英语 中的 special 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 special 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 special 的说明。

英语 中的special 表示特别的 tè bié de, 特别的,特殊的,不一般的 tè bié de ,tè shū de ,bú yì bān de, 特价 tè jià, 特别亲密的 tè bié qīn mì de, 特别优秀的 tè bié yōu xiù de, 特别版 tè bié bǎn, 特别节目 tè bié jié mù, 每日特色菜, 额外努力, 没什么特别的事, 没什么出彩的地方, 特别留意 tè bié liú yì, 特别的事 tè bié de shì, 特别探员 tè bié tàn yuán, 特工 tè gōng, 特殊情况 tè shū qíng kuàng, 特殊环境 tè shū huán jìng, 特别委员会 tè bié wěi yuán huì, 专刊,特刊,特别版 zhuān kān,tè kān,tè bié bǎn, 特殊教育, 特殊教育需求, 特殊效果,特效,特技 tè shū xiào guǒ,tè xiào,tè jì, 特别恩惠 tè bié ēn huì, 特种部队, 特约嘉宾, 特殊利益的, 特殊利益集团 tè shū lì yì jí tuán, 特殊需求, 有特殊需求的, 特殊情形, 特别优惠 tè bié yōu huì, 特别许可 tè bié xǔ kě, 特殊权益 tè shū quán yì, 特殊待遇 tè shū dài yù, 特殊利益集团 tè shū lì yì jí tuán, 特种武器和战术部队, 今日特色菜。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 special 的含义

特别的 tè bié de

adjective (exceptional)

My children are all special to me.

特别的,特殊的,不一般的 tè bié de ,tè shū de ,bú yì bān de

adjective (specific, in particular) (性质)

Are you looking for anything special?
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 这是专门给你买的礼物。

特价 tè jià

noun (offer)

The market has a special on oranges.
市场的桔子(or: 橙子,芦柑,蜜橘)特价了。

特别亲密的 tè bié qīn mì de

adjective (intimate)

Leah is playing with her special friend.

特别优秀的 tè bié yōu xiù de

adjective (superior)

That guy thinks that he is special.

特别版 tè bié bǎn

noun (edition)

There is a special in today's newspaper.

特别节目 tè bié jié mù

noun (TV programme) (电视的)

There is an animated special on tonight.


noun (dish of the day)

Our daily special today is chicken marsala served with pilau rice.


verbal expression (try very hard, be unusually conscientious)

I have to make a special effort to get along with my co-worker. It's your mum's birthday so please make a special effort to behave.


noun (no unusual thing)

Nothing special happened that day.


noun (not very good)

The film was nothing special.

特别留意 tè bié liú yì

verbal expression (take specific note of)

The math teacher said we should pay special attention to the negative signs.

特别的事 tè bié de shì

noun (unique quality)

I knew there was something special about him the moment I first saw him.

特别探员 tè bié tàn yuán

noun (government investigator)

The special agent stepped off the plane in Miami.

特工 tè gōng

noun (spy)

特殊情况 tè shū qíng kuàng

noun (exception)

I don't usually ask you for money but this is a special case.

特殊环境 tè shū huán jìng

noun (exceptional situation)

特别委员会 tè bié wěi yuán huì

noun (assembly formed for specific purpose)

The council formed a special committee tasked with lowering the city's pollution levels.

专刊,特刊,特别版 zhuān kān,tè kān,tè bié bǎn

noun (newspaper, magazine: extra issue) (报刊、杂志等)

I read a good article in the special edition of the science magazine "Discover".


noun (specific-needs teaching)


plural noun (learning difficulties)

特殊效果,特效,特技 tè shū xiào guǒ,tè xiào,tè jì

noun (usually plural (cinema, TV: visual created artificially)

The film has lots of stunning special effects but no story.

特别恩惠 tè bié ēn huì

noun (act of preferential kindness)

As a special favour he was allowed to stay up late on his birthday.


plural noun (crack military team)


noun (TV: performer making special appearance) (电视)

Our special guest on the show tonight is actor and musician Jack Black!


adjective (group: lobbying for a specific cause)

Many people think the special interest groups buy candidates in U.S. elections. // The Senator did his best to avoid the special-interest groups.

特殊利益集团 tè shū lì yì jí tuán

plural noun (groups that influence policy)

There is a widespread belief that special interests influence politics through campaign contributions.


plural noun (learning difficulties) (指学习障碍)


noun as adjective (relating to learning difficulties) (指和学习障碍有关的)

Jo is a special needs teacher.


noun (important event, celebration)

特别优惠 tè bié yōu huì

noun (bargain)

特别许可 tè bié xǔ kě

noun (specific authorization)

They had to apply for special permission to film in the national park.

特殊权益 tè shū quán yì

noun (exclusive advantage)

特殊待遇 tè shū dài yù

noun (preferential kindness or allowance)

Billy received special treatment at the hospital because his illness was so serious.

特殊利益集团 tè shū lì yì jí tuán

noun (team that lobbies for a cause)

All these special interest groups are making our job much harder.


noun (acronym (law enforcement unit)


noun (menu item: speciality)

让我们学习 英语

现在您对 英语 中的 special 的含义有了更多的了解,您可以通过选定的示例了解如何使用它们以及如何阅读它们。并记住学习我们建议的相关单词。我们的网站会不断更新新单词和新示例,因此您可以在 英语 中查找您不知道的其他单词的含义。

special 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。