英语 中的 torn 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 torn 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 torn 的说明。

英语 中的torn 表示撕破的 sī pò de, 四分五裂的 sì fēn wǔ liè de, 难以抉择的, 眼泪, 泪水, 伤心, 破洞 pò dòng, 从...撕裂, 流泪 liú lèi, 扯破 chě pò, 疾驰,狂奔,飞跑 jí chí,kuáng bēn ,fēi pǎo, 拉伤 lā shāng, 扯破, 撕坏, 扯起 chě qǐ, 扭 niǔ, 折磨, 使痛苦, 撕裂, 分裂, 感到矛盾, 感到伤心欲绝, 被撕成碎片的 bèi sī chéng suì piàn de, 被毁坏的,被撕碎的 bèi huǐ huài de ,bèi sī suì de, 被分离的, 心碎的,肝肠寸断的 xīn suì de, 被拆毁的, 撕下 sī xià, 撕下 sī xià, 被撕碎的 bèi sī suì de, 心碎的 xīn suì de, 遭战争破坏的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 torn 的含义

撕破的 sī pò de

adjective (with a tear or tears)

The young man was wearing torn jeans.

四分五裂的 sì fēn wǔ liè de

adjective (figurative (disrupted, divided)

The country was torn for years before the signing of the peace accord.


adjective (figurative (conflicted)

I feel torn about leaving my colleagues to start my new job.

眼泪, 泪水

noun (drop of water from eyes)

A tear ran down his cheek.


plural noun (sadness, weeping)

If the England team don't win this match, there'll be tears.

破洞 pò dòng

noun (rip)

There's a tear in my jacket.


transitive verb (rend, rip)

He tore the page from the book.

流泪 liú lèi

intransitive verb (US (form tears)

It was so cold my eyes started tearing.

扯破 chě pò

intransitive verb (become torn)

This page is tearing: I need some tape.

疾驰,狂奔,飞跑 jí chí,kuáng bēn ,fēi pǎo

intransitive verb (informal (move fast) (非正式用语)

The car tore down the street.

拉伤 lā shāng

transitive verb (damage: ligament) (身体)

She's torn her knee, and won't be able to play.

扯破, 撕坏

transitive verb (rip: clothing) (衣服)

He tore his shorts climbing a tree.

扯起 chě qǐ

transitive verb (pull up)

She tore the weeds from the ground.

扭 niǔ

transitive verb (wrench)

He tore a leg from the chicken and started eating.

折磨, 使痛苦

transitive verb (figurative (distress)

I'm torn as to whether I should go or stay.

撕裂, 分裂

transitive verb (figurative (divide)

The country was torn in two by the issue.


verbal expression (figurative (person: be conflicted) (人)

She was torn in two over having to decide which of her parents she would live with.


verbal expression (figurative (person: feel devastated) (人)

I was torn in two when she left me.

被撕成碎片的 bèi sī chéng suì piàn de

adjective (informal (ripped to pieces)

被毁坏的,被撕碎的 bèi huǐ huài de ,bèi sī suì de

adjective (figurative (ravaged)

Following the guerilla insurgencies, little remained of the torn-apart colony.


adjective (figurative (separated)

Divorces can result in torn-apart families, living in separate parts of the country.

心碎的,肝肠寸断的 xīn suì de

adjective (informal, figurative (emotionally devastated) (指心情或精神)

She was torn apart over her mother's death.


adjective (structure: demolished) (建筑物)

The streets of torn-down houses gave way to shiny new tower blocks.

撕下 sī xià

adjective (detached by ripping)

Emily put the torn-off strip from the bottom of the bill in an envelope with a cheque.

撕下 sī xià

adjective (detached by ripping)

Oliver threw the torn-out pages from the magazine in the bin.

被撕碎的 bèi sī suì de

adjective (ripped to pieces)

Fragments of the torn-up letter fluttered in the wind.

心碎的 xīn suì de

adjective (emotionally upset)

I'm torn up because my boss won't increase my salary.


adjective (ravaged by war)

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torn 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。