英语 中的 slow 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 slow 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 slow 的说明。

英语 中的slow 表示慢的 màn de, 慢速的 màn sù de, 反应迟钝的 fǎn yìng chí dùn de, 减速 jiǎn sù, 反应迟钝的,反应迟缓的 fǎn yìng chí dùn de ,fǎn yìng chí huǎn de, 走得慢了的 zǒu de màn le de, 清淡的,冷清的 qīng dàn de ,lěng qīng de, 乏味的,情节推进缓慢的 fá wèi de ,qíng jié tuī jìn huǎn màn de, 文火的,慢火的,火力弱的 wén huǒ de,màn huǒ de,huǒ lì ruò de, 曝光慢的 bào guāng màn de, 小光圈的,小孔径的 xiǎo guāng quān de,xiǎo kǒng jìng de, 难行的,使球等滚不快的 nán xíng de,shǐ qiú děng gǔn bú kuài de, 缓慢地 huǎn màn de, 降低…的速度 jiàng dī de sù dù, 慢下来,放慢速度 màn xià lái,fàng màn sù dù, 减慢, 使…慢下来, 使放慢, 缓慢地 huǎn màn de, 慢速, 懒猴 lǎn hóu, 愤怒逐渐积聚, 缓慢稳步, 慢炖锅, 慢动作 màn dòng zuò, 缓释的, 缓释的, 缓慢 huǎn màn, 慢性的,慢作用的 màn xìng de, 耐烧的,慢燃的, 缓慢滋生的,日积月累的, 进展缓慢的, 慢动作 màn dòng zuò, 慢动作的, 行动迟缓的 xíng dòng chí huǎn de, 速度缓慢的, 拖拉 tuō lā, 头脑迟钝的, 减速,下降 jiǎn sù,xià jiàng, 放缓,下滑,下行 xià huá, 怠工。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 slow 的含义

慢的 màn de

adjective (not moving fast)

While she runs fast, I am more of a slow runner.

慢速的 màn sù de

adjective (not designed for speed)

His bike is slow, while her bike is much faster.

反应迟钝的 fǎn yìng chí dùn de

adjective (mentally: slow to learn)

We have one student who is a bit slow, but the rest all understand.

减速 jiǎn sù

intransitive verb (reduce speed)

He slowed to look at the accident scene.

反应迟钝的,反应迟缓的 fǎn yìng chí dùn de ,fǎn yìng chí huǎn de

adjective (emotionally: slow to react) (指感情方面)

His reaction to the death of his mother was slow, but eventually strong.

走得慢了的 zǒu de màn le de

adjective (clock: behind) (指时钟)

That clock is slow. We need one that keeps proper time.

清淡的,冷清的 qīng dàn de ,lěng qīng de

adjective (business: giving few sales) (指生意)

Business has been slow lately. The phone doesn't ring much.

乏味的,情节推进缓慢的 fá wèi de ,qíng jié tuī jìn huǎn màn de

adjective (film, novel: boring) (指小说、电影等)

That film was so slow. It was half an hour before you even knew what it was about!

文火的,慢火的,火力弱的 wén huǒ de,màn huǒ de,huǒ lì ruò de

adjective (heat: gentle, not too hot) (指火)

Cook the vegetables over a slow flame.

曝光慢的 bào guāng màn de

adjective (photographic film: less sensitive) (摄影术语)

Use slow film when shooting in bright, sunny conditions.

小光圈的,小孔径的 xiǎo guāng quān de,xiǎo kǒng jìng de

adjective (shutter: set to slower speed) (摄影术语)

I use a slow shutter to take evening photos.

难行的,使球等滚不快的 nán xíng de,shǐ qiú děng gǔn bú kuài de

adjective (sports fields) (指运动场地)

I don't like playing football there because the field is slow and the ball doesn't move well.

缓慢地 huǎn màn de

adverb (US, informal (slowly)

He talked slow, so she could understand better.

降低…的速度 jiàng dī de sù dù

transitive verb (reduce the speed of)

He slowed the car to look at the accident scene.

慢下来,放慢速度 màn xià lái,fàng màn sù dù

phrasal verb, intransitive (reduce one's speed)

He slowed down as he came up to the junction.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (reduce speed of: [sb] or [sth])

The economic crisis slowed down the hot housing market.

使…慢下来, 使放慢

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (make slower, hinder)

缓慢地 huǎn màn de

adverb (slowly)

The tortoise won the race, even though he went at a slow pace.


adverb (at slowed-down speed)

He replayed the video in slow motion. We watched it again in slow motion to see when exactly the player was fouled.

懒猴 lǎn hóu

noun (Southeast Asian lemur)


noun (figurative (gradual building up of anger)


adjective (progress: gradual but regular) (进展)


noun (pot that cooks food slowly at low temperature)

慢动作 màn dòng zuò

noun (cinema: slower than in reality)

The filmmaker used slow motion to show the beauty in everyday movement.


noun as adjective (drug: gradual effect) (药物)

Take the slow-release morphine pills as prescribed, every morning and evening.


noun as adjective (food: gradual energy) (食物)

Slow-release carbohydrates have less impact on blood-sugar levels.

缓慢 huǎn màn

preposition (sluggish or reluctant to)

He was slow to understand what I really meant.

慢性的,慢作用的 màn xìng de

adjective (drug, insulin)


adjective (fuel: taking a long time to burn) (燃料)


adjective (figurative (emotion: taking time to build) (情绪)


adjective (figurative (story: taking time to develop) (故事)

慢动作 màn dòng zuò

noun (informal, abbreviation (slow motion)


noun as adjective (at slowed-down speed)

行动迟缓的 xíng dòng chí huǎn de

adjective (sluggish, unhurried) (人)


adjective (not fast-moving)

拖拉 tuō lā

transitive verb (figurative (delay [sth]'s progress)


adjective (unintelligent)

减速,下降 jiǎn sù,xià jiàng

noun (decline in pace)

There's been a slowdown in the rate of infection.

放缓,下滑,下行 xià huá

noun (decline in activity)

The cause of the economic slowdown is unknown.


noun (US (deliberate slowing of work pace)

The workers organized a slowdown when management refused to listen to their demands.

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slow 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。