英语 中的 swing 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 swing 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 swing 的说明。

英语 中的swing 表示来回摇动, 秋千 qiū qiān, 摆动 bǎi dòng, 挥杆, 挥舞, 挥动, 摇摆 yáo bǎi, 摇摆乐 yáo bǎi yuè, 转变,改变 zhuǎn biàn,gǎi biàn, 荡秋千 dàng qiū qiān, 游移不定 yóu yí bú dìng, 随音乐摇摆 suí yīn yuè yáo bǎi, 被处以绞刑, 因…被绞死, 关键的 guān jiàn de, 交换性伴侣, 摇摆 yáo bǎi, 朝…打去, 摇摆 yáo bǎi, 搞到,获得 gǎo dào,huò dé, 影响,左右 yǐng xiǎng,zuǒ yòu, 让...旋转, 用…朝…打去,用…挥向…, 使转过来, 回转 huí zhuǎn, 改变 gǎi biàn, 顺便看看, 正全力进行的 zhèng quán lì jìn xíng de, 情绪波动 qíng xù bō dòng, 回转 huí zhuǎn, 变回,回到 huí dào, 两面皆可推拉开关的门 liǎng miàn jiē kě tuī lā kāi guān de mén, 小夜班,(三班倒的)中班 xiǎo yè bān,sān bān dǎo de zhōng bān。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 swing 的含义


intransitive verb (move back and forth)

The ornament swung in the breeze.

秋千 qiū qiān

noun (children's playground ride)

He pushed his child in the swing.

摆动 bǎi dòng

noun (swooping movement)

With a swing of his wrist, the conductor began.


noun (sports: stroke)

This golfer has an elegant swing.

挥舞, 挥动

transitive verb (racket, bat) (球拍等)

The player swung the tennis racket.
那位选手挥舞(or: 挥动)着网球拍。

摇摆 yáo bǎi

noun (oscillation)

The swing of the clock pendulum marks one second.

摇摆乐 yáo bǎi yuè

noun (jazz style)

Swing is a style of jazz.

转变,改变 zhuǎn biàn,gǎi biàn

noun (change in opinion)

There has been a swing in opinion since the election and polls show a sharp drop in the president's popularity.

荡秋千 dàng qiū qiān

intransitive verb (play on a swing)

To swing, lean back and forth.

游移不定 yóu yí bú dìng

intransitive verb (figurative (change)

Opinion swings back and forth between the candidates. Public opinion has swung in the politician's favor.

随音乐摇摆 suí yīn yuè yáo bǎi

intransitive verb (music: play with rhythm)

The band is swinging!


intransitive verb (be hanged)

The judge told the defendant he would swing.


(dated, slang (be hanged for a crime) (旧时俚语)

"You'll swing for what you've done!" said the widow to the outlaw.

关键的 guān jiàn de

adjective (able to cause change)

The politicians are all chasing swing votes.


intransitive verb (figurative, informal (exchange sexual partners)

Rumour has it that the couple next door like to swing.

摇摆 yáo bǎi

intransitive verb (pivot)

The door swung shut, as the window swung open. This door is stiff; if you oil the hinges, that should help it swing better.


(attempt to hit)

The man swung at Harry, who ducked to avoid the punch.

摇摆 yáo bǎi

transitive verb (oscillate)

Swing the rope from side to side.

搞到,获得 gǎo dào,huò dé

transitive verb (informal (manage as wanted)

The company director managed to swing the deal to suit his business interests. You got the tickets? Brilliant; I knew you'd manage to swing it!

影响,左右 yǐng xiǎng,zuǒ yòu

transitive verb (vote, election: influence) (投票,选举等)

Young people's dislike of the current government could swing the next election.


transitive verb (cause to pivot)

I swung the window open and the draught swung the door shut.


(attempt to hit with punch, blow)

The drunk man swung a punch at me.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (turn [sb/sth] around quickly)

回转 huí zhuǎn

phrasal verb, intransitive (turn quickly)

改变 gǎi biàn

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (change opinion) (主意)


phrasal verb, intransitive (informal, figurative (drop in, make a casual visit)

正全力进行的 zhèng quán lì jìn xíng de

adjective (well underway)

The party was in full swing when I arrived - everyone was having a great time.

情绪波动 qíng xù bō dòng

plural noun (dramatic changes in emotion)

Bipolar disorder is characterized by mood swings.

回转 huí zhuǎn

(come back to previous point)

The bus suddenly swung back to the stop so the man could retrieve his forgotten umbrella.

变回,回到 huí dào

verbal expression (figurative (return to previous belief)

Some people think North Korea is swinging back to the ways of its most reclusive era.

两面皆可推拉开关的门 liǎng miàn jiē kě tuī lā kāi guān de mén

noun (door that swings in both directions)

There was a large swing door at the entrance of the bar.

小夜班,(三班倒的)中班 xiǎo yè bān,sān bān dǎo de zhōng bān

noun (evening work period) (下午四点到半夜)

At my company the swing shift starts at 3:00 and ends at midnight.

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swing 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。