英语 中的 shoot 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 shoot 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 shoot 的说明。

英语 中的shoot 表示射击 shè jī, 射击 shè jī, 开枪 kāi qiāng, 枪杀 qiāng shā, 射中 shè zhòng, 枪毙 qiāng bì, 拍摄 pāi shè, 拍摄 pāi shè, 哇!可恶!哎呀! wā !kě wù !āi yɑ !, 芽,苗 yá,miáo, 打猎 dǎ liè, 拍摄 pāi shè, 摄影 shè yǐng, 投篮, 射门, 击球 jī qiú, 用手指弹 yòng shǒu zhǐ tán, 快速移动 kuài sù yí dòng, 摄影 shè yǐng, 拍摄 pāi shè, 射门,投篮 shè mén ,tóu lán, 穿过,穿刺,穿透 chuān guò ,chuān cì,chuān tòu, 说,发言 fā yán, 读取地震数据, 测量…的高度, 投 tóu, 击出…杆 jī chū gān, 给…拍照 gěi … pāi zhào, 踢, 射, 注射 zhù shè, 反击 fǎn jī, 飞回来,返回来, (生气地)回复(邮件等), 击落、, 击毙 jī bì, 击破…的论点 jī pò de lùn diǎn, 从...忽然射出, 注射毒品 zhù shè dú pǐn, 开枪扫射, 笋 sǔn, 摄影,拍照 shè yǐng,pāi zhào, 瞟了某人一眼, 瞟了某人一眼, 争取得到, 远大志向, 闲聊 xián liáo, 快速穿过急流, 迅速增长 xùn sù zēng zhǎng, 迅速成长 xùn sù chéng zhǎng, 枪战片, 枪战片的, 枪战游戏, 枪战游戏的, 枪战 qiāng zhàn, 决斗,枪战 jué dòu ,qiāng zhàn, 射门决胜 shè mén jué shèng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 shoot 的含义

射击 shè jī

intransitive verb (fire a gun)

Robert's father taught him to shoot when he was a little boy.

射击 shè jī

(fire a gun at)

The soldiers shot at the enemy.

开枪 kāi qiāng

transitive verb (gun: fire)

He shot the gun.

枪杀 qiāng shā

transitive verb (kill with gun, etc.)

Where did you shoot that deer?

射中 shè zhòng

(wound by firing gun, etc.)

The soldier was shot in the leg.

枪毙 qiāng bì

transitive verb (execute by gunfire)

The prisoner was shot by the firing squad.

拍摄 pāi shè

transitive verb (film)

They are shooting the movie in Canada.

拍摄 pāi shè

transitive verb (photo: take) (照片)

The photographer shot 50 photos.

哇!可恶!哎呀! wā !kě wù !āi yɑ !

interjection (US, slang, euphemism (annoyance)

Shoot! I forgot his birthday!

芽,苗 yá,miáo

noun (botany: sprout) (植物)

From the eight seeds we got five shoots growing.

打猎 dǎ liè

noun (hunt)

They went on a turkey shoot.

拍摄 pāi shè

noun (informal (filming session) (电影)

The shoot will be on location in Iceland.

摄影 shè yǐng

noun (informal (photo shoot: photography session)

Zelda is at the shoot working as a camera assistant.

投篮, 射门

intransitive verb (sport: aim at goal) (篮球、足球等)

The basketball player decided to pass instead of shoot.

击球 jī qiú

intransitive verb (pool, billiards: play, hit) (台球等)

It's your turn to shoot. Try to knock the 7-ball in.

用手指弹 yòng shǒu zhǐ tán

intransitive verb (play marbles) (弹子游戏)

The experienced marble player was able to shoot very well.

快速移动 kuài sù yí dòng

intransitive verb (informal (move quickly)

The kid shot across the field to get the ball.

摄影 shè yǐng

intransitive verb (photograph)

You better shoot before it gets too dark!

拍摄 pāi shè

intransitive verb (film) (电影)

They shot all day long, but got the scenes that they wanted.

射门,投篮 shè mén ,tóu lán

intransitive verb (ball: aim at target) (体育运动)

He shot just as time ran out in the game.

穿过,穿刺,穿透 chuān guò ,chuān cì,chuān tòu

intransitive verb (pain: pass through body) (疼痛等)

The pain shot up his arm after he hit his elbow.

说,发言 fā yán

intransitive verb (slang (speak) (俚语)

I want to hear your opinion. When you're ready, shoot.


transitive verb (take seismic reading)

The geologists will shoot and interpret the seismic data for you.


transitive verb (star, planet: site) (用六分仪)

The captain used a sextant to shoot the sun.

投 tóu

transitive verb (dice: throw) (骰子)

It's your turn. Shoot the dice!

击出…杆 jī chū gān

transitive verb (golf: play, hit) (高尔夫)

I shot a 69 yesterday!

给…拍照 gěi … pāi zhào

transitive verb (take a photo of)

The fashion model allows only a few photographers to shoot pictures of her.

踢, 射

transitive verb (ball: aim at goal) (足球)

The footballer shot the ball between the posts.

注射 zhù shè

transitive verb (drug: inject) (药物)

The addict had been shooting heroin for years.

反击 fǎn jī

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal, figurative (retort)

"I didn't steal her purse!", the street kid shot back.


phrasal verb, intransitive (object: return) (如回飞镖)

He tossed the boomerang, which shot right back to him.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (reply: send)

I read Ken's email, then shot back an angry reply.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (aircraft: attack with gunfire)

We were ordered to shoot down the military aircraft.

击毙 jī bì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (kill with gun)

The sheriff's posse shot down the outlaws as they tried to make their getaway.

击破…的论点 jī pò de lùn diǎn

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (discredit)

His idea was immediately shot down by the director.


(appear suddenly, rapidly)

A mouse shot out of the hole and scuttled across the kitchen floor.

注射毒品 zhù shè dú pǐn

phrasal verb, intransitive (slang (inject drugs intravenously) (俚语)

The marks on his arm indicated he shot up frequently.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (US, slang (riddle with bullets)

The killer threatened to shoot up the place if anyone approached him.

笋 sǔn

noun (often plural (edible sprout)

We ordered chicken sauteed with broccoli and bamboo shoots.

摄影,拍照 shè yǐng,pāi zhào

noun (informal (photography session) (缩略形式)


verbal expression (look quickly at)


verbal expression (look quickly at)


(US, slang, figurative (aspire to)


verbal expression (mainly US, figurative (strive for the best)

闲聊 xián liáo

verbal expression (slang, figurative (chat)

We didn't talk about anything important that night - we were just shooting the breeze.


verbal expression (canoe down fast river)

Marc and his friends are going to shoot the rapids this weekend.

迅速增长 xùn sù zēng zhǎng

(size, quantity: increase)

Buy as much as you can now, because in the summer prices will shoot up!

迅速成长 xùn sù chéng zhǎng

(informal (child: get taller) (儿童长高)

He was small until his teens, when all of a sudden he shot up.


noun (film: involves shooting)


adjective (film: involves shooting)


noun (video game: involves shooting)


adjective (video game: involves shooting)

枪战 qiāng zhàn

noun (gunfight)

The fight ended in a shootout in which one man was injured.

决斗,枪战 jué dòu ,qiāng zhàn

noun (historical (gunfight: Old West) (美国西牛仔之间的)

There are numerous shootouts in the film, often inside saloons.

射门决胜 shè mén jué shèng

noun (sport: quickfire contest)

The team failed in the shootout, losing 3-2.

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shoot 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。