英语 中的 sweat 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 sweat 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 sweat 的说明。

英语 中的sweat 表示出汗 chū hàn, 汗,汗水 hàn ,hàn shuǐ, 使人流汗的事 shǐ rén liú hàn de shì, 卫衣,卫裤,运动衫,运动裤 yùn dòng shān, 苦干 kǔ gàn, 为…操心, 焖 mèn, 通过出汗来减肥 tōng guò chū hàn lái jiǎn féi, 通过出汗来治疗(感冒) tōng guò chū hàn lái zhì liáo ( gǎn mào ), 通过出汗来治疗(感冒) tōng guò chū hàn lái zhì liáo ( gǎn mào ), 努力做某事,在…上下苦功, 汗珠 hàn zhū, 出汗 chū hàn, 冷汗, 忧虑,担心 yōu lǜ,dān xīn, 担心..., 焦虑..., 满头大汗, 焦急 jiāo jí, 不费力 bú fèi lì, 苦干 kǔ gàn, 汗腺 hán xiàn, 焦虑地等待, 宽松运动裤 kuān sōng yùn dòng kù, 血汗工厂 xuè hàn gōng chǎng, 运动服 yùn dòng fú, 出汗 chū hàn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 sweat 的含义

出汗 chū hàn

intransitive verb (perspire)

Karen was sweating after her run.

汗,汗水 hàn ,hàn shuǐ

noun (perspiration)

The workman took out his handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his brow.

使人流汗的事 shǐ rén liú hàn de shì

noun (figurative (hard work)

After years of sweat and toil, Imogen finally completed the project.

卫衣,卫裤,运动衫,运动裤 yùn dòng shān

plural noun (US, informal (sweatshirts, sweatpants)

Veronica put on her sweats and started her workout.

苦干 kǔ gàn

intransitive verb (figurative (work hard, toil)

Some students found the work easy, but not Nathan; he had to sweat.


transitive verb (informal, figurative (worry about)

Don't sweat the small stuff.

焖 mèn

transitive verb (heat: onions, etc.) (烹饪)

Sweat the onions for 10 minutes, until they are soft.

通过出汗来减肥 tōng guò chū hàn lái jiǎn féi

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (weight: lose by exercising)

After the holiday season I'm going to need to sweat off a few kilos at the gym.

通过出汗来治疗(感冒) tōng guò chū hàn lái zhì liáo ( gǎn mào )

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (slang, figurative (wait anxiously)

Sweating out the results is often more difficult than taking the test itself.

通过出汗来治疗(感冒) tōng guò chū hàn lái zhì liáo ( gǎn mào )

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (fever: get rid of)

Using a steam room or sweat lodge helps one to sweat out accumulated toxins.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (work hard on)

Wendy sweated over that essay, so I'm sure it must be good.

汗珠 hàn zhū

plural noun (perspiration)

出汗 chū hàn

verbal expression (begin to perspire)


noun (from fear, illness)

忧虑,担心 yōu lǜ,dān xīn

verbal expression (figurative, informal (worry)

Zoe is a very calm person who seldom gets in a sweat.

担心..., 焦虑...

verbal expression (figurative, informal (worry)

Mia got in a sweat about her assignment because she thought she wouldn't finish it on time.


adjective (perspiring)

Lily was in a sweat after running to catch the bus.

焦急 jiāo jí

adjective (figurative, informal (panicking)

The coach is in a sweat because several of his players are injured.

不费力 bú fèi lì

interjection (slang (expressing that [sth] is easy)

No sweat, John, we can just hide the broken glass under the sofa.

苦干 kǔ gàn

verbal expression (figurative, informal (work extremely hard) (比喻,非正式用语)

I sweat blood for that woman - I don't know what more she could expect.

汗腺 hán xiàn

noun (organ that secretes perspiration)

Sweat glands are important for controlling body temperature.


verbal expression (informal, figurative (wait tensely)

There was nothing to do but sweat it out till the jury returned with its verdict. We'll have to sweat it out until the election returns come in.

宽松运动裤 kuān sōng yùn dòng kù

plural noun (US (loose pants with an elastic waist)

On my days off I like to lounge around the house in sweatpants.

血汗工厂 xuè hàn gōng chǎng

noun (informal, figurative, pejorative (factory that exploits workers) (非正式用语,贬义)

A lot of immigrants work in sweatshops, sewing garments.

运动服 yùn dòng fú

noun (outfit worn for sport)

出汗 chū hàn

verbal expression (perspire from activity)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。