英语 中的 slam 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 slam 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 slam 的说明。

英语 中的slam 表示砰地关上..., 砰地关上 pēng de guān shàng, 砰地撞上, 猛击 měng jī, 将…使劲推到...上, 砰,砰的声音 pēng,pēng de shēng yīn, 因某人做了某事而对其大肆抨击, 猛烈抨击 měng liè pēng jī, 抨击 pēng jī, 满贯 mǎn guàn, 砰地推门进入, 使劲扔, 大胜 dà shèng, 为某事大肆抨击某人, 猛踩, 摔掉, 抱摔, 大满贯 dà mǎn guàn, 本垒打 běn lěi dǎ, 大满贯 dà mǎn guàn, 诗歌角力,赛诗会, 灌篮,扣篮 kòu lán, 扣篮 kòu lán, 小菜一碟 xiǎo cài yì dié, 将...砰地一声关上, 砰地一声关上,重重地关上, 灌篮, 轻而易举的事 qīng ér yì jǔ de shì, 灌篮, 监牢,监狱,大牢 jiān láo,jiān yù,dà láo。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 slam 的含义


transitive verb (door: close violently)

The teenager slammed the door as she left the room after another argument with her parents.

砰地关上 pēng de guān shàng

intransitive verb (door: close violently)

The wind blew through the open windows and the door slammed.


(collide with, hit)

The racing car spun off the track and slammed into the wall at high speed.

猛击 měng jī

transitive verb (hit forcefully)

The waves slammed the shore.


(hit forcefully against [sth])

She slammed him into the door and knocked the breath out of him.

砰,砰的声音 pēng,pēng de shēng yīn

noun (shutting noise) (如关门声)

Ian heard the slam of a car door and knew Tom must have just got home.


verbal expression (informal, figurative (criticize)

The boss slammed Norma for getting the order wrong.

猛烈抨击 měng liè pēng jī

transitive verb (criticize harshly)

The critics slammed the director's new film.

抨击 pēng jī

noun (US, informal, figurative (verbal attack)

Maggie was tired of listening to Karen's slams.

满贯 mǎn guàn

noun (card game: winning) (牌戏)

Ned got a slam; he won all the tricks.


(leave or enter violently)

William slammed out of the room after his boss fired him.


transitive verb (put down forcefully)

Ursula slammed the book on the table.

大胜 dà shèng

transitive verb (defeat thoroughly)

The home team slammed their opponents.


(informal, figurative (criticize, attack verbally)

Henry slammed Daniel for his mistake.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (brakes: use suddenly)

The driver slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting a deer.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (violently put down)

Andy angrily slammed down the telephone receiver.


(wrestling) (摔跤)

大满贯 dà mǎn guàn

noun (® in the UK (sports: winning several championships) (运动)

The four biggest international tennis tournaments are known as grand slams.

本垒打 běn lěi dǎ

noun (baseball: hit scoring 4 runs) (棒球)

大满贯 dà mǎn guàn

noun (cards: winning at bridge) (桥牌)


noun (poetry reading: competitive)

灌篮,扣篮 kòu lán

transitive verb (basketball: score from above rim) (篮球)

扣篮 kòu lán

noun (successful basketball shot)

小菜一碟 xiǎo cài yì dié

noun (US, slang, figurative ([sth] easily done)

Joel thought the test would be difficult, but it was a slam dunk.


(door: close violently) (门)


(door: close violently) (门)


noun (basketball shot)

轻而易举的事 qīng ér yì jǔ de shì

noun (US, figurative, informal ([sth] easy)


transitive verb (play basketball shot)

监牢,监狱,大牢 jiān láo,jiān yù,dà láo

noun (slang (prison) (俚语)

I was finally released after spending a year in the slammer for a crime that I didn't commit!

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。