英语 中的 sensitive 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 sensitive 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 sensitive 的说明。

英语 中的sensitive 表示敏感的,过敏性的,易过敏的 mǐn gǎn de ,guò mǐn xìng de ,yì guò mǐn de, 敏感的,神经质的,情感容易受伤的 mǐn gǎn de ,shén jīng zhì de ,qíng gǎn róng yì shòu shāng de, 敏感的,过敏的 mǐn gǎn de ,guò mǐn de, 灵敏的,敏感度高的 líng mǐn de ,mǐn gǎn dù gāo de, 敏感的,小心提及的 mǐn gǎn de, 涉及机密的,非常敏感的 shè jí jī mì de,fēi cháng mǐn gǎn de, 敏感型,易波动的, 区分大小写的 qū fēn dà xiǎo xiě de, 热敏感的, 非机密的,非绝密的 fēi jī mì de,fēi jué mì de, 过于敏感的 guò yú mǐn gǎn de, 敏感领域 mǐn gǎn lǐng yù, 敏感部位 mǐn gǎn bù wèi, 敏感数据,敏感资料, 对…敏感 duì mǐn gǎn, 善于接受… shàn yú jiē shòu, 对寒冷敏感的 duì hán lěng mǐn gǎn de, 容易感冒的 róng yì gǎn mào de, 紧急的 jǐn jí de, 触摸感应的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 sensitive 的含义

敏感的,过敏性的,易过敏的 mǐn gǎn de ,guò mǐn xìng de ,yì guò mǐn de

adjective (skin: delicate) (皮肤)

My neck is sensitive and gets irritated easily.

敏感的,神经质的,情感容易受伤的 mǐn gǎn de ,shén jīng zhì de ,qíng gǎn róng yì shòu shāng de

adjective ([sb]: easily upset) (人)

Don't be too mean to her. She is sensitive.

敏感的,过敏的 mǐn gǎn de ,guò mǐn de

adjective (responsive to agents) (对食物、香烟等)

A life-long asthmatic, he is sensitive to smoke.

灵敏的,敏感度高的 líng mǐn de ,mǐn gǎn dù gāo de

adjective (instrument: detects small changes) (仪器)

The sensitive instruments record small changes in temperature.

敏感的,小心提及的 mǐn gǎn de

adjective (figurative (subject: delicate) (话题)

Her divorce is still a sensitive subject, so please be careful what you say.

涉及机密的,非常敏感的 shè jí jī mì de,fēi cháng mǐn gǎn de

adjective (figurative (information: classified) (信息等)

This is sensitive information, so be careful whom you tell.


adjective (finance: type of stock) (股票)

Our broker specializes in sensitive stocks.

区分大小写的 qū fēn dà xiǎo xiě de

adjective (recognises small and capital letters)

CAPTCHA text recognition tests are often case-sensitive. // Most computer or network passwords are case sensitive.


adjective (responding to heat)

非机密的,非绝密的 fēi jī mì de,fēi jué mì de

adjective (information: not confidential) (信息)

过于敏感的 guò yú mǐn gǎn de

adjective (reacting too personally)

Don't be so over-sensitive - I was only joking!

敏感领域 mǐn gǎn lǐng yù

noun (figurative (emotive topic)

My mum no longer asks me about boyfriends because she knows it's a sensitive area.

敏感部位 mǐn gǎn bù wèi

noun (area of body easily affected by stimuli)

The tips of the fingers are the most sensitive area of the human body.


noun (confidential information)

This document contains sensitive data.

对…敏感 duì mǐn gǎn

preposition (easily affected by)

Be gentle with her - she's rather sensitive to criticism about her cooking. He is extremely sensitive to light.

善于接受… shàn yú jiē shòu

preposition (receptive to)

She'd make a great kindergarten teacher because she's so sensitive to the needs of others.

对寒冷敏感的 duì hán lěng mǐn gǎn de

adjective (quick to feel cold)

Alessandro is very sensitive to the cold so he always wears a pullover.

容易感冒的 róng yì gǎn mào de

adjective (affected by the cold)

Those plants are sensitive to the cold: you should take them inside when it gets chilly.

紧急的 jǐn jí de

adjective (urgent, critical)

Time-sensitive treatment is needed for heart attacks.


adjective (device: responds to touch)

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sensitive 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。