英语 中的 study 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 study 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 study 的说明。

英语 中的study 表示学习 xué xí, 研究 yán jiū, 学习 xué xí, 书房 shū fáng, 研究报告 yán jiū bào gào, 调查 diào chá, 细察 xì chá, 研究 yán jiū, 学业, 学习 xué xí, 练习曲 liàn xí qǔ, 习作,试作 xí zuò,shì zuò, 为成为…而学习 wèi chéng wéi ér xué xí, 为…而学习,为…而复习, 仔细查看 zǐ xì chá kàn, 圣经研读,查经, 个案研究 gè àn yán jiū, 进行调查, 课程 kè chéng, 专业 zhuān yè, 研究领域, 野生环境考察, 现场研究,实地考察 shí dì kǎo chá, 外语学习 wài yǔ xué xí, 语言学习 yǔ yán xué xí, 专业 zhuān yè, 粗浅的自然研究 cū qiǎn de zì rán yán jiū, 试点研究 shì diǎn yán jiū, 初步研究 chū bù yán jiū, 预备性研究 yù bèi xìng yán jiū, 学得快的人 xué de kuài de rén, 调查研究 diào chá yán jiū, 自学, 自学的, 留学 liú xué, 研究小组,学习小组, 学习指南, 自修课,自习课, 自修室, 进修假, 研究访问,研究之旅。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 study 的含义

学习 xué xí

transitive verb (attempt to learn)

I want to study law.

研究 yán jiū

transitive verb (analyse)

The scientist is going to study the results.

学习 xué xí

intransitive verb (work to learn)

If you want high marks, you must study.

书房 shū fáng

noun (room)

Father is having tea in the study.

研究报告 yán jiū bào gào

noun (written account)

Our department presented a study at the conference.

调查 diào chá

noun (investigation)

Dr. Morton will aid the scientists in their study.

细察 xì chá

noun (observation)

Charles was lost in his study of a leaf.

研究 yán jiū

noun (often plural (branch of learning)

Botany is the study of plants.


plural noun (learning at school)

Shweta takes her studies seriously and gets good grades.

学习 xué xí

noun (act of studying)

The visitors interrupted the student's study.

练习曲 liàn xí qǔ

noun (music: composition)

The next piece is a study for piano in A-minor.

习作,试作 xí zuò,shì zuò

noun (art: exercise, guide) (绘画)

Da Vinci drew lots of studies of body parts.

为成为…而学习 wèi chéng wéi ér xué xí

verbal expression (become educated to qualify as)

He spent 3 years abroad, presumably studying to be an architect.


(learn or revise for: an exam) (如考试)

Make sure you study well for your upcoming exams.

仔细查看 zǐ xì chá kàn

transitive verb (scrutinize)

The committee will study the panel's findings.


noun (lessons in religious scripture)

The women are beginning a Bible study class every Thursday morning.

个案研究 gè àn yán jiū

noun (detailed individual example)

To assist you in understanding the translation process, I have prepared a case study of a book translation.


verbal expression (perform an investigation)

I've been researching for my thesis but I still need to conduct a study to test my hypothoses.

课程 kè chéng

noun (learning programme)

专业 zhuān yè

noun (US (subject: major)

I chose Classics as my course of study.


noun (research: area)

Joe's field of study is French literature.


noun (observation of nature in the wild)

it was essential to conduct a field study to get to know the bird species better in their own habitat.

现场研究,实地考察 shí dì kǎo chá

noun (observation off-site)

外语学习 wài yǔ xué xí

noun (learning of other languages)

Foreign-language study is best done in the country in question.

语言学习 yǔ yán xué xí

noun (learning of foreign languages)

I have a degree in mathematics, but my true love is language study.

专业 zhuān yè

noun (research: main area)

My major field of study is Greek, and I am minoring in art history.

粗浅的自然研究 cū qiǎn de zì rán yán jiū

noun (learning about nature through direct experience)

We enjoy bird watching and other kinds of nature study.

试点研究 shì diǎn yán jiū

noun (trial done for research)

The drug has not yet been approved, but the results of the pilot study were very positive.

初步研究 chū bù yán jiū

noun (initial report or investigation)

A preliminary study suggests a link between passive smoking and lung cancer, but further studies are needed to prove this conclusively.

预备性研究 yù bèi xìng yán jiū

noun (initial report or investigation)

学得快的人 xué de kuài de rén

noun (fast learner)

The boy is a quick study.

调查研究 diào chá yán jiū

noun (investigation, information-gathering)

Recent research study has revealed that discrimination is still common in many workplaces.


noun (teaching yourself)


noun as adjective (relating to teaching yourself)

留学 liú xué

(study in foreign country)

After high school, she intended to study abroad.


noun (people who study together)


noun (subject notes or summary used for revision)


noun (US (time for independent study)


noun (US (room for independent study)


noun (sabbatical)


noun (visit made for academic research)

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study 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。