英语 中的 shoe 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 shoe 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 shoe 的说明。

英语 中的shoe 表示鞋 xié, 马掌 mǎ zhǎng, 制动瓦 zhì dòng wǎ, 给(马)钉掌 gěi mǎ dìng zhǎng, 芭蕾舞鞋 bā lěi wǔ xié, 半高跟鞋, 礼服鞋, 足球鞋, 高尔夫球鞋 gāo ěr fū qiú xié, 运动鞋 yùn dòng xié, 厚底鞋 hòu dǐ xié, 跑鞋, 鞋盒 xié hé, 蜗居, 卖鞋的区域 mài xié de qū yù, 鞋拔 xié bá, 制鞋的皮革 zhì xié de pí gé, 制鞋业 zhì xié yè, 鞋油 xié yóu, 鞋架, 鞋码, 鞋店 xié diàn, 鞋楦 xié xuàn, 把…塞进 bǎ … sāi jìn, 擦鞋 cā xié, 拖鞋的, 运动鞋 yùn dòng xié, 网球鞋 wǎng qiú xié, 跑断了腿, 属上流社会的,属特权阶层的, 翼尖鞋 yì jiān xié。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 shoe 的含义

鞋 xié

noun (footwear)

These shoes are too tight - they're hurting my toes.

马掌 mǎ zhǎng

noun (horseshoe)

The horse needs new shoes. Call the blacksmith.

制动瓦 zhì dòng wǎ

noun (part of a brake) (车辆等)

The brake shoes on my car are badly worn and need replacing.

给(马)钉掌 gěi mǎ dìng zhǎng

transitive verb (horse)

You need a good hammer to shoe a horse.

芭蕾舞鞋 bā lěi wǔ xié

noun (usually plural (classical dancer's shoe)

He noticed the pink ballet slippers on the ballerina's feet.


noun (women's footwear)


noun (usually plural (formal footwear)


noun (usually plural (sports shoe with studded soles)

I need some new football boots because mine are falling apart.

高尔夫球鞋 gāo ěr fū qiú xié

noun (usually plural (shoe worn to play golf)

Golf shoes are required on the putting green.

运动鞋 yùn dòng xié

plural noun (trainers)

You have to wear gym shoes to play squash at that club.

厚底鞋 hòu dǐ xié

noun (usually plural (type of shoe)

Platforms are back in style.


noun (often plural (trainer, sneaker)

I don't know why running shoes need to be so expensive.

鞋盒 xié hé

noun (cardboard box in which shoes are sold)

When I buy new shoes I always save the shoe box for storing things in.


noun (figurative, pejorative (simple or cramped house, building)

卖鞋的区域 mài xié de qū yù

noun (section of a shop selling footwear)

You may be able to find shoe polish in the shoe department.

鞋拔 xié bá

noun (implement for easing on shoes)

制鞋的皮革 zhì xié de pí gé

noun (treated animal skin used for shoes)

Leather that is tanned for shoe leather is stiffer than that used for gloves.

制鞋业 zhì xié yè

noun (mass production of footwear)

鞋油 xié yóu

noun (wax for making footwear shiny)

My shoes are dirty and I don't have any shoe polish.


noun (shelving unit for storing footwear)


noun (standard footwear measurement)

鞋店 xié diàn

noun (shop that sells footwear)

鞋楦 xié xuàn

noun (shaped insert for footwear)

I take good care of my shoes by keeping shoe trees in them when I'm not wearing them.

把…塞进 bǎ … sāi jìn

noun (figurative (act of squeezing [sth] into limited space)

擦鞋 cā xié

noun (mainly US (shoe-cleaning service)


noun (usually plural (soft indoor shoe)

These slipper shoes have non-grip soles.

运动鞋 yùn dòng xié

noun (usually plural (sneaker, trainer)

You can't go to the mayor's ball wearing sports shoes!

网球鞋 wǎng qiú xié

plural noun (sneakers, trainers)


verbal expression (US, Informal (look for a job) (非正式用语, 形容找工作)

Bob really wore out his shoe leather looking for a new job.


adjective (figurative, US (relating to upper classes)

翼尖鞋 yì jiān xié

noun (US, figurative (shoe: style of toecap)

He was the height of fashion, from his pinstripe suit to his wingtips.

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shoe 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。