英语 中的 sped 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 sped 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 sped 的说明。

英语 中的sped 表示快 kuài, 速率 sù lǜ, 快走 kuài zǒu, 违章超速行驶,超速 wéi zhāng chāo sù xíng shǐ,chāo sù, 排挡 pái dǎng, 苯异丙胺,安非他明 běn yì bǐng àn,ān fēi tā míng, 加速 jiā sù, 急忙 jí máng, 迅速离开 xùn sù lí kāi, 加快…的速度 jiā kuài … de sù dù, 加速 jiā sù, 以惊人的速度 yǐ jīng rén de sù dù, 以全速 yǐ quán sù, 高速地, 突然加速 tū rán jiā sù, 巡航速度, 全速 quán sù, 全速前进,全速行驶 quán sù qián jìn,quán sù xíng shǐ, 加速 jiā sù, 高速 gāo sù, 快速的 kuài sù de, 网速快的, 高速火车 gāo sù huǒ chē, 加快速度 jiā kuài sù dù, 快门速度 kuài mén sù dù, 飞驰 fēi chí, 道路上的减速坎 dào lù shàng de jiǎn sù kǎn, 阻碍,小障碍 zǔ ài,xiǎo zhàng ài, 测速照相机, 喜欢高速度的人,喜欢用高速交通工具旅行的人 xǐ huān gāo sù dù de rén,xǐ huān yòng gāo sù jiāo tōng gōng jù lǚ xíng de rén, 一键拨号,快速拨号, 限速 xiàn sù, (最快的)速度记录 zuì kuài de sù dù jì lù, 速滑运动员, 速滑, (车辆)超速监视区 chē liàng chāo sù jiān shì qū, 加速,提速,加快 jiā sù,tí sù,jiā kuài, 提速 tí sù, 超音速 chāo yīn sù, 最高速度 zuì gāo sù dù, 了解最新情况, 风速。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 sped 的含义

快 kuài

noun (velocity)

The racecar moved at great speed.

速率 sù lǜ

noun (measurement)

What speed are we going?

快走 kuài zǒu

intransitive verb (go fast)

The dog sped down the hill.

违章超速行驶,超速 wéi zhāng chāo sù xíng shǐ,chāo sù

intransitive verb (exceed speed limit) (驾驶)

Don't speed, or the police will take away your license.

排挡 pái dǎng

noun (gear) (车等的)

I have a ten-speed bicycle.

苯异丙胺,安非他明 běn yì bǐng àn,ān fēi tā míng

noun (slang (drug) (俚语,一种毒品)

Speed is an addictive stimulant.

加速 jiā sù

intransitive verb (drive rapidly)

You may speed on the straight road, but slow down coming into the turns.

急忙 jí máng

intransitive verb (hurry)

She waits until the last minute, and then speeds through her work.

迅速离开 xùn sù lí kāi

phrasal verb, intransitive (leave very rapidly)

The cops got there just in time to see the robbers speed away in their car.

加快…的速度 jiā kuài … de sù dù

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (cause to move more quickly)

Could you please speed it up a bit? There are people waiting behind you.

加速 jiā sù

phrasal verb, intransitive (go faster)

Speed up, or we'll never get to the church on time.

以惊人的速度 yǐ jīng rén de sù dù

expression (dangerously fast)

以全速 yǐ quán sù

expression (as fast as possible)

If you run the motor at full speed for more than an hour, there is a danger it will overheat and seize up.


expression (figurative (extremely rapidly)

It's difficult for companies to keep up with an industry that's moving at warp speed.

突然加速 tū rán jiā sù

noun (sudden increase in speed)

With a sudden burst of speed, he passed his competition and won the race.


noun (vehicle: speed that is easy to maintain)

全速 quán sù

noun (maximum speed)

This boat's full speed is 30 miles per hour.

全速前进,全速行驶 quán sù qián jìn,quán sù xíng shǐ

interjection (train: at top speed) (火车)

The enemy's approaching from the south – full speed ahead!

加速 jiā sù

(get faster)

His bike began to gather speed as he rode down the hill.

高速 gāo sù

noun (great velocity)

快速的 kuài sù de

noun as adjective (chase: very fast)


noun as adjective (Internet, broadband: acting quickly)

高速火车 gāo sù huǒ chē

noun (railway train designed to travel very fast)

I can get to Madrid in two hours using the new high-speed train.

加快速度 jiā kuài sù dù

verbal expression (get faster)

快门速度 kuài mén sù dù

noun (photography: exposure time)

飞驰 fēi chí

(travel rapidly)

We watched all the German cars speeding along on the Autobahn.

道路上的减速坎 dào lù shàng de jiǎn sù kǎn

noun (hump in road: deters speeding)

阻碍,小障碍 zǔ ài,xiǎo zhàng ài

noun (figurative (hindrance) (比喻)

I think that argument you had with your wife is just a speed bump.


noun (device that detects speeding traffic)

喜欢高速度的人,喜欢用高速交通工具旅行的人 xǐ huān gāo sù dù de rén,xǐ huān yòng gāo sù jiāo tōng gōng jù lǚ xíng de rén

noun (slang (fast driver)

What a speed demon! - he's going to get hurt some day.


noun (phone feature: calling a number automatically) (电话功能)

限速 xiàn sù

noun (legal restriction on vehicle speed)

In the United States, the speed limit for most highways is 65 miles per hour.

(最快的)速度记录 zuì kuài de sù dù jì lù

noun (fastest speed officially recorded)

The Guinness World Book tracks the speed records of cars, airplanes, boats, etc.


noun (sportsperson: races on ice skates)


noun (sport: racing on ice skates) (体育)

(车辆)超速监视区 chē liàng chāo sù jiān shì qū

noun (stretch of road where speed is monitored)

The police set up a speed trap to catch people driving too fast.

加速,提速,加快 jiā sù,tí sù,jiā kuài

noun (informal (acceleration) (非正式用语)

提速 tí sù

noun (informal (business: increase in production rate)

超音速 chāo yīn sù

noun (velocity faster than sound)

最高速度 zuì gāo sù dù

noun (highest velocity)

The Ferrari reached its top speed on the test track.


expression (know the current situation)


noun (how fast the wind is blowing)

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sped 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。