英语 中的 slide 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 slide 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 slide 的说明。

英语 中的slide 表示滑行,滑动,滑移 huá xíng ,huá dòng,huá yí, 滑动 huá dòng, 滑倒 huá dǎo, 将...推给, 滑梯 huá tī, 幻灯片 huàn dēng piàn, 载物玻璃片,载玻片 zài wù bō lí piàn,zài bō piàn, 幻灯片 huàn dēng piàn, 雪崩 xuě bēng, 滑步 huá bù, 滑动部件,滑管,拉管 huá dòng bù jiàn,huá guǎn, 拖鞋 tuō xié, 滑垒 huá lěi, 滑动,滑行 huá dòng,huá xíng, 降低,下降 jiàng dī,xià jiàng, 滑块, 滑棒吉他, 发夹,发卡 fà jiá, 滑音管, 下滑,下跌 xià huá,xià diē, 滑垒 huá lěi, 滑,滑动 huá dòng, 悄悄地溜, 陷入… xiàn rù …, 对…放之任之, 对...放任自流, 对...听之任之, 显微镜载玻片, 岩崩 yán bēng, 滑回, 幻灯片演示, 幻灯片放映机 huàn dēng piàn fàng yìng jī, 计算尺 jì suàn chǐ, 图片展示,幻灯片展示 tú piàn zhǎn shì,huàn dēng piàn zhǎn shì, 幻灯片展示 huàn dēng piàn zhǎn shì, 幻灯片观看器 huàn dēng piàn guān kàn qì, 幻灯片放映 huàn dēng piàn fàng yìng, 幻灯片放映 huàn dēng piàn fàng yìng, 水道 shuǐ dào。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 slide 的含义

滑行,滑动,滑移 huá xíng ,huá dòng,huá yí

intransitive verb (glide, move easily)

Good lubrication will help the machine parts slide freely.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 我悄悄地从房间里溜出去。

滑动 huá dòng

intransitive verb (glide along)

He slid towards me on his ice skates.

滑倒 huá dǎo

intransitive verb (slip)

He slid on the icy sidewalk and hurt himself.


transitive verb (pass lightly)

Slide the butter dish down the table to your sister, please.

滑梯 huá tī

noun (playground: slope)

The slide is really tall, and the children love to play on it.

幻灯片 huàn dēng piàn

noun (photography: transparency)

Do you want to see our holiday slides?

载物玻璃片,载玻片 zài wù bō lí piàn,zài bō piàn

noun (for microscope specimen) (显微镜用的)

The scientist placed a slide with a sample under the microscope lens.

幻灯片 huàn dēng piàn

noun (presentation software page, image)

Make sure you review the content on the slides before the presentation.

雪崩 xuě bēng

noun (minor avalanche)

Beware the snow slides on the mountain.

滑步 huá bù

noun (movement: slip)

The tap dancer did an elegant slide to end the act.

滑动部件,滑管,拉管 huá dòng bù jiàn,huá guǎn

noun (trombone part) (长号的)

The trombone has either valves or a slide to change the pitch.

拖鞋 tuō xié

noun (shoe)

滑垒 huá lěi

noun (baseball) (棒球)

滑动,滑行 huá dòng,huá xíng

noun (skateboarding, snowboarding) (滑板运动,滑板滑雪)

降低,下降 jiàng dī,xià jiàng

noun (quality, etc.: decline) (质量等)


noun (machine part) (机械零件)


noun (uncountable, informal (slide guitar)

Any good blues guitarist can play slide.

发夹,发卡 fà jiá

noun (UK (hair clip)

Alice put a pink slide in each side of her hair.


noun (guitar: device for slurring notes) (吉他)

下滑,下跌 xià huá,xià diē

intransitive verb (figurative (decrease)

The bad news will make the financial markets slide.

滑垒 huá lěi

intransitive verb (baseball) (棒球术语)

To avoid the tag, he had to slide head first into third base.

滑,滑动 huá dòng

intransitive verb (pass smoothly)

Tears slid down the old man's face.


intransitive verb (move surreptitiously)

Mark slid out of the meeting early. The burglar slid along the alley, staying close to the walls.

陷入… xiàn rù …

(fall gradually into state)

After losing her job, Susan slid into a deep depression.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (neglect)

Since his wife died, he has let things slide, and the house is a mess.

对...放任自流, 对...听之任之

verbal expression (informal, figurative (let pass without correction)


noun (for holding specimens)

岩崩 yán bēng

noun (landslide on a rocky slope)

Last night's rock slide completely flattened three houses.


(move continuously backward)


noun (talk using transparencies as visual aids)

幻灯片放映机 huàn dēng piàn fàng yìng jī

noun (device for showing slides)

计算尺 jì suàn chǐ

noun (instrument for measurements and calculations)

We used to use a slide rule to calculate nearly everything.

图片展示,幻灯片展示 tú piàn zhǎn shì,huàn dēng piàn zhǎn shì

noun (figurative (computing: image display) (比喻,计算机)

Click here for a slide show of this property.

幻灯片展示 huàn dēng piàn zhǎn shì

noun (display: transparencies) (本义)

幻灯片观看器 huàn dēng piàn guān kàn qì

noun (device for photo transparencies)

幻灯片放映 huàn dēng piàn fàng yìng

noun (sequence of projected images)

The professor showed the students a slideshow.

幻灯片放映 huàn dēng piàn fàng yìng

noun (figurative (sequence of images on a computer) (计算机)

The editor used his own program to look at the images in a slideshow on the computer.

水道 shuǐ dào

noun (UK (flume)

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slide 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。