英语 中的 wing 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 wing 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 wing 的说明。

英语 中的wing 表示翅膀 chì bǎng, 机翼 jī yì, 厢房 xiāng fáng, 边锋 biān fēng, 侧翼队员,边锋,边卫 cè yì duì yuán,biān fēng, 翅膀(鸡翅、鸭翅、火鸡翅等) chì bǎng ( jī chì 、yā chì 、huǒ jī chì děng ), 舞台的侧面, 扔出 rēng chū, 打伤…的翅膀(或手臂), 挡泥板 dǎng ní bǎn, 护板,缓冲板, 壁炉栅栏, 挡泥板 dǎng ní bǎn, 左翼的 zuǒ yì de, 左翼 zuǒ yì, 右边锋 yòu biān fēng, 右翼,右派 yòu yì,yòu pài, 起飞 qǐ fēi, 在…的保护下 zài de bǎo hù xià, 空军中校 kōng jūn zhōng xiào, 即兴表演 jí xìng biǎo yǎn, 后视镜 hòu shì jìng, 翼形螺母 yì xíng luó mǔ, 翼形螺母 yì xíng luó mǔ, 翼形鞋头,翼形盖饰, 翼尖 yì jiān, 翼尖,机翼端 yì jiān,jī yì duān。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 wing 的含义

翅膀 chì bǎng

noun (of bird)

The bird flapped its wings and rose into the sky.

机翼 jī yì

noun (of airplane)

Mark looked out of the window and saw the plane's wing.

厢房 xiāng fáng

noun (of building)

The north wing of the building gets cold in the winter.

边锋 biān fēng

noun (sports: place) (体育运动)

The player came in from the wing and performed a successful tackle.

侧翼队员,边锋,边卫 cè yì duì yuán,biān fēng

noun (sports: player) (体育运动)

The midfielder passed the ball to the wing.

翅膀(鸡翅、鸭翅、火鸡翅等) chì bǎng ( jī chì 、yā chì 、huǒ jī chì děng )

noun (as food) (食品)

Linda was carving the chicken and asked Oliver if he'd prefer a leg or a wing.


plural noun (area just off stage)

The actors gathered in the wings before the start of the first act.

扔出 rēng chū

transitive verb (slang (throw)

Joe winged the ball to Wendy.


transitive verb (injure in arm or wing)

The bullet winged the bird, but didn't kill it.

挡泥板 dǎng ní bǎn

noun (bicycle: shield over wheels) (自行车)

Kate crashed her bike and bent the fender. I'm thankful for my mudguards every time it rains.


noun (boat: protective pad) (船)

Sarah bought some fenders for her boat to keep the side from being scuffed at the dock.


noun (metal fireplace guard)

Gas fireplaces do not require a fender.

挡泥板 dǎng ní bǎn

noun (car: area above wheel)

Ryan ran into a parked car and damaged the fender.

左翼的 zuǒ yì de

adjective (politics: socialist)

The opposition was horrified by the new prime minister's left-wing policies.

左翼 zuǒ yì

noun (members of socialist or leftist political parties)

The left wing always makes that argument.

右边锋 yòu biān fēng

adjective (politics: Conservative, Republican) (体育运动)

Right-wing parties are invariably opposed to abortion.

右翼,右派 yòu yì,yòu pài

noun (politics: conservative faction) (政治派系)

The right wing of the party was less inclined to compromise than the rest of the party.

起飞 qǐ fēi

verbal expression (start to fly)

The eagle took wing and flew out of sight.

在…的保护下 zài de bǎo hù xià

expression (guided or protected by)

The young student made rapid progress after he was taken under the wing of the master chef.

空军中校 kōng jūn zhōng xiào

noun (air force: mid-rank officer) (英国)

He's just been promoted to the rank of wing commander.

即兴表演 jí xìng biǎo yǎn

verbal expression (informal (improvise, muddle through)

Ian didn't have a speech prepared, so he had to wing it.

后视镜 hòu shì jìng

noun (small mirror at either side of a vehicle)

翼形螺母 yì xíng luó mǔ

noun (threaded nut with extensions for turning)

To make the clamp easier to remove without tools, I installed wing nuts.

翼形螺母 yì xíng luó mǔ

noun ([sb] deranged, obsessed)

He is a bit of a wing nut, isn't he?


plural noun (parts of a shoe) (鞋)

翼尖 yì jiān

plural noun (pointed ends of aircraft wings) (飞机)

The plane had military decals on the wing tips.

翼尖,机翼端 yì jiān,jī yì duān

noun (extremity of plane wing) (飞机)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。