英语 中的 very 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 very 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 very 的说明。

英语 中的very 表示非常,很 fēi cháng,hěn, 之前提到的 zhī qián tí dào de, 仅仅的 jǐn jǐn de, 恰恰是的,正是的 qià qià shì de,zhèng shì de, 最尽头的, 真正地 zhēn zhèng de, 完全是,正是 wán quán shì,zhèng shì, 至少 zhì shǎo, 至少 zhì shǎo, 就在眼面前, 做小生意 zuò xiǎo shēng yì, 翻版 fān bǎn, 化身 huà shēn, 从真正意义来说,确确实实, 在犯罪当时 zài fàn zuì dāng shí, 不很 bù hěn, 直到最后, 直到生命的最后一刻, 赞扬 zàn yáng, 非常感谢 fēi cháng gǎn xiè, 好吧…但是,那也好…然而 hǎo ba dàn shì,nà yě hǎo rán ér, 正是所需要的, 此刻 cǐ kè, 可怕的 kě pà de, 最开始 zuì kāi shǐ, 最开始 zuì kāi shǐ, 最大可能 zuì dà kě néng, 很少的 hěn shǎo de, 很罕见的, 很好的 hěn hǎo de, 非常棒,很好 fēi cháng bàng,hěn hǎo, 非常亮的 fēi cháng liàng de, 非常轻的 fēi cháng qīng de, 与…非常像 yǔ fēi cháng xiàng, 很有可能的 hěn yǒu kě néng de, 极少地 jí shǎo de, 很少 hěn shǎo, 不多的 bù duō de, 很多的 hěn duō de, 很多的 hěn duō de, 非常 fēi cháng, 很多 hěn duō, 很像的,类似的 lèi sì de, 经常 jīng cháng, 非常苍白的 fēi cháng cāng bái de, 非常浅的,非常淡的 fēi cháng qiǎn de,fēi cháng dàn de, 主教大人 zhǔ jiào dà rén, 完全一样的 wán quán yí yàng de, 非常简短的 fēi cháng jiǎn duǎn de, 非常短的 fēi cháng duǎn de, 非常简慢地 fēi cháng jiǎn màn de, 不一会儿 bù yī huì er, 非常快 fēi cháng kuài, 很好,很成功 hěn hǎo ,hěn chéng gōng, 好吧,就这样吧 hǎo bɑ ,jiù zhè yàng bɑ, 甚低频, 甚低频的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 very 的含义

非常,很 fēi cháng,hěn

adverb (extremely) (与形容词、副词等连用)

He was very helpful.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 别再批评他了,他已经竭尽全力了。

之前提到的 zhī qián tí dào de

adjective (one already mentioned)

It was that very day that he proposed to her.

仅仅的 jǐn jǐn de

adjective (mere)

The very mention of his ex-wife caused problems.

恰恰是的,正是的 qià qià shì de,zhèng shì de

adjective (exact) (表示强调)

He was the very person that I wanted to talk with.


adjective (as intensifier) (强调时间、空间的端点)

From the very beginning I knew he was a liar.

真正地 zhēn zhèng de

adverb (truly)

He was very much an active member of the team.

完全是,正是 wán quán shì,zhèng shì

adverb (informal (intensifier) (非正式用语,表示强调,修饰最高级)

She was the very best person for the job.

至少 zhì shǎo

expression (emphatic: and no less)

I would offer to pay half the cost, at the very least.

至少 zhì shǎo

expression (emphatic: as the minimum)

At the very least you need to call her and say thank you.


adverb (right in front of you)

His father was murdered right before his eyes.

做小生意 zuò xiǎo shēng yì

verbal expression (have few commercial dealings)

翻版 fān bǎn

noun (copy)

This painting is the very image of the original.

化身 huà shēn

noun (figurative (embodiment)

He was the image of male aggressiveness.


adverb (genuinely or literally)

Our family was puritan in a very real sense: never smoked, swore, drank, or even danced.

在犯罪当时 zài fàn zuì dāng shí

adverb (committing this crime)

I caught my dog in the very act of eating the steak I had bought for dinner.

不很 bù hěn

adverb (hardly, only a little)

That's not very nice of you. I'm not very interested in football.


expression (all the way through)

She performed flawlessly right to the end.


expression (to the moment of death)

I promise never to leave you: I'll stand by you right to the end. He suffered a lot, but he was in good spirits right to the end.

赞扬 zàn yáng

verbal expression (say good things about [sb])

My son's teacher speaks very highly of him; she says he's a great student.

非常感谢 fēi cháng gǎn xiè

interjection (many thanks)

Thank you very much; you've been very helpful.

好吧…但是,那也好…然而 hǎo ba dàn shì,nà yě hǎo rán ér

expression (informal (nevertheless, even so) (非正式用语)

That's all very well, but it still doesn't explain why you didn't finish the work.


noun (precisely what is required or specified)

此刻 cǐ kè

adverb (immediately, without delay)

I need an answer this very minute!

可怕的 kě pà de

adjective (awful, terrible)

She is in bed with a very bad case of the flu. Trixie, you are being a very bad dog.

最开始 zuì kāi shǐ

noun (first word: of a text)

The very beginning of the Bible is one of its best-known passages.

最开始 zuì kāi shǐ

noun (first moment, starting point)

Let's make the rules clear from the very beginning.

最大可能 zuì dà kě néng

noun (utmost)

The doctors tried their very best, but they were unable to save the patient.

很少的 hěn shǎo de

adjective (not many)

There are very few pills left in the bottle; I need to call the doctor to get a new prescription.


adjective (rare)

很好的 hěn hǎo de

adjective (excellent)

I don't understand; he used to make very good grades.

非常棒,很好 fēi cháng bàng,hěn hǎo

interjection (formal (very well, certainly) (正式用语)

Very good then, I'll see you in the morning.

非常亮的 fēi cháng liàng de

adjective (highly illuminated)

The room was very light; I was dazzled as I walked in.

非常轻的 fēi cháng qīng de

adjective (extremely lightweight)

A feather is very light object.

与…非常像 yǔ fēi cháng xiàng

preposition (almost identical to)

One sparrow is very like another to human eyes.

很有可能的 hěn yǒu kě néng de

adjective (highly probable)

I think it very likely that we will get some rain tonight.

极少地 jí shǎo de

adverb (hardly anything)

We have very little in common.

很少 hěn shǎo

noun (a small quantity)

不多的 bù duō de

adjective (not much)

The news report provided very little useful information.

很多的 hěn duō de

adjective (a large number of)

很多的 hěn duō de

adjective (large in number)

非常 fēi cháng

adverb (greatly)

I like him very much.

很多 hěn duō

noun (large amount)

I would share my candy with you but I don't have very much.

很像的,类似的 lèi sì de

adjective (similar to)

经常 jīng cháng

adverb (frequently)

非常苍白的 fēi cháng cāng bái de

adjective (complexion: white) (脸色、面色等)

Due to his very pale complexion he had to protect himself from the sun.

非常浅的,非常淡的 fēi cháng qiǎn de,fēi cháng dàn de

adjective (faded, light) (颜色)

They painted their shutters a very pale shade of green that looked almost yellow.

主教大人 zhǔ jiào dà rén

adjective (title: church minister)

The Very Reverend Rudy Johnson will speak at the dinner tonight.

完全一样的 wán quán yí yàng de

adjective (exact or identical)

At 15 Jacques enrolled at the very same school that his late father had attended.

非常简短的 fēi cháng jiǎn duǎn de

adjective (extremely brief)

Some of Ernest Hemingway's stories are very short.

非常短的 fēi cháng duǎn de

adjective (not tall)

He's only 5 feet tall. He's very short.

非常简慢地 fēi cháng jiǎn màn de

adverb (abrupt, rude)

She must be mad at me since she was very short with me when I asked her how she was.

不一会儿 bù yī huì er

adverb (in a short while from now)

We will be leaving very soon.

非常快 fēi cháng kuài

adverb (rapidly)

很好,很成功 hěn hǎo ,hěn chéng gōng

adverb (successfully)

He patched the hole in the wall very well: you'd never know it was there.

好吧,就这样吧 hǎo bɑ ,jiù zhè yàng bɑ

interjection (expressing consent) (略为勉强的同意)

Very well, then: you may go out tonight, but you must be home by midnight.


noun (initialism (very low frequency)


noun as adjective (initialism (very low frequency)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。