英语 中的 tool 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 tool 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 tool 的说明。

英语 中的tool 表示工具 gōng jù, 工具,方法,手段 gōng jù,fāng fǎ,shǒu duàn, 走卒 zǒu zú, 傻瓜 shǎ guā, 刀具 dāo jù, 机床 jī chuáng, 阴茎 yīn jīng, 开车 kāi chē, 用工具加工 yòng gōng jù jiā gōng, 在…上面压印图案 zài shàng miàn yā yìn tú àn, 漫无目的地开着车兜风, 钩形工具, 调试程序, 挖掘铲, 手工工具 shǒu gōng gōng jù, 机床 jī chuáng, 电动工具 diàn dòng gōng jù, 精密工具 jīng mì gōng jù, 工具袋 gōng jù dài, 工具腰带 gōng jù yāo dài, 工具箱 gōng jù xiāng, 工具盒 gōng jù hé, 工具盒 gōng jù hé, 工具袋 gōng jù dài, 工具套装 gōng jù tào zhuāng, 工具棚 gōng jù péng, 工具箱,工具包,工具袋 gōng jù xiāng,gōng jù bāo,gōng jù dài, 工具包 gōng jù bāo, 工作用工具。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 tool 的含义

工具 gōng jù

noun (implement, instrument)

I keep all of my tools in the workshop.

工具,方法,手段 gōng jù,fāng fǎ,shǒu duàn

noun (figurative (methods)

The supervisor had a number of management tools.

走卒 zǒu zú

noun (dupe, manipulated person)

The protesters were seen as tools of the union bosses.

傻瓜 shǎ guā

noun (slang, vulgar, figurative (stupid man)

Just ignore him. He's a complete tool, anyway.

刀具 dāo jù

noun (cutting or shaping part of a lathe)

Move the board slowly towards the tool.

机床 jī chuáng

noun (lathe)

We use this tool to shape the parts.

阴茎 yīn jīng

noun (slang, vulgar, figurative (penis)

I'm sure my tool is bigger than his.

开车 kāi chē

intransitive verb (slang (drive aimlessly)

I saw them tooling down the street in your brother's car.

用工具加工 yòng gōng jù jiā gōng

transitive verb (form with a tool)

I'll have this tooled to the proper shape.

在…上面压印图案 zài shàng miàn yā yìn tú àn

transitive verb (bookbinding: stamp)

The artisans tool the book covers by hand.


phrasal verb, intransitive (slang (drive around aimlessly)

He tooled around in town for a while before finally driving home.


noun (hooked tool)

The firefighter used a claw to break into the building.


noun (software: removes errors)


noun (mainly US (small spade)

手工工具 shǒu gōng gōng jù

noun (handheld instrument)

The man selected the appropriate hand tool for the DIY task.

机床 jī chuáng

noun (large power tool for shaping metal, plastic, wood)

电动工具 diàn dòng gōng jù

noun (electric tool for woodworking, etc.)

That wood is too hard to carve by hand, you'll need a power tool.

精密工具 jīng mì gōng jù

noun (refined, precise instrument)

工具袋 gōng jù dài

noun (bag for handheld instruments)

The plumber carried his tool bag to work.

工具腰带 gōng jù yāo dài

noun (strap with pockets for handheld instruments)

The roofers strapped on their tool belts before climbing onto the roof. Construction workers wears tool belts to keep their tools handy.

工具箱 gōng jù xiāng

noun (container for handheld implements)

工具盒 gōng jù hé

noun (box for handheld instruments)

工具盒 gōng jù hé

noun (box for handheld instruments)

My dad had a huge tool chest in the garage.

工具袋 gōng jù dài

noun (bag for handheld instruments)

A tool pouch strapped round your waist is useful if you're working up a ladder.

工具套装 gōng jù tào zhuāng

noun (handheld instrument kit)

The tool set includes a small wrench, a hammer, a saw, and three screwdrivers.

工具棚 gōng jù péng

noun (outhouse for storing garden tools)

Go and get the axe out of the tool shed.

工具箱,工具包,工具袋 gōng jù xiāng,gōng jù bāo,gōng jù dài

noun (set of tools)

Isaac spent Christmas tinkering with his new toolkit.

工具包 gōng jù bāo

noun (figurative (set of resources)

Armed with a toolkit of formulas, the student aced the math test.


noun ([sth] used to do a job)

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tool 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。