英语 中的 struck 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 struck 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 struck 的说明。

英语 中的struck 表示...惊的, 罢工 bà gōng, 打 dá dǎ, 打中 dǎ zhòng, 攻击 gōng jī, 碰撞 pèng zhuàng, 敲响 qiāo xiǎng, 击中 jī zhòng, 废除…,取消… fèi chú,qǔ xiāo, 划线表示删除 huà xiàn biǎo shì shān chú, 击打声 jī dǎ shēng, 攻击 gōng jī, 击球 jī qiú, 全中,全倒 quán zhòng, 击 jī, 犯罪 fàn zuì, 发现 fā xiàn, 给…留下…的印象, 攻击 gōng jī, 罢工 bà gōng, 咬,咬伤 yǎo,yǎo shāng, 划, 取得 qǔ dé, 照在…上 zhào zài shàng, 掉落在 diào luò zài, 开采出 kāi cǎi chū, 让...意外, 在…上画线删除, 拆除布景, 给人以…的印象 gěi rén yǐ de yìn xiàng, 猛插 měng chā, 灌输 guàn shū, 充满敬畏的 chōng mǎn jìng wèi de, 吓呆了的, 被…打动, 被疾病打倒的 bèi jí bìng dǎ dǎo de, 惊呆,目瞪口呆, 删去的,划掉的 huà diào de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 struck 的含义


adjective (as suffix (acted on by, awed by)

I was thunderstruck by the announcement.

罢工 bà gōng

noun (work stoppage)

The union called a strike for Friday.

打 dá dǎ

transitive verb (hit)

The boxer struck his opponent.

打中 dǎ zhòng

transitive verb (hit: a target)

The arrow struck its target.

攻击 gōng jī

transitive verb (attack, hit)

The hurricane struck us without warning.

碰撞 pèng zhuàng

transitive verb (crash into)

The car struck the guardrail.

敲响 qiāo xiǎng

transitive verb (clock: sound)

The clock struck ten.

击中 jī zhòng

transitive verb (lightning: hit) (指闪电)

Lightning struck the old tree during the storm.

废除…,取消… fèi chú,qǔ xiāo

transitive verb (abolish, cancel)

Officials voted to strike the amendment.

划线表示删除 huà xiàn biǎo shì shān chú

(text: delete from [sth])

Strike that sentence from your article.

击打声 jī dǎ shēng

noun (sound from hitting)

Can you hear the strike of the clock?

攻击 gōng jī

noun (attack)

The military strike killed three people.

击球 jī qiú

noun (baseball: miss) (棒球)

Three strikes and you're out.

全中,全倒 quán zhòng

noun (bowling: knocking over all pins) (保龄球术语)

I had three strikes in the game.

击 jī

noun (instance of [sth] striking)

Lightning strikes are reported in the area.

犯罪 fàn zuì

noun (unfavorable mark)

The judge reminded the defendant that this was his second strike.

发现 fā xiàn

noun (discovery of gold, oil, etc.) (黄金,石油等)


verbal expression (give the impression)

Greg's story strikes me as an exaggeration.

攻击 gōng jī

intransitive verb (attack)

The army struck in the middle of the night. The bank robbers have struck again.

罢工 bà gōng

intransitive verb (stop work in protest)

The workers all decided to strike after their boss refused to negotiate salaries.

咬,咬伤 yǎo,yǎo shāng

transitive verb (bite) (用毒牙)

The snake struck his leg without warning.

transitive verb (match: light) (火柴)

To light the candles, first you need to strike a match.

取得 qǔ dé

transitive verb (accord: reach)

The two parties finally struck an agreement.

照在…上 zhào zài shàng

transitive verb (fall on)

When light strikes an object, the wavelengths it reflects determine what colour that object will appear.

掉落在 diào luò zài

transitive verb (fall upon)

The egg broke when it struck the floor.

开采出 kāi cǎi chū

transitive verb (locate by mining)

The town grew after somebody struck gold there.


transitive verb (surprise)

He was struck by the news of his cousin's death.


transitive verb (text: put a line through)

Strike all of the lines in the second paragraph.


transitive verb (theater, film: dismantle set) (戏剧界,电影业)

给人以…的印象 gěi rén yǐ de yìn xiàng

(give the impression)

His attitude really struck me as strange.

猛插 měng chā


The camper struck his pole into the ground.

灌输 guàn shū


It struck terror into their hearts.

充满敬畏的 chōng mǎn jìng wèi de

adjective (amazed)

I was completely awe-struck by the beauty of the Rocky Mountains.


adjective (unable to move from fear)


verbal expression (become strongly aware of [sth])

I was struck by the beauty of the summer cottage.

被疾病打倒的 bèi jí bìng dǎ dǎo de

adjective (afflicted by an illness)

I couldn't come to work because I was struck down with a cold.


adjective (informal (left speechless)

The crowd was struck dumb at the sight of him on the high wire.

删去的,划掉的 huà diào de

adjective (crossed through) (文字,用删除线)

It was difficult to read the struck-out word.

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struck 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。