英语 中的 wash 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 wash 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 wash 的说明。

英语 中的wash 表示洗 xǐ, 清洗 qīng xǐ, 洗 xǐ, 该洗的衣服 gāi xǐ de yī fú, 洗好的衣物 xǐ hǎo de yī wù, 拍击,冲击 pāi jī,chōng jī, (波浪的)冲击声 bō làng de chōng jī shēng, 洗衣服 xǐ yī fú, 水流,波浪 shuǐ liú,bō làng, 薄涂层,薄层 báo céng, 沃什湾, 清洗,刷洗 qīng xǐ,shuā xǐ, 洗衣服 xǐ yī fú, 将...上的...洗掉, 拍打, 拍击, 洗, 洗涤, 洗去 xǐ qù, 伴着饮料吃下 bàn zhe yǐn liào chī xià, 冲洗 chōng xǐ, 洗掉 xǐ diào, 清洗,清洁,洗掉 qīng xǐ,qīng jié,xǐ diào, 冲过, 流过, 溢过, 影响甚微 yǐng xiǎng shén wēi, 被冲上岸 bèi chōng shàng àn, 洗(餐具) xǐ cān jù, 洗碗 xǐ wǎn, 洗脸和手 xǐ liǎn hé shǒu, 筋疲力尽 jīn pí lì jìn, 沐浴露, 洗车场 xǐ chē chǎng, 洗碗 xǐ wǎn, 蛋液, 洗手池, 洗手液, 手洗, 机洗, 漱口水 shù kǒu shuǐ, 洗漱包, 冲走 chōng zǒu, 洗去 xǐ qù, 洗掉 xǐ diào, 洗掉…的…, 清洗,清洁,洗掉 qīng xǐ,qīng jié,xǐ diào, 从...中金盆洗手, 免烫的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 wash 的含义

洗 xǐ

transitive verb (clean)

Don't forget to wash your hands.

清洗 qīng xǐ

noun (act of washing)

I find a wash helps me wake up in the mornings.

洗 xǐ

intransitive verb (oneself)

I'd like to wash before dinner.

该洗的衣服 gāi xǐ de yī fú

noun (clothes to be washed)

Your shirt's in the wash.

洗好的衣物 xǐ hǎo de yī wù

noun (clean clothes)

She hung the wash on the line.

拍击,冲击 pāi jī,chōng jī

noun (lapping of waves) (波浪等)

They had to protect the house from the wash of the sea.

(波浪的)冲击声 bō làng de chōng jī shēng

noun (sound of lapping water)

We sat back and listened to the wash of the river on the rocks.

洗衣服 xǐ yī fú

noun (act of doing laundry)

A wash will get this muddy rugby kit clean. // My new T-shirt faded after just a couple of washes.

水流,波浪 shuǐ liú,bō làng

noun (wake of boat) (船桨等激起的)

Wash from a speedboat can create waves that endanger other boats.

薄涂层,薄层 báo céng

noun (art: thin layer of color) (艺术)

The artist laid down a wash of yellow watercolor.


noun (UK (English estuary) (英国海湾)

Our house in Norfolk looks out over the Wash.

清洗,刷洗 qīng xǐ,shuā xǐ

intransitive verb (clean: dishes) (餐具等)

You can wash and I'll dry.

洗衣服 xǐ yī fú

intransitive verb (do laundry)

On Mondays I wash, iron, mop and tidy up.


transitive verb (remove)

Soap will wash the ink from your fingers.

拍打, 拍击

transitive verb (lap at: shore) (波浪等)

The Mediterranean washes the shores of southern France.

洗, 洗涤

transitive verb (launder: clothes) (衣服)

These jeans need to be washed.

洗去 xǐ qù

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (remove by cleaning with water)

Saliva helps wash bacteria away from the teeth.

伴着饮料吃下 bàn zhe yǐn liào chī xià

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (food: accompany with a drink)

I need some milk to wash down these cookies.

冲洗 chōng xǐ

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (clean thoroughly)

Wash down the cutting board with hot water and plenty of soap to kill the bacteria. Since the water restrictions have gone into effect we will no longer be able to wash down the sidewalks on a daily basis.

洗掉 xǐ diào

phrasal verb, intransitive (be removed by water)

The dirt washes off easily.

清洗,清洁,洗掉 qīng xǐ,qīng jié,xǐ diào

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (make faded)

All that sunshine washed out my hair.

冲过, 流过, 溢过

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (water: cover)

影响甚微 yǐng xiǎng shén wēi

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (have little impact on)

被冲上岸 bèi chōng shàng àn

phrasal verb, intransitive (be brought to shore by the tide)

The driftwood was washed up on the beach.

洗(餐具) xǐ cān jù

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (UK (clean: dishes)

Scrambled eggs make the pan hard to wash up.

洗碗 xǐ wǎn

phrasal verb, intransitive (UK (clean dishes)

After I cooked dinner, I had to wash up.

洗脸和手 xǐ liǎn hé shǒu

phrasal verb, intransitive (US (wash face and hands)

Go and wash up for dinner.

筋疲力尽 jīn pí lì jìn

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (to wear out, become ineffective)

He was a top sportsman but now he's totally washed up.


noun (cleansing product)

My boyfriend bought me some orchid-scented body wash for my birthday.

洗车场 xǐ chē chǎng

noun (facility: vehicle cleaning)

My car is so dirty that I must take it to the car wash.

洗碗 xǐ wǎn

verbal expression (informal (wash plates, etc.)

I'll cook for both of us if you promise to do the dishes afterwards. Our dinner guests offered to do the washing-up.


noun (pastry coating) (涂刷糕点表面)


noun (sink for washing hands)

There is a washbasin in each room.


noun (liquid soap)


transitive verb (wash by hand)


transitive verb (clean with washing machine)

漱口水 shù kǒu shuǐ

noun (mouth-cleansing product)

Peter brushed his teeth and used mouthwash.


noun (bag for toiletries)

冲走 chōng zǒu

(remove with water)

I ran my trainers under the tap to wash off the mud.

洗去 xǐ qù

(remove with water)

Mark washed the chocolate off his daughter's face.

洗掉 xǐ diào

(dirt: remove)

Do you think we'll be able to wash that ink stain out?


verbal expression (dirt: remove from [sth])

I washed the soup stain out of the tablecloth.

清洗,清洁,洗掉 qīng xǐ,qīng jié,xǐ diào

(clean inside)

When she was naughty, her mother would wash her mouth out with soap and water.


verbal expression (figurative (end involvement with [sth])


adjective (garment: no ironing)

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wash 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。