英语 中的 set on 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 set on 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 set on 的说明。

英语 中的set on 表示攻击 gōng jī, 套 tào, 一套 yí tào, 电视机 diàn shì jī, 落,沉 chén, 凝结 níng jié, 硬化 yìng huà, 搁 gē, 僵硬的,不动的 jiāng yìng de ,bú dòng de, 事先约定好的, 公式化的,标准的 biāo zhǔn de, 指定的 zhǐ dìng de, 固定的,定型的 gù dìng de, 坚定 jiān dìng, 一组,一群 yì zǔ,yì qún, 一套,套装 yí tào,tào zhuāng, (搭配的)一套 dā pèi de yí tào, 举止 jǔ zhǐ, 盘,局 pán,jú, 拍摄现场 pāi shè xiàn chǎng, 苗,球茎 miáo,qiú jīng, 乐组,组曲 yuè zǔ,zǔ qǔ, 集, 集合, 一群人 yì qún rén, 让…开始…, 定型,固定 dìng xíng,gù dìng, 合身,适合 hé shēn,shì hé, 结出果实 jié chū guǒ shí, 坐蛋, 分配 fēn pèi, 为…排版 wèi pái bǎn, 给...谱曲, 设, 设置, 使...定型, 树立 shù lì, 摆放, 布置, 整理 zhěng lǐ, 设陷阱 shè xiàn jǐng, 固定发型 gù dìng fà xíng, 定价 dìng jià, 确定 què dìng, 确定 què dìng, 镶嵌 xiāng qiàn, 布置, 布景, 结果实 jiē guǒ shí, 使朝向, 扬帆, 确定, 规定, 让...坐蛋, 以…为…的背景, 让…对…发起袭击, 让…攻击…, 开始,着手 kāi shǐ,zhuó shǒu, 渴望,热望 kě wàng,rè wàng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 set on 的含义

攻击 gōng jī

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (attack)

When we refused to hand over our wallets, they set on us with a pair of baseball bats.

套 tào

noun (collection)

I have a complete set of Dickens, bound in blue leather.

一套 yí tào

noun (kit)

Don't worry, I will get my set of tools and fix it.

电视机 diàn shì jī

noun (abbreviation (television set)

We are experiencing technical difficulties. Do not adjust your set.

落,沉 chén

intransitive verb (sun: sink) (日、月等)

What time does the sun set today?

凝结 níng jié

intransitive verb (become firm)

This jelly will set in four hours.

硬化 yìng huà

intransitive verb (harden)

The plaster needs twenty-four hours to set properly. Leave enough time to let the glue set.

搁 gē

transitive verb (place, put)

He set the glass on the edge of the table.

僵硬的,不动的 jiāng yìng de ,bú dòng de

adjective (unmoving) (表情等)

You could tell Olivia was determined from the set expression on her face.


adjective (agreed, fixed)

Eleanor's set hours of work are 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday.

公式化的,标准的 biāo zhǔn de

adjective (standard, conventional)

There is no set way to do it; you can choose your favorite method.

指定的 zhǐ dìng de

adjective (assigned)

Students should ensure they buy copies of set texts before the beginning of term.

固定的,定型的 gù dìng de

adjective (hair: drying in a style) (发型)

Madeleine's nails were painted, her hair was set, so she was ready to go to the dance.

坚定 jiān dìng

(determined to do)

Marcus is set on getting into Oxford.

一组,一群 yì zǔ,yì qún

noun (group)

I have made a new set of friends.

一套,套装 yí tào,tào zhuāng

noun (clothing: fit) (衣服、服装)

What do you think of the set of this suit?

(搭配的)一套 dā pèi de yí tào

noun (matching outfit) (服装)

Do you like this matching set that I bought?

举止 jǔ zhǐ

noun (bearing)

He has an arrogant set to him and I don't like that.

盘,局 pán,jú

noun (tennis) (网球)

The tennis player won the third set to win the whole match.

拍摄现场 pāi shè xiàn chǎng

noun (TV, film: stage) (电影)

The actor needed to be on set all day, as they were filming.

苗,球茎 miáo,qiú jīng

noun (horticulture: young plant) (园艺)

I have bought fifty onion sets this year.

乐组,组曲 yuè zǔ,zǔ qǔ

noun (music: performance) (音乐)

After finishing her set, the violinist bowed for the audience.

集, 集合

noun (algebra: grouping) (代数)

A is a subset of set B.

一群人 yì qún rén

noun (class, group)

Rose is in the top set for French.


verbal expression (apply, start)

The boss set his employees to work on the project.

定型,固定 dìng xíng,gù dìng

intransitive verb (hair: be fixed in place) (头发)

Your hair will set well if you use this hairspray.

合身,适合 hé shēn,shì hé

intransitive verb (clothes: fit, hang) (衣服、服装)

That dress sets very nicely on you.

结出果实 jié chū guǒ shí

intransitive verb (fruit: grow, develop) (花)

I had lots of flowers on my chilli plants this year, but the fruits didn't set.


intransitive verb (hen: sit on eggs) (母鸡)

The hen is setting in the nest.

分配 fēn pèi

transitive verb (assign [sb] [sth])

The teacher set his pupils several tasks.

为…排版 wèi pái bǎn

transitive verb (type)

Can you set this report for me in a plain typeface?


transitive verb (music: lyrics)

The poem was set to music.

设, 设置

transitive verb (watch: adjust) (时间)

I just changed the battery in the clock, so I have to set the time on it again.


transitive verb (bone: mend)

The doctors in casualty set the broken bone.

树立 shù lì

transitive verb (example: provide) (榜样)

You should set a good example to your younger brother!

摆放, 布置

transitive verb (table: lay) (桌子)

Kids, come set the table for dinner. We need plates and bowls.

整理 zhěng lǐ

transitive verb (put in order)

She set the chess pieces in their place.

设陷阱 shè xiàn jǐng

transitive verb (trap: prepare)

He set a trap for the mouse in the apartment.

固定发型 gù dìng fà xíng

transitive verb (hairstyle: fix)

The stylist set the woman's hair beautifully.

定价 dìng jià

transitive verb (price, value: fix)

Let's set the price of the shirt at twenty dollars.

确定 què dìng

transitive verb (date: schedule) (日期)

Let's set a June date for the wedding.

确定 què dìng

transitive verb (pace) (步速)

The leader set the pace in the bike race.

镶嵌 xiāng qiàn

transitive verb (gem: mount) (珠宝)

The jeweller set the stone in the ring.

布置, 布景

transitive verb (theater: arrange scene) (背景)

While the curtains were closed, they quickly set the next scene.

结果实 jiē guǒ shí

transitive verb (plant: produce fruit) (植物)

This tree sets fruit in the late summer.


transitive verb (direction: determine)

Jeremy set a course for the West.


transitive verb (sail: rig) (航海)

The crew set the sails and the ship left the harbour.

确定, 规定

transitive verb (fix, put in place)

The boss sets the hours we work. The sales targets have been set for this month.


transitive verb (hen: make sit on eggs) (母鸡)

Hens may try to peck you when you set them.


(often passive (story: locate, place) (故事、电影等)

Helena set her story against the backdrop of the Second World War. The novel is set in 19th-century Paris.


(let loose)

The hunters set the dogs on the scent.


(urge to attack)

If you go into that garden, the owner will set his dog on you.

开始,着手 kāi shǐ,zhuó shǒu

(begin, esp. a journey)

Jason and the Argonauts set out on their quest for the Golden Fleece.

渴望,热望 kě wàng,rè wàng

verbal expression (desire greatly, long for)

She had set her heart on a trip to Japan. The little boy had his heart set on getting a puppy for Christmas.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。