英语 中的 snap 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 snap 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 snap 的说明。

英语 中的snap 表示喀嚓折断 kā chā zhé duàn, 咔嚓折断, 断裂 duàn liè, 咯嗒关上 gē dā guān shàng, 狠咬, 对...怒声呵斥, 咔嚓声,喀嚓声 kā cā shēng, 劈啪声 pī pā shēng, 快照 kuài zhào, 快的 kuài de, 容易的 róng yì de, 好巧!, 真巧!, 摁扣,揿钮 èn kòu,qìn niǔ, 打响指声, 突变 tū biàn, 轻而易举之事, 抢先配对牌戏, 啪嗒一声, 崩溃 bēng kuì, 打响指 dǎ xiǎng zhǐ, 怒骂 nù mà, 迅速抓住 xùn sù zhuā zhù, 拍照, 照相, 使…发出劈啪声, 怒声说, 从...中走出来,停止 tíng zhǐ, 抢先获得, 寒流 hán liú, 姜汁饼干 jiāng zhī bǐng gān, 姜汁饼干 jiāng zhī bǐng gān, 纽扣, 犀利反驳 xī lì fǎn bó, 迅速恢复 xùn sù huī fù, 菜豆,油豆角 cài dòu, 仓卒的决定, 提前选举,临时选举,仓促选举, 折断 zhé duàn, 迅速恢复过来, 快速停止, 甜豌豆,食荚豌豆 tián wān dòu, 扣环,缩圈 kòu huán, 突然关上, 突然关上,急速关闭, 打响指 dǎ xiǎng zhǐ, 卡入的,卡入式, 卡环的,扣环的,止动环的, 扣在一起的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 snap 的含义

喀嚓折断 kā chā zhé duàn

intransitive verb (break with noise)

The branch snapped under the weight of the fruit.


transitive verb (break with noise)

Mary was holding a twig in her hands and she snapped it.

断裂 duàn liè

intransitive verb (make cracking sound) (绳索)

Philip flicked the rope so that it snapped.

咯嗒关上 gē dā guān shàng

intransitive verb (close with click sound)

Natalie turned the key and heard the lock snap.


intransitive verb (attempting to bite)

The dog was growling and snapping. The horse snapped at Linda's hand.


(speak sharply or angrily to)

I know you're frustrated, but that doesn't give you an excuse to snap at me like that.

咔嚓声,喀嚓声 kā cā shēng

noun (breaking noise) (断裂的声音)

Trevor looked round when he heard the snap of a twig behind him.

劈啪声 pī pā shēng

noun (sharp sound) (尖锐的声音)

The snap of the whip scared the horse.

快照 kuài zhào

noun (snapshot: quick photo)

Uncle Bob showed us his holiday snaps.

快的 kuài de

adjective (done quickly)

Peter made a snap decision to move to the city, but it worked out well.

容易的 róng yì de

adjective (done easily)

The interview was a snap assignment for Helen, because she already knew the interviewee.


interjection (saying [sth] is the same) (表达两事一样)

Simon's going to be 40 next week? Snap!


interjection (saying the same thing)

Both Jane and Loob answered, "ice cream," then they cried out "Snap!"

摁扣,揿钮 èn kòu,qìn niǔ

noun (fastener for clothes) (衣物)

The skirt fastened with a snap.


noun (finger noise)

Alan tried to attract the waiter's attention with a snap of his fingers.

突变 tū biàn

noun (sudden spell of weather: cold, etc.) (天气)

Wendy had to turn the heating back on, due to a sudden cold snap.


noun ([sth] done easily)

Finding a parking place was a snap.


noun (UK (card game)

Snap is a game for two players; each player has a pile of cards that they turn over and you win tricks by being the first person to shout snap when both of you turn over a card of equal value.


noun (jaws: sudden closing) (合上的声音)

The dragon's jaws opened wide and then closed with a snap.

崩溃 bēng kuì

intransitive verb (slang (emotionally) (比喻,情绪)

Polly put up with her boss's unfair criticism for months, but finally she snapped.

打响指 dǎ xiǎng zhǐ

intransitive verb (fingers)

Edward's fingers were snapping to the music.

怒骂 nù mà

intransitive verb (speak angrily to)

I asked Pippa if she was OK, but she just snapped; I think it might be best to leave her alone for now.

迅速抓住 xùn sù zhuā zhù

(seize: opportunity) (机会等)

The dancer snapped at the chance of auditioning for the Royal Ballet.

拍照, 照相

transitive verb (informal (take a photo) (摄影)

The photographer snapped a picture of the celebrity.


transitive verb (make cracking sound)

The slave master snapped the whip to make the slaves work harder.


transitive verb (say angrily)

"Go away!" she snapped.

从...中走出来,停止 tíng zhǐ

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative, informal (stop being upset, unhappy) (消极情绪、行为)

I know you lost your job and your girlfriend left you, but I think it's time you snapped out of your self-pity and got on with your life.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (rush to obtain)

The tickets were snapped up the morning they were put on sale.

寒流 hán liú

noun (period: cold weather)

The recent cold snap killed my tomato plants.

姜汁饼干 jiāng zhī bǐng gān

noun (UK (cookie)

Kyle grabbed another ginger nut off the plate and ate it.

姜汁饼干 jiāng zhī bǐng gān

noun (ginger-flavored cookie)

My grandmother kept her cookie jar filled with ginger snaps.


noun (metal fastener)

The coat has press studs and a zip.

犀利反驳 xī lì fǎn bó

(reply sharply)

Larry snapped at Karen, so she snapped back.

迅速恢复 xùn sù huī fù

(figurative (quickly return to original state)

No matter how far you stretch this material, it always snaps back.

菜豆,油豆角 cài dòu

noun (legume: crisp bean pod)


noun ([sth] decided spontaneously)


noun (voting called suddenly)

折断 zhé duàn

(break away, become detached)

The branches had been damaged by frost and snapped off easily.


verbal expression (slang (return quickly to normal)

The teacher caught James daydreaming, but he soon snapped out of it.


verbal expression (slang (quickly end, stop [sth])

I wish Jenna would snap out of her bad mood.

甜豌豆,食荚豌豆 tián wān dòu

noun (edible legume)

扣环,缩圈 kòu huán

noun (circular fastening or clip)


(close abruptly)

The door snapped shut.


(close abruptly)

Wendy snapped the suitcase shut.

打响指 dǎ xiǎng zhǐ

verbal expression (click finger and thumb)

Mrs.McCredie clicked her fingers and a maid appeared to clear away the plates. If you want me, just snap your fingers and I'll be there!


adjective (lid, tool, etc.: snaps into place)


noun as adjective (fastening: circular clip)


adjective (that fasten by clipping one into another)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。