英语 中的 much 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 much 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 much 的说明。

英语 中的much 表示到极大程度,很,很多 dào jí dà chéng dù ,hěn,hěn duō, 到极大程度的 dào jí dà chéng dù de, 多的,大量的 duō de ,dà liàng de, …得多 de duō, 许多 xǔ duō, 十分好的事物 shí fēn hǎo de shì wù, 有些太过分了, 想来想去, 酌古斟今, 一样,同样 yí yàng,tóng yàng, 等量, 像…一样多, 和...等量, 和…程度相若 hé … chéng dù xiāng ruò, 和...等量的事物, 尽管 jǐn guǎn, 尽可能地 jìn kě néng de, 尽可能多地 jìn kě néng duō de, …的一半, 少一半, 有太多 yǒu tài duō, 有太多的, 多少,多么 duō shǎo ,duō me, 多少钱, 多少,多么 duō shǎo ,duō me, 我如此爱你 wǒ rú cǐ ài nǐ, 还有很多待改进的余地 hái yǒu hěn duō dài gǎi jìn de yú dì, 重视 zhòng shì, 关注 guān zhù, 同…一样 tóng yí yàng, 尽管 jǐn guǎn, (比…)优秀多了的 bǐ yōu xiù duō le de, (比过去)好多了的 bǐ guò qù hǎo duō le de, 非常受尊敬的 fēi cháng shòu zūn jìng de, (比…)少得多 bǐ shǎo de duō, (比…)程度低得多 bǐ chéng dù dī de duō, 以非常类似的方式 yǐ fēi cháng lèi sì de fāng shì, 非常相像 fēi cháng xiāng xiàng, (比…)多得多 bǐ duō de duō, (比…)程度高得多 bǐ chéng dù gāo de duō, 非常感谢 fēi cháng gǎn xiè, 深表感谢, 非常相似, 差不多一样的, 与之前…差不多一样的, 深受喜爱的, 没多少 méi duō shǎo, 样子不太好看 yàng zi bú tài hǎo kàn, 较少的 jiào shǎo de, 不多的 bù duō de, 对…评价不高 duì … píng jià bù gāo, 很少 hěn shǎo, 出价太高 chū jià tài gāo, 差不多 chà bù duō, 差不多一样的, 差不多一样 chà bù duō yí yàng, 一口拒绝, 激烈否认, 大量的 dà liàng de, 如此多的 rú cǐ duō de, 很多 hěn duō, 甚至 shèn zhì, 只, ...只好作罢, 就这样吧,就此作罢 jiù zhè yàng bɑ, 那件事就谈到这里, 以致于 yǐ zhì yú, 说话太多 shuō huà tài duō, 非常感谢 fēi cháng gǎn xiè, 非常感谢 fēi cháng gǎn xiè, 非常感谢!, 过多的 guò duō de, 过度地 guò dù de, 过多,太多 guò duō, 突然过量 tū rán guò liàng, 超出…的能力之外,非…所能应付 chāo chū … de néng lì zhī wài,fēi … suǒ néng yìng fù, 超出…的能力之外,非…所能应付 chāo chū … de néng lì zhī wài,fēi … suǒ néng yìng fù, 过犹不及,物极必反, 过分的要求, 两倍 liǎng bèi, 两倍的 liǎng bèi de, 非常 fēi cháng, 很多 hěn duō, 很像的,类似的 lèi sì de, 太多的, 太多了, 非常努力地 fēi cháng nǔ lì de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 much 的含义

到极大程度,很,很多 dào jí dà chéng dù ,hěn,hěn duō

adverb (greatly) (加强比较级或最高级)

He looks much older now.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 你过于担心了,没有必要。

到极大程度的 dào jí dà chéng dù de

adjective (of great degree)

They ate much more than usual yesterday.

多的,大量的 duō de ,dà liàng de

adjective (of great quantity) (数量)

We heard much laughter coming from the room.

…得多 de duō

adjective (in comparisons) (修饰比较级)

He felt much better after taking an aspirin.

许多 xǔ duō

noun (great amount)

Much of his reasoning was illogical.

十分好的事物 shí fēn hǎo de shì wù

noun (often negative (notable thing) (常做贬义,表示不够格)

It wasn't much of a lunch - just a few snacks.


expression (excessive, intolerable)


adverb (having considered [sth] carefully)


adverb (having discussed [sth] at length)

一样,同样 yí yàng,tóng yàng

expression (the same thing)

So, you're pregnant. I thought as much.


expression (an equal amount)

Joe was praised for his work on the project, but I did just as much.


expression (the same amount as)

Nobody can eat as much as my brother!


expression (an equal amount of)

I can't eat as much cheese as my sister.

和…程度相若 hé … chéng dù xiāng ruò

expression (equally)

I love you as much as I love your sister.


expression (with clause: the same amount as)

I would love to earn as much money as you do.

尽管 jǐn guǎn

expression (with clause: even though)

As much as I love Mel Gibson, this movie is just too violent for me.

尽可能地 jìn kě néng de

expression (to greatest extent)

I try to exercise as much as possible.

尽可能多地 jìn kě néng duō de

noun (greatest amount)

I always eat as much as possible at Thanksgiving dinner.


noun (50 percent of)

I'll have half as much of the pie as he has.


expression (50 percent less)

The coat cost half as much on sale.

有太多 yǒu tài duō

verbal expression (have an excess)

Do you want a slice of this cake? I've got too much.


verbal expression (have [sth] to excess)

多少,多么 duō shǎo ,duō me

expression (what amount) (修饰单数名词,或对程度进行提问)

It's not important how much effort you put into the job - it's results that count!


expression (what price, cost) (价格)

How much does this sandwich cost?

多少,多么 duō shǎo ,duō me

expression (to what extent) (对程度进行提问)

It doesn't matter how much I try to please my boss, he still isn't satisfied.

我如此爱你 wǒ rú cǐ ài nǐ

interjection (great affection)

I love you so much that I can't stand to be apart from you.

还有很多待改进的余地 hái yǒu hěn duō dài gǎi jìn de yú dì

verbal expression (be inadequate)

Your table manners leave much to be desired. The house was cute on the outside, but inside left much to be desired.

重视 zhòng shì

verbal expression (place great importance on [sth/sb])

Scientists are making much of this latest development.

关注 guān zhù

verbal expression (give a lot of attention)

The dog was thoroughly enjoying being made much of.

同…一样 tóng yí yàng

conjunction (in the same way as)

He was scrabbling away at the earth, much as a dog buries a bone.

尽管 jǐn guǎn

conjunction (as much as: however much)

Much as I like James as a friend, I could never date him.

(比…)优秀多了的 bǐ yōu xiù duō le de

adjective (greatly superior)

French wine is good, but Californian wine is much better.

(比过去)好多了的 bǐ guò qù hǎo duō le de

adjective (greatly improved)

Your chances of getting a job are much better if you have computer skills.

非常受尊敬的 fēi cháng shòu zūn jìng de

adjective (highly respected)

Our much-esteemed colleague from Brown University disagrees.

(比…)少得多 bǐ shǎo de duō

noun (a considerably smaller quantity)

Men have fought wars for much less.

(比…)程度低得多 bǐ chéng dù dī de duō

adverb (to a lesser degree)

If I liked her much less I wouldn't like her at all!

以非常类似的方式 yǐ fēi cháng lèi sì de fāng shì

preposition (in the same way as)

非常相像 fēi cháng xiāng xiàng

preposition (very similar to)

(比…)多得多 bǐ duō de duō

noun (a considerably larger quantity)

Much more will have to be done if we want to succeed.

(比…)程度高得多 bǐ chéng dù gāo de duō

adverb (to a greater degree)

I like him much more now than I did when he was younger.

非常感谢 fēi cháng gǎn xiè

interjection (thank you)


verbal expression (be thankful, grateful)


expression (very alike)


adjective (very similar)

I will use much the same method as George did to make these changes.


adjective (unchanged)

The doctors say he is in much the same condition as yesterday. My hometown looks much the same as it did when I left 10 years ago.


adjective (loved by many people)

Uncle Bob was a much-loved member of the family.

没多少 méi duō shǎo

adjective (very little)

There isn't much food in the cupboard; I think we should go out for dinner.

样子不太好看 yàng zi bú tài hǎo kàn

adjective (informal (unattractive or unimpressive)

He's not much to look at, but he's got a good job and he's very nice. It's not much to look at, but it's home.

较少的 jiào shǎo de

adjective (less)

It's not so much that you are cruel, more that you don't think things through.

不多的 bù duō de

adjective (little)

No, there was not so much singing at the show.

对…评价不高 duì … píng jià bù gāo

verbal expression (informal (be unimpressed by)

I did not think much of that artist's new exhibit, I thought it was trite.

很少 hěn shǎo

noun (not a lot) (口语)

There is nothing much happening downtown today.

出价太高 chū jià tài gāo

verbal expression (be overcharged for [sth])

I paid too much for the taxi from the airport to the city centre.

差不多 chà bù duō

adverb (informal (mostly)

When you visit the South, you'll pretty much eat only fried food.


adjective (informal (very similar)

It hardly matters which candidate you vote for; they're all pretty much the same.

差不多一样 chà bù duō yí yàng

adverb (unchanged from earlier)

The state of the patient's health has stayed pretty much the same.

一口拒绝, 激烈否认

verbal expression (insist unconvincingly that [sth] is untrue) (指导致人怀疑的)

“The lady doth protest too much”, as they say.

大量的 dà liàng de

adjective (a large amount of)

I'm bound to get my shoes wet with so much water on the ground. There's so much to do I don't know where to start.

如此多的 rú cǐ duō de

adjective (this amount of)

Showing her son the cup, Paige said, "You take so much flour and add it to the mixing bowl."

很多 hěn duō

adverb (a lot)

I wish my sister didn't talk so much.

甚至 shèn zhì

adverb (even)

Cross that line by so much as a hair and you'll see what anger means.

adverb (merely, no more than)


expression (informal (disappointment, failure)

So much for my plans to spend today at the beach; it's pouring with rain!

就这样吧,就此作罢 jiù zhè yàng bɑ

interjection (informal (disappointment, failure) (表示失望、恼火)

I failed my entrance exam yet again. So much for that!


interjection (informal (enough discussion)

Well, so much for that! Maybe we can talk about something else now.

以致于 yǐ zhì yú

expression (to such a degree that)

说话太多 shuō huà tài duō

verbal expression (speak excessively)

She talks too much … and most of what she says is rubbish.

非常感谢 fēi cháng gǎn xiè

interjection (Many thanks)

非常感谢 fēi cháng gǎn xiè

interjection (many thanks)

Thank you very much; you've been very helpful.


interjection (informal (Many thanks indeed)

过多的 guò duō de

adjective (an excess of)

Too much coffee makes me jittery.

过度地 guò dù de

adverb (excessively, to excess)

He loved her too much to leave her.

过多,太多 guò duō

noun (an excessive amount)

I can't possibly eat all that – it's too much.

突然过量 tū rán guò liàng

noun (sudden excess of [sth])

I took a big gulp of beer and got too much at once.

超出…的能力之外,非…所能应付 chāo chū … de néng lì zhī wài,fēi … suǒ néng yìng fù

preposition (overwhelming)

Caring for six children was too much for the exhausted young mother.

超出…的能力之外,非…所能应付 chāo chū … de néng lì zhī wài,fēi … suǒ néng yìng fù

preposition (intolerable)

Losing his wife was too much for him to bear.


noun (informal ([sth] spoilt by excess)

There was so much to eat; sometimes you can have too much of a good thing!


noun (informal (excessive, unreasonable demand)

两倍 liǎng bèi

noun (double the amount)

I've decided to give twice as much to charity this year.

两倍的 liǎng bèi de

expression (double the amount of [sth])

It can take twice as much effort to make dinner without a stove.

非常 fēi cháng

adverb (greatly)

I like him very much.

很多 hěn duō

noun (large amount)

I would share my candy with you but I don't have very much.

很像的,类似的 lèi sì de

adjective (similar to)


adjective (informal (an excess of)


adverb (informal (excessively)

非常努力地 fēi cháng nǔ lì de

adverb (by hard work)

With much effort, he was able to reach the top of the mountain.

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