英语 中的 cold 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 cold 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 cold 的说明。

英语 中的cold 表示冷的 lěng de, 感到寒冷的, 感到寒冷, 寒冷 hán lěng, 冷的 lěng de, 冷冻的 lěng dòng de, 寒冷 hán lěng, 感冒,伤风 gǎn mào ,shāng fēng, 不友好的 bù yǒu hǎo de, 冷淡的 lěng dàn de, 死的 sǐ de, 失去知觉的 shī qù zhī jué de, 客观的 kè guān de, 性冷淡的 xìng lěng dàn de, 远离目标的 yuǎn lí mù biāo de, 没准备好的 méi zhǔn bèi hào de, 无准备地 wú zhǔn bèi de, 贸然地 mào rán de, 完全地 wán quán de, 重感冒 zhòng gǎn mào, 严寒 yán hán, 寒冷的 hán lěng de, 摇摆不定 yáo bǎi bú dìng, 感冒 gǎn mào, 得重感冒, 冰冷的 bīng lěng de, 冷萃咖啡, 冷萃的, 电话推销 diàn huà tuī xiāo, 电话推销 diàn huà tuī xiāo, 悬案, 现款 xiàn kuǎn, 不起作用的安慰 bù qǐ zuò yòng de ān wèi, 雪花膏,冷霜 xuě huā gāo,lěng shuāng, 冷切肉,冷盘, 害怕 hài pà, 态度冰冷的人 tài dù bīng lěng de rén, 冷锋 lěng fēng, 冷酷的心 lěng kù de xīn, 冷盘肉 lěng pán ròu, 冰袋 bīng dài, 冷淡 lěng dàn, 冷水澡 lěng shuǐ zǎo, 缺乏热情的接待 quē fá rè qíng de jiē dài, 寒流 hán liú, 唇疱疹 chún pào zhěn, 春寒期 chūn hán qī, 冷藏 lěng cáng, 搁置 gē zhì, 冷藏库, 将...存入冷藏库, 冷汗, 感冒药, 冷火鸡肉 lěng huǒ jī ròu, 突然完全戒除, 一下子 yí xià zi, 突然的 tū rán de, 冷战 lěng zhàn, 冷战 lěng zhàn, 冷战 lěng zhàn, 冷水 lěng shuǐ, 寒潮 hán cháo, 冷烫 lěng tàng, 寒冷的天气 hán lěng de tiān qì, 寒冷天气的, 冷血的 lěng xiě de / lěng xuè de, 冷血无情的 lěng xiě wú qíng de / lěng xuè wú qíng de, 冷酷残忍的 lěng kù cán rěn de, 冷血地,冷酷无情地 lěng xuè de ,lěng kù wú qíng de, 打陌生推销电话, 钱 qián, 货币,现款 huò bì,xiàn kuǎn, 冷淡的 lěng dàn de, 摆脱孤立, 感冒 gǎn mào, (零度以下)刺骨的寒冷 líng dù yǐ xià cì gǔ de hán lěng, 非常冷的,冰冷的,冷得刺骨的 fēi cháng lěng de,bīng lěng de,lěng dé cì gǔ de, 退缩 tuì suō, 冷淡 lěng dàn, 快速戒掉坏习惯, 变冷 biàn lěng, 冷却 lěng què, 感冒 gǎn mào, 打退堂鼓 dǎ tuì táng gǔ, 完全了解,彻底明白 wán quán liǎo jiě,chè dǐ míng bái, 清楚…的品行 qīng chǔ de pǐn xíng, 伤风 shāng fēng, 冰冷的 bīng lěng de, 冷漠的 lěng mò de, 残忍地 cán rěn de, 冷藏 lěng cáng, 搁置 gē zhì, 在户外严寒中, 被冷落, 吃闭门羹, 被排除在外, 严寒 yán hán, 失去知觉的,昏迷的 shī qù zhī jué de ,hūn mí de, 对寒冷敏感的 duì hán lěng mǐn gǎn de, 容易感冒的 róng yì gǎn mào de, 冷血的 lěng xiě de / lěng xuè de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 cold 的含义

冷的 lěng de

adjective (low in temperature)

Laura dipped one foot into the cold water of the lake.
你需要穿件外套。 外面很冷。


adjective (person: not warm)

I'm cold; I'm going to put a jumper on.


(feel lack of heat)

I'm cold; please would you close the window?

寒冷 hán lěng

(weather: uncomfortably low temperature)

Put your coat on; it is cold outside today.

冷的 lěng de

adjective (unheated)

No, I don't need the microwave; I like to eat cold leftover pizza.

冷冻的 lěng dòng de

adjective (chilled)

I prefer to drink cold water.

寒冷 hán lěng

noun (uncountable (lack of heat)

Many Alaskans do not mind the cold.

感冒,伤风 gǎn mào ,shāng fēng

noun (common virus: head cold) (病症)

You can tell Simon has a cold because his nose is bright red.

不友好的 bù yǒu hǎo de

adjective (figurative (unfriendly)

While he is cold in public, those who know him understand that he is still a nice person.

冷淡的 lěng dàn de

adjective (figurative (indifferent)

My boss was cold to my idea of a new product line.

死的 sǐ de

adjective (dead)

When the police arrived, they discovered two cold bodies.

失去知觉的 shī qù zhī jué de

adjective (informal (out cold: unconscious)

The boxer was knocked cold and the match was stopped.

客观的 kè guān de

adjective (figurative (rational, unemotional)

The judge's cold reasoning followed the law but enraged the victim's family.

性冷淡的 xìng lěng dàn de

adjective (figurative (sexually: frigid)

He wanted to make love to her, but found her very cold.

远离目标的 yuǎn lí mù biāo de

adjective (figurative (far from target)

His guesses at the answer continued to be cold. He really had no idea.

没准备好的 méi zhǔn bèi hào de

adjective (figurative (unprepared)

He's not ready to go into the game. He's still cold.

无准备地 wú zhǔn bèi de

adverb (unprepared)

When the star player was injured, his backup went in cold. He had no time to get ready.

贸然地 mào rán de

adverb (unintroduced)

The salesman was given no leads, and had to call potential customers cold.

完全地 wán quán de

adverb (US (completely)

He stopped cold after seeing the body.

重感冒 zhòng gǎn mào

noun (severe cold virus)

She's home with a bad cold.

严寒 yán hán

noun (weather: freezing)

The older she gets, the less she can tolerate the bitter cold.

寒冷的 hán lěng de

adjective (intensely cold)

You need very warm clothing to survive the bitterly cold weather in the Arctic.

摇摆不定 yáo bǎi bú dìng

verbal expression (figurative (waver, vacillate)

感冒 gǎn mào

verbal expression (contract cold virus)

If you go out in this rain without a coat you're liable to catch a cold.


verbal expression (informal (catch a bad cold)

冰冷的 bīng lěng de

adjective (very cold)

The sodas from the vendor on the beach were as cold as ice.


noun (coffee made with cool water)


adjective (coffee: made with cool water)

电话推销 diàn huà tuī xiāo

noun (unsolicited sales visit or phone call)

I got my start in sales by making door-to-door cold calls.

电话推销 diàn huà tuī xiāo

noun (making unsolicited sales calls)

Do you prefer to make your sales contacts by cold calling or direct mail?


noun (unsolved police investigation)

现款 xiàn kuǎn

noun (currency)

Davis paid the workers in cold cash.

不起作用的安慰 bù qǐ zuò yòng de ān wèi

noun (small, ineffective consolation)

The pension, though not insubstantial, was cold comfort to the widow of such a loving husband.

雪花膏,冷霜 xuě huā gāo,lěng shuāng

noun (skincare product) (护肤品)

Her only bad habit was putting cold cream on her face before coming to bed.


plural noun (chiefly US (meat served cold) (餐食)

The buffet included a selection of cold cuts.

害怕 hài pà

noun (loss of courage)

Everyone gets nervous before their wedding; it's just cold feet.

态度冰冷的人 tài dù bīng lěng de rén

noun (informal, figurative (person: unfriendly) (非正式用语,比喻)

She's such a cold fish that she wouldn't even talk to me when I said hello.

冷锋 lěng fēng

noun (cool air pushing forward)

The weather will get nasty due to the cold front pushing in from the North.

冷酷的心 lěng kù de xīn

noun (figurative (lack of compassion) (比喻)

She had a cold heart and nothing I could say or do would melt it.

冷盘肉 lěng pán ròu

noun (US (meat: cooked, sliced)

What do you want in your sandwich: cheese, or cold meat?

冰袋 bīng dài

noun (ice pack, compress)

After getting hit in the eye, I put a cold pack on it to prevent swelling.

冷淡 lěng dàn

transitive verb (informal, figurative (snub)

冷水澡 lěng shuǐ zǎo

noun (shower: in cold water) (本义)

After the soccer game, I went home and took a cold shower.

缺乏热情的接待 quē fá rè qíng de jiē dài

noun (figurative (reception: unenthusiastic) (比喻)

寒流 hán liú

noun (period: cold weather)

The recent cold snap killed my tomato plants.

唇疱疹 chún pào zhěn

noun (herpes on lip)

I never kiss anyone with a cold sore.

春寒期 chūn hán qī

noun (period of cold weather)

After the heat wave there was a cold spell, much to everyone's relief

冷藏 lěng cáng

noun (keeping [sth] chilled)

搁置 gē zhì

noun (figurative (suspension of activity)


noun (refrigerated compartment)


transitive verb (keep in cold storage)


noun (from fear, illness)


noun (pill for relief of common cold)

冷火鸡肉 lěng huǒ jī ròu

noun (leftover turkey meat served cold)

Since Christmas we have been eating cold turkey sandwiches every day.


noun (figurative (sudden withdrawal from [sth] addictive) (指戒瘾)

Some people believe that cold turkey is the only way to beat addiction.

一下子 yí xià zi

adverb (abruptly, without support)

He quit smoking, and he did it cold turkey.

突然的 tū rán de

adjective (abrupt and sudden)

Cold turkey withdrawal from any drug is very difficult.

冷战 lěng zhàn

noun (hostility: Soviet Union and West) (前苏联和西方国家之间的敌对状态)

Many people were believed to be spies during the Cold War.

冷战 lěng zhàn

noun (hostility short of armed warfare)

冷战 lěng zhàn

noun (figurative (on-going veiled antagonism) (指人际间)

冷水 lěng shuǐ

noun (water: not hot) (本义)

The football team poured cold water on the coach's head.

寒潮 hán cháo

noun (period of extremely cold weather)

The weather bureau forecast a cold wave.

冷烫 lěng tàng

noun (hairdressing: type of perm)

寒冷的天气 hán lěng de tiān qì

noun (chilly conditions)

We are going north, so prepare for cold weather!


noun as adjective (for chilly conditions)

冷血的 lěng xiě de / lěng xuè de

adjective (animal) (指动物)

Cold-blooded animals can't regulate their body heat like warm-blooded animals do.

冷血无情的 lěng xiě wú qíng de / lěng xuè wú qíng de

adjective (figurative (person: emotionless) (指人)

They say the convict is a cold-blooded killer.

冷酷残忍的 lěng kù cán rěn de

adjective (figurative (act: cruel, showing no mercy) (指行为)

The massacre was a cold-blooded, ruthless act.

冷血地,冷酷无情地 lěng xuè de ,lěng kù wú qíng de

adverb (cruelly, without mercy)

The man was jailed for life for cold-bloodedly killing two innocent people.


transitive verb (make unsolicited sales visit or phone call)

He cold-called all the people on his contact list.

钱 qián

noun (figurative (making money)

He didn't care about performing a service; all he cared about was cold, hard cash.

货币,现款 huò bì,xiàn kuǎn

noun (money, not credit) (本义)

I'll sell you this bike, but you have to pay me in cold, hard cash.

冷淡的 lěng dàn de

adjective (lacking compassion)

The way they went in and grabbed their mother's stuff seemed pretty cold-hearted.


verbal expression (figurative (no longer be in exile)

感冒 gǎn mào

noun (cold virus)

There's no cure for the common cold.

(零度以下)刺骨的寒冷 líng dù yǐ xià cì gǔ de hán lěng

noun (sub-zero temperatures)

All my delicate plants died last night in the freezing cold.

非常冷的,冰冷的,冷得刺骨的 fēi cháng lěng de,bīng lěng de,lěng dé cì gǔ de

adjective (figurative (extremely cold) (比喻)

She may have a warm heart but on the outside she's freezing cold.

退缩 tuì suō

verbal expression (figurative, informal (abandon [sth] due to anxiety)

He was starting to get cold feet about the wedding.

冷淡 lěng dàn

verbal expression (informal, figurative (snub)

After the incident, they all gave her the cold shoulder.


verbal expression (addiction: quit abruptly)

He was shivering and sweating because he had no money to buy more drugs and was going cold turkey.

变冷 biàn lěng

(weather) (天气)

After nightfall, the desert really grows cold.

冷却 lěng què

(figurative (feelings) (感情)

Selena's love for Eric had grown cold.

感冒 gǎn mào

verbal expression (be suffering from the cold virus)

I don't feel like going out today because I have a cold.

打退堂鼓 dǎ tuì táng gǔ

verbal expression (figurative, informal (abandon [sth] due to anxiety)

完全了解,彻底明白 wán quán liǎo jiě,chè dǐ míng bái

verbal expression (US, informal (know, understand [sth] completely)

She scored 100% on her Spanish test because she had the conjugations down cold.

清楚…的品行 qīng chǔ de pǐn xíng

verbal expression (US, informal (understand [sb]'s character) (非正式用语)

伤风 shāng fēng

noun (viral infection)

冰冷的 bīng lěng de

adjective (extremely cold to touch)

冷漠的 lěng mò de

adjective (without emotion)

残忍地 cán rěn de

adverb (figurative (without emotion)

The gunman killed his victim in cold blood.

冷藏 lěng cáng

adverb (refrigerated)

Meat will go bad if not kept in cold storage.

搁置 gē zhì

adverb (figurative (saved, postponed)

Let's keep that idea in cold storage until we have the capital to develop it.


adverb (outside, exposed to cold weather)

The hikers were caught in the cold during the early snow storm.

被冷落, 吃闭门羹, 被排除在外

adverb (figurative (excluded)

He was left feeling out in the cold when his friends went to the pub without him.

严寒 yán hán

noun (extremely cold conditions)

The intense cold numbed their limbs and paralyzed them.

失去知觉的,昏迷的 shī qù zhī jué de ,hūn mí de

adjective (informal (unconscious)

对寒冷敏感的 duì hán lěng mǐn gǎn de

adjective (quick to feel cold)

Alessandro is very sensitive to the cold so he always wears a pullover.

容易感冒的 róng yì gǎn mào de

adjective (affected by the cold)

Those plants are sensitive to the cold: you should take them inside when it gets chilly.

冷血的 lěng xiě de / lěng xuè de

adjective (figurative (completely cold)

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cold 的相关词

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。