英语 中的 shifting 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 shifting 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 shifting 的说明。

英语 中的shifting 表示转移 zhuǎn yí, 不断改变的, 移动的 yí dòng de, 移动 yí dòng, 变, 换, 转向 zhuǎn xiàng, 班 bān, 移动 yí dòng, 换档键 huàn dàng jiàn, 轮班工人 lún bān gōng rén, 转变 zhuǎn biàn, 变速装置 biàn sù zhuāng zhì, 宽松直筒连衣裙 kuān sōng zhí tǒng lián yī qún, 变化,改变 biàn huà ,gǎi biàn, 断层 duàn céng, 更换,变动 gēng huàn,biàn dòng, 迅速移动,赶快 xùn sù yí dòng,gǎn kuài, 换挡 huàn dǎng, 按换挡键 àn huàn dǎng jiàn, 变卖 biàn mài, 交换 jiāo huàn, 转变 zhuǎn biàn, 深情地吻, 变形的,可变形的 biàn xíng de ,kě biàn xíng de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 shifting 的含义

转移 zhuǎn yí

noun (constant movement)

Janet watched the shifting of the sand in the wind.


adjective (changing, wavering)

Robert's shifting opinions made it impossible to know what he really thought.

移动的 yí dòng de

adjective (moving around)

The shifting sand began to form dunes.

移动 yí dòng

transitive verb (move)

The movers shifted the table one metre to the left.

变, 换

transitive verb (US (change: gear) (车挡)

The driver shifted gears as the car climbed the hill.

转向 zhuǎn xiàng

intransitive verb (change direction)

The wind has shifted and is now blowing from the north.

班 bān

noun (period of work)

This factory has three shifts: morning, evening and night.
这家工厂实行三班制: 早班、晚班和夜班。

移动 yí dòng

noun (movement)

The team's shift to the left confused the defence.

换档键 huàn dàng jiàn

noun (computer keyboard: key for uppercase)

To type capital letters, you must hold the shift key.

轮班工人 lún bān gōng rén

noun (group of workers)

The evening shift left when the night shift arrived.

转变 zhuǎn biàn

noun (change, alteration)

The shift in the weather surprised the residents.

变速装置 biàn sù zhuāng zhì

noun (US (gear stick)

He pushed the shift to a lower gear to pass the truck.

宽松直筒连衣裙 kuān sōng zhí tǒng lián yī qún

noun (dress)

She wore a black shift.

变化,改变 biàn huà ,gǎi biàn

noun (linguistic change) (语体、语域等)

She's always making shifts in register - sometimes talking standard English, and sometimes slang.

断层 duàn céng

noun (fault in rock) (地质学)

The seismologists found the shift that was causing the earthquakes.

更换,变动 gēng huàn,biàn dòng

intransitive verb (informal (move)

We can't sit at this table; we need to shift.

迅速移动,赶快 xùn sù yí dòng,gǎn kuài

intransitive verb (UK, informal (hurry)

Come on, shift! We'll be late!

换挡 huàn dǎng

intransitive verb (US (change gear)

When the engine is running too fast, you should shift.

按换挡键 àn huàn dǎng jiàn

intransitive verb (press the shift key) (计算机)

Shift when you want to type a capital letter.

变卖 biàn mài

transitive verb (UK, colloquial (sell) (口语)

We have to shift these radios by tomorrow.

交换 jiāo huàn

transitive verb (transfer)

The waiting officer shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

转变 zhuǎn biàn

transitive verb (exchange)

He shifted opinions from one day to the next.


transitive verb (Ire, slang (kiss passionately)

变形的,可变形的 biàn xíng de ,kě biàn xíng de

adjective (able to change shape)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。