英语 中的 smallest 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 smallest 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 smallest 的说明。

英语 中的smallest 表示小的 xiǎo de, 小规模的 xiǎo guī mó de, 微不足道的 wēi bù zú dào de, 小写的 xiǎo xiě de, 微小的 wēi xiǎo de, 身份低微的 shēn fèn dī wēi de, 成为小块地 chéng wéi xiǎo kuài dì, 小人物,贫贱之人 xiǎo rén wù, 内衣 nèi yī, 少量 shǎo liàng, 很少 hěn shǎo, 比分相差不大地, 卡路里 kǎ lù lǐ, 特小号的, 细则,条款 xì zé,tiáo kuǎn, 小号字体印刷品 xiǎo hào zì tǐ yìn shuā pǐn, 一些 yì xiē, 暂时地 zàn shí de, 在凌晨, 闲聊 xián liáo, 按微缩比例 àn wēi suō bǐ lì, 小范围地 xiǎo fàn wéi de, 少量 shǎo liàng, 小武器 xiǎo wǔ qì, 小木桶 xiǎo mù tǒng, 小卧室 xiǎo wò shì, 小男孩 xiǎo nán hái, 小型企业 xiǎo xíng qǐ yè, 个体户 gè tǐ hù, 女性小企业主, 渺小的机会 miǎo xiǎo de jī huì, 零钱 líng qián, 小钱, 小额索赔法院, 小公司 xiǎo gōng sī, 小型单位 xiǎo xíng dān wèi, 小人,小孩 xiǎo rén,xiǎo hái, 小人物,小事,不重要的事 xiǎo rén wù,xiǎo shì,bú zhòng yào de shì, 下半夜 xià bàn yè, 小肠 xiǎo cháng, 腰骶部, 不重要的事,小事 bú zhòng yào de shì,xiǎo shì, 小号字, 细则 xì zé, 闲谈 xián tán, 这个世界真小, 娇小的 jiāo xiǎo de, 心胸狭窄的 xīn xiōng xiá zhǎi de, 小规模的 xiǎo guī mó de, 无足轻重的 wú zú qīng zhòng de, 业余小偷 yè yú xiǎo tōu, 乡气的,小城镇的,偏狭的 xiāng qì de,xiǎo chéng zhèn de,piān xiá de, 很小程度上 hěn xiǎo chéng dù shàng, 很小程度上 hěn xiǎo chéng dù shàng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 smallest 的含义

小的 xiǎo de

adjective (not big in size)

He used a small spoon to stir his coffee.

小规模的 xiǎo guī mó de

adjective (modest in scale)

We're thinking of a small product launch, not a national campaign.

微不足道的 wēi bù zú dào de

adjective (not significant)

That investment only gave a small return; we should invest elsewhere.

小写的 xiǎo xiě de

adjective (letter: lowercase)

Many people forget to capitalize some names and write them all in small letters.

微小的 wēi xiǎo de

adjective (slight)

There is only a small chance of rain this afternoon.

身份低微的 shēn fèn dī wēi de

adjective (figurative (unimportant)

He was just a small country baker, but he was well-respected.

成为小块地 chéng wéi xiǎo kuài dì

adverb (into small pieces)

You need to cut up the meat small for the stew.

小人物,贫贱之人 xiǎo rén wù

plural noun (people without wealth)

This government does not seem to care about the small.

内衣 nèi yī

plural noun (UK (underwear)

Have you seen her smalls on the washing line? All red and silky!

少量 shǎo liàng

noun (relatively small quantity of [sth])

很少 hěn shǎo

noun (relatively few)

Competition for positions at the school is fierce; the university accepts only a small percentage of applicants each year.


expression (by a small number or amount)

He was elected president by a narrow margin.

卡路里 kǎ lù lǐ

noun (unit of energy) (热量单位)

In science, heat is measured in calories.


adjective (clothing size: XS, smallest) (衣服尺码)

细则,条款 xì zé,tiáo kuǎn

noun (figurative (terms and conditions) (比喻)

If only I'd read the fine print, I wouldn't have lost so much money.

小号字体印刷品 xiǎo hào zì tǐ yìn shuā pǐn

noun (text printed in small font)

The fine print's too hard for me to read due to my bad eyesight.

一些 yì xiē

adverb (slightly, somewhat)

Being suspended from school has actually improved his behaviour in a small way.

暂时地 zàn shí de

adverb (figurative (a little at a time)

I don't mind opera as long as it's in small doses.


adverb (very early in the morning)

闲聊 xián liáo

verbal expression (chat, converse about trivial subjects)

I'm no good at making small talk at parties.

按微缩比例 àn wēi suō bǐ lì

adverb (in miniature)

The model showed New York City on a small scale.

小范围地 xiǎo fàn wéi de

adverb (not extensively)

He started selling watches on a small scale, then increased his business.

少量 shǎo liàng

noun (little bit)

You should only eat a small amount of salt per day.

小武器 xiǎo wǔ qì

noun (handguns)

The gang carrying small arms terrorised the crowd.

小木桶 xiǎo mù tǒng

noun (keg for holding liquid)

The small barrels contain the most expensive wine.

小卧室 xiǎo wò shì

noun (spare or guest room)

I'll make up the bed in the small bedroom for you.

小男孩 xiǎo nán hái

noun (young male child)

The small boy gazed at the toy display.

小型企业 xiǎo xíng qǐ yè

noun (company with few employees)

Small businesses are allowed special loan rates.

个体户 gè tǐ hù

noun (male owner of small company)

Small businessmen have been very hard hit by the slump.


noun (female owner of small company)

渺小的机会 miǎo xiǎo de jī huì

noun (little probability)

Maybe you'll win in lottery - it's really a small chance, but it's still a chance.

零钱 líng qián

noun (loose coins)


noun (figurative (inconsequential amount of money)


noun (hears claims for small sums)

小公司 xiǎo gōng sī

noun (company with few employees)

Ours is a small firm with only 4 employees.

小型单位 xiǎo xíng dān wèi

noun (UK (little apartment)

We would've liked a house but we could only afford a small flat.

小人,小孩 xiǎo rén,xiǎo hái

interjection (slang, figurative (child)

Hello, small fry, what did you do at school today?

小人物,小事,不重要的事 xiǎo rén wù,xiǎo shì,bú zhòng yào de shì

noun (slang, figurative ([sb], [sth] unimportant)

That big company doesn't have time to waste on small fry like us.

下半夜 xià bàn yè

plural noun (pre-dawn)

小肠 xiǎo cháng

noun (upper part of the gut)

A tumor was removed from the wall of the small intestine.


noun (lower part of the back)

She was hurting in the small of her back, just above the tailbone.

不重要的事,小事 bú zhòng yào de shì,xiǎo shì

noun (figurative, slang ([sth] insignificant) (比喻,俚语)

Compared to what you did last week, this is just small potatoes.


noun (text in a small font)

The small print on this packet is difficult to read.

细则 xì zé

noun (figurative (terms and conditions)

Make sure you read the small print before you sign the contract.

闲谈 xián tán

noun (chitchat, trivial conversation)

There's no time for small talk - we have important business to discuss!


expression (expression of surprise)

You know John? So do I—he's my cousin's boyfriend; small world!

娇小的 jiāo xiǎo de

adjective (person: petite)

心胸狭窄的 xīn xiōng xiá zhǎi de

adjective (petty, insular)

小规模的 xiǎo guī mó de

adjective (limited scope)

无足轻重的 wú zú qīng zhòng de

adjective (informal (minor, amateur)

Although he had big dreams, Alan was just a small-time crook.

业余小偷 yè yú xiǎo tōu

noun (minor thief, robber)

Hugh was just a small-time crook until he met Pete.

乡气的,小城镇的,偏狭的 xiāng qì de,xiǎo chéng zhèn de,piān xiá de

adjective (pejorative (provincial, unenlightened) (轻蔑语)

很小程度上 hěn xiǎo chéng dù shàng

adverb (slightly, a little)

很小程度上 hěn xiǎo chéng dù shàng

adverb (slightly, a little)

I am to a small extent sympathetic to their problems.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。