英语 中的 shower bath 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 shower bath 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 shower bath 的说明。

英语 中的shower bath 表示淋浴间, 淋浴 lín yù, 沐浴 mù yù, 阵雨 zhèn yǔ, 冰雹 bīng báo, 送礼会 sòng lǐ huì, 一群讨厌的人, 阵雨般地落下 zhèn yǔ bān de luò xià, 向...倾注, 浇湿 jiāo shī, 朝…扔, 阵雨般地落在 zhèn yǔ bān de luò zài, 婴儿洗礼,婴儿受洗仪式 yīng ér xǐ lǐ,yīng ér shòu xǐ yí shì, 新娘婚前派对, 冷水澡 lěng shuǐ zǎo, 缺乏热情的接待 quē fá rè qíng de jiē dài, 淋浴分流器, 冲澡 chōng zǎo, 热水澡 rè shuǐ zǎo, 流星雨, 阵雨 zhèn yǔ, 浴帽, 淋浴门帘 lín yù mén lián, 沐浴凝胶, 淋浴喷头 lín yù pēn tóu, 淋浴间, 淋浴盆, 淋浴设施,淋浴器, 阵雪, 太阳雨, 淋浴,冲澡 lín yù,chōng zǎo, 告别单身派对 gào bié dān shēn pài duì。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 shower bath 的含义


noun (place for bathing)

The shower in my bathroom is very small.

淋浴 lín yù

noun (bathing in sprayed water)

I prefer a shower to a bath.

沐浴 mù yù

intransitive verb (bathe in a shower bath)

He showered after going to the gym.

阵雨 zhèn yǔ

noun (light rainfall)

Showers are expected for Tuesday, but on Wednesday we will have thunderstorms.

冰雹 bīng báo

noun (hail)

The hail shower left some cars damaged.

送礼会 sòng lǐ huì

noun (mainly US (party) (为新娘或孕妇准备的)

Her friends threw her a baby shower when she was 6 months' pregnant.


noun (UK, informal (unpleasant people)

What a shower they are!

阵雨般地落下 zhèn yǔ bān de luò xià

intransitive verb (fall: tears, sparks)

Tears showered down her cheeks.


transitive verb (outpouring) (感情等)

His fans showered him with love after his latest win.

浇湿 jiāo shī

transitive verb (wet)

He sprayed the hose at the little girls and showered them with water.


transitive verb (cover with [sth]) (彩色纸屑等)

The photo showed the bride and groom showered with confetti.

阵雨般地落在 zhèn yǔ bān de luò zài

transitive verb (figurative (bombard: with bullets) (子弹或炮弹等)

The enemy was showering them with gunfire.

婴儿洗礼,婴儿受洗仪式 yīng ér xǐ lǐ,yīng ér shòu xǐ yí shì

noun (US (gift-giving party for unborn baby) (在孩子出生前所举办的特殊聚会,人们往往在此赠送礼物)

Jana had to leave the baby shower early to go to the hospital.


noun (party for bride)

冷水澡 lěng shuǐ zǎo

noun (shower: in cold water) (本义)

After the soccer game, I went home and took a cold shower.

缺乏热情的接待 quē fá rè qíng de jiē dài

noun (figurative (reception: unenthusiastic) (比喻)


noun (valve: in shower)

冲澡 chōng zǎo

verbal expression (wash oneself under water spray)

I think I'll go and have a shower.

热水澡 rè shuǐ zǎo

noun (wash under heated water spray)

I always feel cleaner after having a hot shower.


(astronomy) (天文现象)

阵雨 zhèn yǔ

noun (short burst of rain)


noun (head covering worn in shower)

Fiona didn't want to get her hair wet in the shower, so she put on her shower cap.

淋浴门帘 lín yù mén lián

noun (waterproof sheet around a shower)

She hung a crisp white shower curtain to complete the remodeled bathroom.


noun (liquid soap product)

淋浴喷头 lín yù pēn tóu

noun (nozzle of a shower attachment)


(shower compartment)


noun (floor sink in a shower unit)


noun (fitted shower)

The shower unit can be easily installed in two hours.


noun (snowfall)

There was a heavy snow shower on Christmas Eve.


noun (sunshine with rain)

淋浴,冲澡 lín yù,chōng zǎo

verbal expression (wash under a water spray)

I'm sweating like a horse – I'd better go and take a shower.

告别单身派对 gào bié dān shēn pài duì

noun (US (party where bride-to-be is given gifts) (准新娘)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。