英语 中的 star 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 star 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 star 的说明。

英语 中的star 表示恒星 héng xīng, 明星 míng xīng, 星号 xīng hào, 贴上星号 tiē shàng xīng hào, 领衔主演 lǐng xián zhǔ yǎn, 杰出的 jié chū de, 主要角色 zhǔ yào jué sè, 命运, 天命, 命数, 星形图案 xīng xíng tú àn, 明星 míng xīng, 星章 xīng zhāng, 星级, 在...贴上星星, 由…主演 yóu … zhǔ yǎn, 全明星的, 阳遂足, 杨桃 yáng táo, 联合主演 lián hé zhǔ yǎn, 联袂主演 lián mèi zhǔ yǎn, 与...联袂主演, 矮星 ǎi xīng, 昏星, 五星的, 很高评价的,强烈推荐的, 四星级的,四星的, 四星级的, 四星上将 sì xīng shàng jiàng, 金星 jīn xīng, 金星勋章, 客串明星 kè chuàn míng xīng, 指路人,指路明灯 zhǐ lù rén,zhǐ lù míng dēng, 金星,启明星 jīn xīng, 钉头锤,晨星 dīng tóu chuí, 渥丹, 电影明星 diàn yǐng míng xīng, 中子星 zhōng zǐ xīng, 北极星 běi jí xīng, 一星级的, 北极星 běi jí xīng, 勾陈一, 北极星 běi jí xīng, 指导性原则, 冉冉之星, 摇滚明星, 英雄 yīng xióng, 耀眼的明星, 流星 liú xīng, 星形大茴香,八角 xīng xíng dà huí xiāng,bā jiǎo, 圣诞星,伯利恒之星 shèng dàn xīng,bǎi lì héng zhī xīng, 伯利恒之星,圣星百合 bǎi lì héng zhī xīng, 六角的大卫之星,六芒星 liù jiǎo de dà wèi zhī xīng,liù máng xīng, 明星队员, 星座 xīng zuò, 星球大战, 星球大战防御计划, 不幸的 bú xìng de, 美国国歌, 星罗棋布的, 众星云集的, 海星 hǎi xīng, 三星的, 三星级的, 两星的, 两星级的, 低档含铅汽油。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 star 的含义

恒星 héng xīng

noun (celestial body) (天体)

The Sun is one of many stars.

明星 míng xīng

noun (celebrity)

She is a big Hollywood star.

星号 xīng hào

noun (asterisk)

To speak to an operator, press star.

贴上星号 tiē shàng xīng hào

transitive verb (mark with an asterisk)

The teacher starred the correct answers.

领衔主演 lǐng xián zhǔ yǎn

(play a leading role) (电影、电视等)

The famous actress stars in a new drama.

杰出的 jié chū de

adjective (excellent, finest)

She is the star pupil in the class.

主要角色 zhǔ yào jué sè

noun (main performer)

Our daughter is the star of the show.

命运, 天命, 命数

noun (figurative, often plural (destiny)

Go to the city and follow your star. The fortune teller told me what she saw in my stars.

星形图案 xīng xíng tú àn

noun (geometric figure)

The artists traced a star on the canvas.

明星 míng xīng

noun (prominent person)

Duane is the star of the sales team.

星章 xīng zhāng

noun (military decoration) (标示军衔)

That general has four stars.


noun (award, rating)

This restaurant has two Michelin stars. In London, we stayed in a five-star hotel.


transitive verb (set with stars)

The students starred their art projects.

由…主演 yóu … zhǔ yǎn

transitive verb (feature: a performer)

The new movie stars my favourite actor.


adjective (featuring famous people)

The new film has an all-star cast.


noun (type of starfish)

杨桃 yáng táo

noun (yellow Asian star-shaped fruit)

联合主演 lián hé zhǔ yǎn

noun (actor: shares top billing)

Claudette Colbert was Clark Gable's co-star in the film "It Happened One Night."

联袂主演 lián mèi zhǔ yǎn

intransitive verb (actor: share top billing)

They fell in love while co-starring in a romantic comedy.


(actor: share top billing with)

矮星 ǎi xīng

noun (astronomy: small star) (天文)

Very small stars are called dwarfs.


noun (Venus as seen after sunset) (太阳落山后的金星)


noun as adjective (hotel, etc.: rated five stars) (酒店)


noun as adjective (figurative (highly rated, recommended)


noun as adjective (military: being a full general, admiral) (军事)


noun as adjective (hotel, etc.: rated four stars) (酒店等)

四星上将 sì xīng shàng jiàng

noun (high-ranking military officer) (军衔)

Dwight David Eisenhower was a four-star-general.

金星 jīn xīng

noun (award for schoolwork) (对学生的表彰)

Sylvia got a gold star for her project.


noun (award given in Soviet Union) (苏联颁发的奖章)

The Soviet Union awarded the Gold Star to "heroes" of the communist state.

客串明星 kè chuàn míng xīng

noun (tv: famous actor playing a role)

James Franco was recently a guest star on the soap opera "General Hospital".

指路人,指路明灯 zhǐ lù rén,zhǐ lù míng dēng

noun (figurative (person: inspires, leads) (比喻)

金星,启明星 jīn xīng

noun (Venus as seen before sunrise)

钉头锤,晨星 dīng tóu chuí

noun (medieval weapon) (中世纪武器)


noun (UK regional, Ire (plant: Ornithogalum umbellatum) (百合属植物)

电影明星 diàn yǐng míng xīng

noun (famous film actor)

Now that he was a movie star everybody wanted to give him things for free.

中子星 zhōng zǐ xīng

noun (star that has collapsed)

北极星 běi jí xīng

noun (astronomy: polestar, Polaris) (天文)

One can distinguish direction at night by following the North Star.


noun as adjective (hotel, etc.: rated one star)

北极星 běi jí xīng

noun (north star)

You can find north by looking for the polar star.


noun (Polaris, North Star) (现在的北极星)

北极星 běi jí xīng

noun (brightest star near celestial pole) (持续变动)


noun (figurative (guiding principle, leader)


noun (figurative (up-and-coming performer) (指演艺人员)


noun (singer, musician: rock music)

英雄 yīng xióng

noun (figurative, informal (hero, icon)


noun (figurative (luminary, inspiring figure) (比喻义)

流星 liú xīng

noun (meteor)

I spent all last night trying to see a shooting star.

星形大茴香,八角 xīng xíng dà huí xiāng,bā jiǎo

noun (spice) (一种香料)

Star anise lends its flavor to many things including ouzo.

圣诞星,伯利恒之星 shèng dàn xīng,bǎi lì héng zhī xīng

noun (Christianity: star that led the Magi) (基督教:耶稣出生时出现在伯利恒上空的一颗星星)

The Wise Men followed the Star of Bethlehem to the stable where Jesus was born.

伯利恒之星,圣星百合 bǎi lì héng zhī xīng

noun (plant) (植物)

六角的大卫之星,六芒星 liù jiǎo de dà wèi zhī xīng,liù máng xīng

noun (Judaism: six-pointed star) (犹太教)


noun (top sportsperson in a team)

The team's star player is currently injured.

星座 xīng zuò

noun (one of 12 signs of the Zodiac)


noun (film) (电影)


noun (historical (defense program) (历史用语)

不幸的 bú xìng de

adjective (unlucky)


noun (national anthem of United States)


adjective (covered with stars)

I looked up at the star-studded sky.


adjective (informal (with many famous people)

The movie boasts a star-studded cast.

海星 hǎi xīng

noun (star-shaped sea creature)

We saw different kinds of starfish on the beach.


noun as adjective (of, being a lieutenant general) (军衔)


noun as adjective (hotel, etc.: rated three stars)


noun as adjective (of, being a major general) (军衔)


noun as adjective (hotel, etc.: rated two stars) (酒店等)


noun (UK, dated (low-grade leaded fuel)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。