英语 中的 wrought 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 wrought 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 wrought 的说明。

英语 中的wrought 表示锻造的 duàn zào de, 受雇于 shòu gù yú, 劳作 láo zuò, 运转 yùn zhuàn, 有用 yǒu yòng, 操作, 开动, 使运作, 职业 zhí yè, 工作 gōng zuò, 努力 nǔ lì, 劳作 láo zuò, 揉 róu, 把…揉成…,把…按成…, 作品 zuò pǐn, 工厂 gōng chǎng, 全套配置, 折磨 zhé mó, 任务 rèn wù, 办公室 bàn gōng shì, (具体的)工作 jù tǐ de gōng zuò, (艺术)作品 yì shù zuò pǐn, 工作成果,工作结晶,产品 gōng zuò chéng guǒ,gōng zuò jié jīng,chǎn pǐn, 工程 gōng chéng, 机械功,功 jī xiè gōng,gōng, 作品 zuò pǐn, 工作的 gōng zuò de, 工程 gōng chéng, 工作 gōng zuò, 任…职 rèn zhí, …对某人来说可以,…对某人而言可行, 扭曲 niǔ qū, 使…逐步变成, 制作 zhì zuò, 使…工作 shǐ gōng zuò, 在…耕种 zài gēng zhòng, 说服 shuō fú, 造成 zào chéng, 熟铁 shóu tiě / shú tiě, 熟铁的, 兴奋的,情绪激动的 xīng fèn de ,qíng xù jī dòng de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 wrought 的含义

锻造的 duàn zào de

adjective (metal: shaped) (金属)

Wrought steel grilles cover the windows.

受雇于 shòu gù yú

intransitive verb (be employed)

He works at the bank.

劳作 láo zuò

intransitive verb (toil)

He worked into the night.

运转 yùn zhuàn

intransitive verb (function)

Does the car work?

有用 yǒu yòng

intransitive verb (be useful, effectual)

Did the medicine work?

操作, 开动, 使运作

transitive verb (machine: operate) (机器等)

Do you know how to work this machine?

职业 zhí yè

noun (uncountable (occupation)

What is your work? I'm a dentist.

工作 gōng zuò

noun (uncountable (employment)

The bank provides work for many people.

努力 nǔ lì

noun (uncountable (effort)

His work on the car was worth the result.

劳作 láo zuò

noun (uncountable (toil)

An apple picker does exhausting work, from sunrise until dusk.

揉 róu

transitive verb (knead, massage)


(knead, massage [sth] into [sth])

作品 zuò pǐn

plural noun (art, literature, music: achievements)

The author's poems are his most overlooked works.

工厂 gōng chǎng

plural noun (factory)

Most of the menfolk were employed at the town's works.


expression (informal (everything)

He dreamed of buying a shiny new car with the works.

折磨 zhé mó

expression (informal (unpleasant treatment)

She forgot his birthday, and he gave her the works.

任务 rèn wù

noun (uncountable (type of task)

I don't like this work. Can I do something different?

办公室 bàn gōng shì

noun (office, place of work)

This is his work. Yes, that building.

(具体的)工作 jù tǐ de gōng zuò

noun (activity)

He is doing some work or other in the shop.

(艺术)作品 yì shù zuò pǐn

noun (objects on which work is done)

The art students took their work to the benches.

工作成果,工作结晶,产品 gōng zuò chéng guǒ,gōng zuò jié jīng,chǎn pǐn

noun (product of labor)

The work was obviously well done.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 昨天我买了一套鲁迅全集。

工程 gōng chéng

noun (building)

The tunnel is an impressive work of engineering.

机械功,功 jī xiè gōng,gōng

noun (physics: force times distance) (物理学中力对距离的累积)

In physics, work deals with transference of energy.

作品 zuò pǐn

noun (product of artist) (艺术家的)

Many think Beethoven's Ninth is his greatest work. I have the complete works of Dickens in my library.

工作的 gōng zuò de

noun as adjective (of, concerning work)

He got a work permit in July.

工程 gōng chéng

plural noun (construction)

工作 gōng zuò

intransitive verb (with adverb or noun phrase)

We'll have to work late to finish this project. Sheila's been working extra hours to pay off her debts.

任…职 rèn zhí

(make a living as)

Right now I am working as a waitress in a cocktail bar, but I want to be an actress.


(informal (be OK with [sb])

I could meet you at 2 pm on Wednesday; does that work for you?

扭曲 niǔ qū

transitive verb (contort)

She worked the wire into a loop.


transitive verb (accomplish)

She worked a change in the texture of the dough.

制作 zhì zuò

transitive verb (fashion by work)

The carpenter works the pieces into a table.

使…工作 shǐ gōng zuò

transitive verb (keep at work)

The boss worked them until late into the night.

在…耕种 zài gēng zhòng

transitive verb (land, be a farmer)

The farmer worked the land.

说服 shuō fú

transitive verb (persuade)

The minister worked the congregation into an exultant state.

造成 zào chéng

transitive verb (literary, used in expressions (inflict) (伤害)

The hurricane wreaked destruction on several coastal towns.

熟铁 shóu tiě / shú tiě

noun (decorative ironwork)

A wrought iron gate would be too showy on a house like ours.


noun as adjective (made of, featuring wrought iron)

兴奋的,情绪激动的 xīng fèn de ,qíng xù jī dòng de

adjective (informal (excited, agitated)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。