英语 中的 nose 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 nose 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 nose 的说明。

英语 中的nose 表示鼻子 bí zi, 鼻子 bí zi, 动物口鼻部 dòng wù kǒu bí bù, 气味,香味 qì wèi,xiāng wèi, 嗅觉 xiù jué, 船首 chuán shǒu, 头部,机头 tóu bù,jī tóu, 好奇,好打听 hào qí,hào dǎ tīng, 像鼻子的部位 xiàng bí zi de bù wèi, 靠接 kào jiē, 用鼻子拱, 耳鼻喉的, 四处打听,窥探 sì chù dǎ tīng,kuī tàn, 打探 dǎ tàn, 险险胜过, 嗅出 xiù chū, 对…有灵敏的嗅觉, 擤鼻子 xǐng bí zi, 马屁精 mǎ pì jīng, 拍马屁,谄媚讨好 pāi mǎ pì,chǎn mèi tǎo hǎo, 小圆鼻子, 跟自己过不去, 随着气味走, 相信自己的直觉, 一直往前走,径直朝前走, 惹恼 rě nǎo, 捏住鼻子, 捂住鼻子, 鹰钩鼻, 安分守己, 长时间勤奋, 看不起 kàn bù qǐ, 尖嘴钳 jiān zuǐ qián, 鼻夹, (火箭等的)前端锥形体 huǒ jiàn děng de qián duān zhuī xíng tǐ, 滴鼻剂 dī bí jì, 鼻部整形手术, 鼻环 bí huán, 直接较量 zhí jiē jiào liàng, (竞争等)面对面的 jìng zhēng děng miàn duì miàn de, 面对面 miàn duì miàn, 面对面的 miàn duì miàn de, 与…针锋相对 yǔ zhēn fēng xiāng duì, 与…很亲昵 yǔ hěn qīn nì, 前轮 qián lún, 轻蔑动作, 鼻子出血 bí zi chū xiě / bí zi chū xuè, 快速下降, 快速下跌,暴跌 bào diē, 快速下降, 骤然下跌,暴跌 bào diē, 准确 zhǔn què, 花大价钱, 为…支付高昂费用, 挖鼻孔,抠鼻子, 鸡屁股, 辛勤工作 xīn qín gōng zuò, 流鼻涕 liú bí tì, 朝天鼻, 短枪管武器, 嗤之以鼻, 对...嗤之以鼻。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 nose 的含义

鼻子 bí zi

noun (nasal organ) (人)

A fly landed on my nose.

鼻子 bí zi

noun (dog's muzzle) (狗)

When Tom's dog misbehaves, he taps it on the nose.

动物口鼻部 dòng wù kǒu bí bù

noun (animal's snout)

The anteater stuck his nose into the hole.

气味,香味 qì wèi,xiāng wèi

noun (wine: smell) (葡萄酒的)

This Chardonnay has a wonderful nose.

嗅觉 xiù jué

noun (sense of smell)

My hound dog has a great nose and can track any smell.

船首 chuán shǒu

noun (front of a ship or boat, prow)

The captain guided the nose of the yacht towards the dock.

头部,机头 tóu bù,jī tóu

noun (aircraft's forward end) (飞行器的)

The nose of the plane pitched down.

好奇,好打听 hào qí,hào dǎ tīng

noun (figurative (curiosity, inquisitiveness) (比喻)

Keep your nose out of my business!

像鼻子的部位 xiàng bí zi de bù wèi

noun (nose-like part)

He used the nose of the pliers to reach into the crack.

靠接 kào jiē

intransitive verb (get close)

He nosed close enough to see the entertainer.


transitive verb (push with the nose)

The dog nosed the door so he could pass through.


noun as adjective (ENT: relating to otorhinolaryngology)

四处打听,窥探 sì chù dǎ tīng,kuī tàn

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (pry, snoop) (非正式用语)

I can't stand Alex; he's always nosing around, hoping to overhear gossip.

打探 dǎ tàn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (pry, snoop)

The detective decided to nose around the slums to see what mischief was afoot.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (narrowly defeat)

Horse number seven seemed all set to win, but then number eleven nosed him out.

嗅出 xiù chū

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (detect)

After the avalanche, bloodhounds nosed out the buried skiers.


noun (figurative (instinctive ability to detect [sth])

He has a great nose for good books.

擤鼻子 xǐng bí zi

verbal expression (expel mucus)

Please blow your nose instead of sniffing.

马屁精 mǎ pì jīng

noun (vulgar, figurative, pejorative, slang (sycophant)

What a brown-nose - always sucking up to the boss, hoping for a promotion.

拍马屁,谄媚讨好 pāi mǎ pì,chǎn mèi tǎo hǎo

transitive verb (vulgar, figurative, pejorative, slang (be obsequious)

You got that promotion because you brown-nosed the boss.


noun (small round nose)


verbal expression (figurative (put self at disadvantage through spite)


verbal expression (trace smell of [sth])


verbal expression (informal, figurative (trust your instinct)


verbal expression (informal, figurative (go straight on)

Turn left, then take the second right and just follow your nose.

惹恼 rě nǎo

verbal expression (UK, informal (annoy [sb])


verbal expression (pinch nostrils to avoid bad smell)


verbal expression (figurative (repress feelings of distaste) (比喻压制厌憎情绪)


noun (nose with bend in middle)

An old woman with a hooknose approached us.


expression (informal, figurative (behave well)


verbal expression (figurative (continuously work hard)

看不起 kàn bù qǐ

expression (figurative (think yourself superior)

尖嘴钳 jiān zuǐ qián

plural noun (long thin pliers)

As the hole was so small I was forced to use a pair of needle-nose pliers to loosen the nut.


noun (clasp used on a swimmer's nose)

(火箭等的)前端锥形体 huǒ jiàn děng de qián duān zhuī xíng tǐ

noun (conical shield at front of an aircraft)

滴鼻剂 dī bí jì

plural noun (medicinal drops applied via the nostrils)


noun (slang (cosmetic surgery on the nose)

鼻环 bí huán

noun (pierced jewellery worn in the nose)

You will have to remove your nose ring if you want this job.

直接较量 zhí jiē jiào liàng

adverb (into direct competition)

(竞争等)面对面的 jìng zhēng děng miàn duì miàn de

adjective (in direct competition)

面对面 miàn duì miàn

adverb (intimately close up)

面对面的 miàn duì miàn de

adjective (intimately close up)

与…针锋相对 yǔ zhēn fēng xiāng duì

preposition (figurative (in direct competition with)

The boxer went nose to nose with his opponent.

与…很亲昵 yǔ hěn qīn nì

preposition (very close to)

Sam was nose to nose with his girlfriend, Mary.

前轮 qián lún

noun (part of a plane's undercarriage) (飞机起落架上的)


noun (informal, figurative (display of mockery or contempt)

鼻子出血 bí zi chū xiě / bí zi chū xuè

noun (bleeding from the nose)

The driver had a nosebleed after hitting his face on the steering wheel in the accident.


noun (aircraft: rapid fall, plunge) (飞行器等)

The plane's nosedive was frightening, but fortunately it quickly corrected course.

快速下跌,暴跌 bào diē

noun (figurative (rapid decrease) (比喻)

The nosedive in salaries was due to the poor economy.


intransitive verb (aircraft: plummet, fall rapidly) (飞行器等)

When the engine malfunctioned, the plane nosedived.

骤然下跌,暴跌 bào diē

intransitive verb (figurative (decrease rapidly) (比喻)

Stocks nosedived for the fifth week in a row.

准确 zhǔn què

adjective (informal, figurative (exact, precise)

Your guess was right on the nose.


verbal expression (figurative (spend too much money on [sth])

Our train was cancelled, so we ended up paying through the nose to take a taxi.


verbal expression (figurative (spend too much money on [sth])

He paid through the nose for that car, and it's nothing but a piece of junk.


verbal expression (put a finger in your nostril)

Little kids will pick their noses in public, because they have no shame.


noun (informal (cookery: tail of fowl)

辛勤工作 xīn qín gōng zuò

verbal expression (figurative (work hard)

流鼻涕 liú bí tì

noun (informal (excessive nasal mucus) (非正式用语)

I have a runny nose and I keep coughing; I think I should see the doctor tomorrow.


noun (short, turned-up nose)

Marilyn had a snub nose.


noun (US (firearm with short barrel)


verbal expression (figurative (show disgust, disdain)


verbal expression (figurative (show disgust, disdain for)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。