给…提供, 为…端上, 为…摆出, 招待 zhāo dài, 做…的仆人 zuò de pú rén, 服(刑) fú xíng, 满足...的需要, 发球 fā qiú, 当服务生 dāng fú wù shēng, 发球 fā qiú, 服务 fú wù, 服兵役 fú bīng yì, 履行职责 lǚ xíng zhí zé, 担任助祭 dān rèn zhù jì, 作为 zuò wéi, 当作 dàng zuò, 送达(传票等) sòng dá chuán piào děng, 服务于, 与...配种, 向…传达(传票等), 为…工作 wèi … gōng zuò, 分发 fēn fā, 服满...的刑期, 端上...的饭菜, 即食的, 速食的, 自助式,自助的 zì zhù de, 成为例证, 毫无用处, 对于目标有用 duì yú mù biāo yǒu yòng, 坐牢 zuò láo, "服刑“期满, 报应不爽, 软冰淇淋 ruǎn bīng qí lín。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 serve 的含义

为…服务 wèi … fú wù

transitive verb (help, work for)

People join the police force in order to serve their community.


transitive verb (food: give, bring)

The waiters served roast beef and mashed potatoes to the diners.

给…提供, 为…端上, 为…摆出

transitive verb (give, bring food to) (食物、饮料等)

She served the children their food.

招待 zhāo dài

transitive verb (attend to: a customer) (客人)

The salesperson is serving another customer right now.

做…的仆人 zuò de pú rén

transitive verb (be a servant to)

Alfred served Bruce Wayne loyally.

服(刑) fú xíng

transitive verb (spend time: in prison)

He is serving a 10-year sentence for the crime.


transitive verb (fulfil the needs of)

Yes, this particular screwdriver will serve me fine.

发球 fā qiú

intransitive verb (tennis, etc.: play first) (乒乓球、网球等)

Who serves next? I think I do.
下一个谁发球? 我想该我了吧。

当服务生 dāng fú wù shēng

intransitive verb (work as a waiter)

He has been serving at that restaurant for two years.

发球 fā qiú

noun (tennis, etc.: first stroke) (乒乓球、网球等)

His serve was so fast that the opponent couldn't return it.

服务 fú wù

intransitive verb (work, fulfil duties)

He served loyally for many years.

服兵役 fú bīng yì

intransitive verb (do military service)

The sergeant has served for ten years.

履行职责 lǚ xíng zhí zé

intransitive verb (spend time: in a duty)

I served as a medic for ten years.

担任助祭 dān rèn zhù jì

intransitive verb (attend a mass) (弥撒时候)

The altar boy has to serve on Sunday.

作为 zuò wéi

(person: act as) (职务)

He served as the secretary for this meeting and took notes.

当作 dàng zuò

(function as)

The office also serves as a guest bedroom.

送达(传票等) sòng dá chuán piào děng

transitive verb (law: hand over) (法律)

The policeman served a summons to the witness.


transitive verb (supply)

Our company serves the Tri-State Area.


transitive verb (animals: copulate with) (动物、牲畜等)

The bull serves all the cows on the farm.


transitive verb (law: hand over) (法律)

His lawyer has just served me a summons.

为…工作 wèi … gōng zuò

transitive verb (work for)

She served the company well for twenty-five years.

分发 fēn fā

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (dish up, distribute: food) (食物)

The lunch ladies in the cafeteria serve out the day's meal of meatballs.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (complete: a prison sentence)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (dish up, distribute: food)

Helen served up a delicious meal of chicken and roast potatoes.

即食的, 速食的

adjective (food: can be eaten immediately)

The company manufactures ready-to-serve food products.

自助式,自助的 zì zhù de

adjective (self-service: unstaffed)


verbal expression (demonstrate what is expected)

The team's defeat serves as an example of what can happen if the players become complacent.


verbal expression (be useless or pointless)

Lying would serve no purpose because the truth will come out later.

对于目标有用 duì yú mù biāo yǒu yòng

verbal expression (be suitable for a task)

If you don't have a shovel to dig with, a sharp stick just might serve the purpose.

坐牢 zuò láo

(be in prison)

Jones had served time for a theft conviction.


(figurative (do unpleasant job) (比喻,指不喜欢的工作)

After working there for 34 years I decided I'd served my time.


([sth] bad: be deserved) (指坏事)

I'm not surprised the dog bit you, with the way you keep teasing him; it serves you right!

软冰淇淋 ruǎn bīng qí lín

noun (frozen dessert with soft consistency)

For dessert we had soft serve ice cream in a cone.

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serve 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。