英语 中的 system 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 system 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 system 的说明。

英语 中的system 表示系统的方法 xì tǒng de fāng fǎ, 分类 fēn lèi, 系统 xì tǒng, 设备 shè bèi, (由各个器官组成的)身体 yóu gè gè qì guān zǔ chéng de shēn tǐ, 理论体系 lǐ lùn tǐ xì, 制度 zhì dù, 工作系统,系统 gōng zuò xì tǒng,xì tǒng, 引力系统 yǐn lì xì tǒng, 系, 警报系统 jǐng bào xì tǒng, 公告板系统,布告栏系统, 打破常规 dǎ pò cháng guī, 对抗体制,对抗规则, 伙伴制 huǒ bàn zhì, 人工水道 rén gōng shuǐ dào, 中央神经系统, 血液循环系统 xuè yè xún huán xì tǒng, 数据库管理系统, 配送系统, 消化系统 xiāo huà xì tǒng, 排水系统 pái shuǐ xì tǒng, 欧洲货币体系, 归档系统, 医保系统, 荣誉制度, 免疫系统 miǎn yì xì tǒng, 司法系统 sī fǎ xì tǒng, 过时系统,遗留系统,既存系统, 法律系统 fǎ lǜ xì tǒng, 生命维持设备,生命维持系统 shēng mìng wéi chí shè bèi, 脑边缘系统, 考绩制度 kǎo jì zhì dù, 公制 gōng zhì, 神经系统 shén jīng xì tǒng, 非线性系统 fēi xiàn xìng xì tǒng, 操作系统 cāo zuò xì tǒng, 有线广播系统 yǒu xiàn guǎng bō xì tǒng, 政治体制 zhèng zhì tǐ zhì, 邮政系统 yóu zhèng xì tǒng, 扩音系统 kuò yīn xì tǒng, 公共卫生系统,公共卫生体系, 呼吸系统 hū xī xì tǒng, 学校系统, 安全系统,保安系统,安防系统, 排污系统, 下水道,下水道系统,排水系统 xià shuǐ dào,pái shuǐ xì tǒng, 太阳系 tài yáng xì, 音响设备 yīn xiǎng shè bèi, 政党分赃制, 喷灌系统, 地下排水,暗沟, 支持系统, 悬架装置 xuán jià zhuāng zhì, 信仰体系 xìn yǎng tǐ xì, 价值体系 jià zhí tǐ xì, 系统要求, 价值体系 jià zhí tǐ xì。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 system 的含义

系统的方法 xì tǒng de fāng fǎ

noun (organized approach)

We have a system for fixing this problem; you must follow it step by step.

分类 fēn lèi

noun (classification)

We have developed a system to classify animal species.

系统 xì tǒng

noun (nervous, digestive, lymphatic, etc.) (神经、消化、淋巴等)

The doctor diagnosed the problems his patient was having with his nervous system.

设备 shè bèi

noun (organized mechanical parts)

The system works through a set of interlocking wheels.

(由各个器官组成的)身体 yóu gè gè qì guān zǔ chéng de shēn tǐ

noun (the body)

My system still hasn't recovered from that bad food that I ate two days ago.

理论体系 lǐ lùn tǐ xì

noun (scientific principles)

The Newtonian system of mechanics was enormously successful.

制度 zhì dù

noun (political)

The capitalist system is failing many people.

工作系统,系统 gōng zuò xì tǒng,xì tǒng

noun (computer setup) (计算机的)

My system is about four years old. I think it is time for a new computer.

引力系统 yǐn lì xì tǒng

noun (gravitational)

There are twelve planets in this system.

noun (geological) (地层的)

Iceland has some really fascinating rock systems.

警报系统 jǐng bào xì tǒng

noun (warns of intruders)

Following a burglary, I had an alarm system installed.


noun (obsolete, initialism (bulletin board system)

打破常规 dǎ pò cháng guī

verbal expression (informal (do [sth] unconventional)


verbal expression (informal (do [sth] opposed)

伙伴制 huǒ bàn zhì

noun (informal (pairing to help [sb])

We use a buddy system for swimming, so you are always with a partner.

人工水道 rén gōng shuǐ dào

noun (manmade waterways)

She spent her vacation cruising the canal system of France on a houseboat.


(anatomy) (人体)

血液循环系统 xuè yè xún huán xì tǒng

noun (blood circulation)

Regular exercise is good for the circulatory system.


noun (initialism (database management system)


noun (apparatus: dispenses [sth])

消化系统 xiāo huà xì tǒng

noun (anatomy: alimentary canal)

The purpose of the digestive system is to turn the food we eat into fuel for our bodies.

排水系统 pái shuǐ xì tǒng

noun (for removing excess water)

They're laying down a drainage system in the lower field.


noun (initialism (European Monetary System)


noun (way of organizing information)

The filing system is alphabetically arranged.


noun (coordinated medical services)


noun (US (promise to be honest)

免疫系统 miǎn yì xì tǒng

noun (biological defence mechanisms)

During flu season it's important to keep your immune system strong to avoid getting sick.

司法系统 sī fǎ xì tǒng

noun (legal structures)


noun (computing: outdated technology) (计算机)

The program does not support legacy systems such as Windows 98.

法律系统 fǎ lǜ xì tǒng

noun (judicial structures and processes: law)

Our legal system seems to place more value on property than on human life.

生命维持设备,生命维持系统 shēng mìng wéi chí shè bèi

noun (medical machine)


noun (anatomy: structures in the brain) (解剖学)

考绩制度 kǎo jì zhì dù

noun (civil service: merit based employment and promotion)

We use the merit system here, basing promotions on ability rather than seniority.

公制 gōng zhì

noun (decimal measures)

Road signs in the UK do not use the metric system.

神经系统 shén jīng xì tǒng

noun (anatomy: brain and nerves)

He had a disease of the nervous system that gradually resulted in a complete loss of mobility.

非线性系统 fēi xiàn xìng xì tǒng

noun (chaotic system of equations)

操作系统 cāo zuò xì tǒng

noun (computer software) (计算机)

What operating system are you using on your computer?

有线广播系统 yǒu xiàn guǎng bō xì tǒng

noun (abbreviation (public address system) (public address system的缩写)

政治体制 zhèng zhì tǐ zhì

noun (organization of politics)

The political system in our country needs reform.

邮政系统 yóu zhèng xì tǒng

noun (organized handling and delivery of mail)

扩音系统 kuò yīn xì tǒng

noun (loudspeaker)

The lost child was found, thanks to the alert given over the public address system.


noun (medical services available to all)

Budget cuts severly impacted the public health system last year.

呼吸系统 hū xī xì tǒng

noun (organs used for breathing)

Your cough could be the result of a mild infection in the respiratory system.


noun (state education)


noun (prevents theft, intrusion)

The company supplies burglar alarms and other security systems.


noun (wastewater drainage system)

下水道,下水道系统,排水系统 xià shuǐ dào,pái shuǐ xì tǒng

noun (underground waste treatment network)

太阳系 tài yáng xì

noun (sun and planets) (天文学)

音响设备 yīn xiǎng shè bèi

noun (equipment for playing music)


noun (US (politics: benefits to supporters)


noun (spray device for watering soil)


noun (underground drainage)


noun (people providing support)

悬架装置 xuán jià zhuāng zhì

noun (car: shock insulation) (汽车)

New suspension for my car would be very expensive.

信仰体系 xìn yǎng tǐ xì

noun (ethos, philosophy)

价值体系 jià zhí tǐ xì

noun (ethos, moral philosophy)

Each religion has a system of values by which people may live better, more meaningful lives.


plural noun (specifications needed to run a program)

价值体系 jià zhí tǐ xì

noun (moral code, ethos)

A group's value system determines what is acceptable behavior for its members.

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system 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。