英语 中的 span 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 span 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 span 的说明。

英语 中的span 表示一段时间 yí duàn shí jiān, 宽度 kuān dù, 跨越, 横跨, 桥梁横跨的长度 qiáo liáng héng kuà de cháng dù, 翼展 yì zhǎn, 注意力持续的时间 zhù yì lì chí xù de shí jiān, 生命持续的时间 shēng mìng chí xù de shí jiān, 手掌宽, 横跨 héng kuà, 持续 chí xù, 旋转 xuán zhuǎn, 使旋转 shǐ xuán zhuǎn, 把…纺成纱线 bǎ fǎng chéng shā xiàn, 结网 jié wǎng, 纺纱 fǎng shā, 结网 jié wǎng, 旋转 xuán zhuǎn, 快速旋转 kuài sù xuán zhuǎn, 晕眩 yūn xuàn, 编造, 编撰, 脱水 tuō shuǐ, 乘车兜风 chéng chē dōu fēng, 室内自行车运动, 导向性意见, 宣传战, 旋转 xuán zhuǎn, 旋转球, 操纵唱机, 注意力集中的时间 zhù yì lì jí zhōng de shí jiān, 寿命 shòu mìng, 寿命, 使用期限, 周期,生命周期 zhōu qī ,shēng mìng zhōu qī, 干净的,整洁的 gān jìng de ,zhěng jié de, 时长 shí cháng, 时间跨度 shí jiān kuà dù。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 span 的含义

一段时间 yí duàn shí jiān

noun (period of time)

Over a span of days, the house was erected.

宽度 kuān dù

noun (distance from end to end)

The span of the structure is very wide.

跨越, 横跨

transitive verb (figurative (idea: cross over) (比喻,思想、学问等)

His ideas span both philosophy and economics.

桥梁横跨的长度 qiáo liáng héng kuà de cháng dù

noun (length of a bridge)

The main span of the Akashi Kaikyō bridge is nearly 2,000 metres.

翼展 yì zhǎn

noun (width between wing tips)

The condor's wings have a huge span.

注意力持续的时间 zhù yì lì chí xù de shí jiān

noun (extent of attention)

You can only hold his attention for a short span, as he is easily distracted.

生命持续的时间 shēng mìng chí xù de shí jiān

noun (duration of life)

The life span of a mayfly is very short.


noun (width of a hand)

I used my hand to measure the distance and it was equal to four spans.

横跨 héng kuà

transitive verb (bridge, go across)

The fallen tree spans the stream.

持续 chí xù

transitive verb (endure)

His career in film has spanned four decades.

旋转 xuán zhuǎn

intransitive verb (rotate)

The flywheel spins when the power is turned on.

使旋转 shǐ xuán zhuǎn

transitive verb (cause to rotate)

Spin the wheel as fast as you can.

把…纺成纱线 bǎ fǎng chéng shā xiàn

transitive verb (fibers: turn into thread)

Weavers spin fibres into thread, and then make cloth.

结网 jié wǎng

transitive verb (weave: a web)

The spider spins a web to catch insects.

纺纱 fǎng shā

intransitive verb (turn fibres into thread)

The textile worker knew how to spin quickly.

结网 jié wǎng

intransitive verb (spider: weave a web) (蜘蛛)

The spider spins skilfully.

旋转 xuán zhuǎn

noun (whirl)

The majorette gave her baton a spin.

快速旋转 kuài sù xuán zhuǎn

intransitive verb (washing machine, dryer: rotate fast) (洗衣机,干衣机)

The wash cycle ended and Ray set the washing machine to spin.

晕眩 yūn xuàn

intransitive verb (head: feel dizzy)

Helena's head was spinning as she tried to take in all the information. This roller coaster makes my head spin.

编造, 编撰

transitive verb (informal (tell: a story) (故事)

He spins some strange stories for his children.

脱水 tuō shuǐ

noun (spin cycle: washing machine setting) (洗衣机设置)

To remove excess water, set the washing machine to "spin".

乘车兜风 chéng chē dōu fēng

noun (informal (short drive)

Let's get into the car and go for a spin in the countryside.


noun (uncountable (exercise: indoor cycling)

To keep fit, I go to classes in aerobics and spin.


noun (biased viewpoint)

The administration is putting a different spin on the controversy.


noun (uncountable (propaganda)

Most of what the government minister said in the interview was spin.

旋转 xuán zhuǎn

noun (figure skating movement) (花样滑冰动作)

The skater fell over while practising her spins.


noun (ball motion)

Too much spin can slow the ball down.


intransitive verb (DJ: operate turntable) (DJ)

Who's spinning at the Astoria tonight?

注意力集中的时间 zhù yì lì jí zhōng de shí jiān

noun (duration of concentration)

Most adults have an attention span of about 20 minutes.

寿命 shòu mìng

noun (person: lifetime) (人)

The average human lifespan is increasing in most countries.

寿命, 使用期限

noun (goods: duration) (货物)

These snacks have a lifespan of only a couple of weeks.

周期,生命周期 zhōu qī ,shēng mìng zhōu qī

noun (period of existence)

A total of €2.5 million will be invested over the life span of the project.

干净的,整洁的 gān jìng de ,zhěng jié de

adjective (informal (clean, neat)

时长 shí cháng

noun (duration, period)

时间跨度 shí jiān kuà dù

noun (period of time, duration)

We have only a short timespan to complete the project.

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span 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。