英语 中的 tough 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 tough 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 tough 的说明。

英语 中的tough 表示老的,咬不动的,切不动的 lǎo de ,yǎo bú dòng de ,qiē bú dòng de, 坚韧的, 坚强的, 严酷的 yán kù de, 艰苦的 jiān kǔ de, 严厉的,难相处的 yán lì de ,nán xiāng chǔ de, 坚强的 jiān qiáng de, 就这样了!没办法了! jiù zhè yàng le méi bàn fǎ le, 恶棍, 无赖, 坚持到底 jiān chí dào dǐ, 艰难的选择, 性格坚强的人, 硬汉 yìng hàn, 艰难的工作,棘手的活 jiān nán de gōng zuò,jí shǒu de huó, 严厉的爱, 倒霉 dǎo méi, 倒霉 dǎo méi, 真倒霉!, 难缠的人 nán chán de rén, 难以说服的人 nán yǐ shuō fú de rén, 难办的事 nán bàn de shì, 挨过,熬过 āi guò,áo guò, 严格的政策 yán gé de zhèng cè, 难过的日子,艰难时期, 意志坚强的, 坚定的, 固执的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 tough 的含义

老的,咬不动的,切不动的 lǎo de ,yǎo bú dòng de ,qiē bú dòng de

adjective (hard to break, chew, cut) (肉等)

The steak was too tough.

坚韧的, 坚强的

adjective (informal (person: strong) (人)

The football player was so tough that he played with a fractured rib.

严酷的 yán kù de

adjective (informal (harsh) (气候等)

The tough winters make Maine a difficult place to live.

艰苦的 jiān kǔ de

adjective (informal (difficult)

I had such a tough time in college.

严厉的,难相处的 yán lì de ,nán xiāng chǔ de

adjective (informal (person: difficult) (人)

He is a tough person to work with.

坚强的 jiān qiáng de

adjective (informal (person: mentally robust)

You have to be tough to run for public office.

就这样了!没办法了! jiù zhè yàng le méi bàn fǎ le

interjection (informal (decision will not change) (表示感叹)

Tough! You will learn to live with it.

恶棍, 无赖

noun (US, informal (thug)

There are some street toughs standing on the corner.

坚持到底 jiān chí dào dǐ

verbal expression (slang (not quit)


noun (informal (difficult decision)


noun (informal, figurative (resilient person)

硬汉 yìng hàn

noun (informal (man: macho, aggressive)

He wants everyone to think he's a tough guy.

艰难的工作,棘手的活 jiān nán de gōng zuò,jí shǒu de huó

noun (informal (difficult task) (非正式用语)

It's a tough job, but somebody had to do it.


noun (harsh treatment of [sb] to help them)

倒霉 dǎo méi

noun (informal (misfortune)

Albert's had tough luck all his life.

倒霉 dǎo méi

interjection (informal (that's unfortunate)

Tough luck you can't find your car keys!


interjection (slang (being dismissive of [sb]'s misfortune)

难缠的人 nán chán de rén

noun (figurative (difficult person)

难以说服的人 nán yǐ shuō fú de rén

noun (figurative, informal ([sb] hard to persuade)

Good luck with getting him to agree - he's a tough nut to crack.

难办的事 nán bàn de shì

noun (figurative, informal ([sth] hard to solve)

This algebra equation is a tough nut to crack.

挨过,熬过 āi guò,áo guò

verbal expression (informal (endure [sth] difficult)

We've toughed out worse situations than this before; we'll be OK.

严格的政策 yán gé de zhèng cè

noun (harsh rule)

The police are implementing a tough policy on drink driving.


noun (informal (difficult period)


adjective (pragmatic, unsentimental)

Brian's tough-minded approach to problems makes him a strong project leader.

坚定的, 固执的

adjective (adamant, strong-willed)

My tough-minded father was impossible to argue with.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。