英语 中的 write 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 write 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 write 的说明。

英语 中的write 表示书写 shū xiě, 写(书) xiě shū, 写 xiě, 给某人写某物, 给…写信,给…发邮件, 给…写信, 给…发邮件, 写字 xiě zì, 写下来 xiě xià lái, 写信 xiě xìn, 写作,当作家 xiě zuò ,dāng zuò jiā, 在…上写字, 作(曲) zuò qǔ, 将…录入, 将…写入, 将…存入, 用笔记录, 给…回信 gěi huí xìn, 写下 xiě xià, 减记...,划减..., 在…题写,在…题赠, 冲销 chōng xiāo, 勾销,注销 gōu xiāo,zhù xiāo, 将…报废, 勾销,注销 gōu xiāo,zhù xiāo, 发信索取,发信订购, 全部写出,完整写出 quán bù xiě chū, 详细描写 xiáng xì miáo xiě, 写...评论, 记录…的不良行为, 平淡无奇, 重写 chóng xiě, 重写 chóng xiě, 重写 chóng xiě, 改写规则, 打破常规 dǎ pò cháng guī, 写信 xiě xìn, 以…为题材写作 yǐ wéi tí cái xiě zuò, 给...回复,给...回函, 写编年史 xiě biān nián shǐ, 把…减记为…, 把…看作 bǎ … kàn zuò, 急待你的回信, 减值, 减记, 备选候选人, 非正式候选人, 勾销坏款, 减税 jiǎn shuì, 报废的东西, 报废的车 bào fèi de chē, 报道 bào dào, 帐面价值的提高。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 write 的含义

书写 shū xiě

transitive verb (form letters, inscribe)

George can write his name already.

写(书) xiě shū

transitive verb (author: a book, etc.)

Elizabeth wants to write a book.

写 xiě

transitive verb (compose: a document, letter, etc.) (文件、信件等)

I wrote a long email and then deleted it.


(communicate in writing)

I'm going to write a letter to my friend.


(send [sb] a letter, email)

I wrote to my MP to ask her to back my campaign.

给…写信, 给…发邮件

transitive verb (US (send [sb] a letter, email)

Will you write me while you're in Spain?

写字 xiě zì

intransitive verb (form letters)

Rachel is learning to write.

写下来 xiě xià lái

intransitive verb (to express thoughts in writing)

When I want to get things clear in my head, I write.

写信 xiě xìn

intransitive verb (write letters)

I never have time to write.

写作,当作家 xiě zuò ,dāng zuò jiā

intransitive verb (write professionally)

Brian has always wanted to write.


(inscribe [sth] on)

He broke his leg and we wrote on his cast to wish him a speedy recovery.

作(曲) zuò qǔ

transitive verb (compose: music)

Andrew is writing a symphony.

将…录入, 将…写入, 将…存入

transitive verb (computers: record) (电脑)

The computer is writing the information to the drive.


transitive verb (record in writing)

She wrote a report of the incident.

给…回信 gěi huí xìn

phrasal verb, intransitive (send a written reply)

Please write back soon. Please write back as soon as you can.

写下 xiě xià

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (transcribe, put in writing)

That was a great idea! Let's find some paper and write it down. You should write the phone number down before you forget it.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (reduce value of asset)

The company's assets were written down by $20m last year.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (inscribe [sth] inside)

冲销 chōng xiāo

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (record as total loss) (将收不回的坏账列作损失)

We're going to have to write off the warehouse that burnt down.

勾销,注销 gōu xiāo,zhù xiāo

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative, informal (consider a failure)

Even though he did so poorly on the exam, I wasn't going to write him off completely.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (UK, informal (car, vehicle: completely wreck) (车辆)

Brian had an accident and he wrote his car off.

勾销,注销 gōu xiāo,zhù xiāo

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative, informal (discount, dismiss)

We can certainly write off his opinion: he never knows what he's talking about!


(send, apply for [sth])

Joe wrote off for the skin cream he'd seen advertised in a magazine.

全部写出,完整写出 quán bù xiě chū

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (transcribe in full)

I signed my name and wrote it out in block capitals underneath.

详细描写 xiáng xì miáo xiě

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (write out in full)

Please write up your notes from the classroom observation.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (write a critique of)

Jessica writes up movies for her school newspaper.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (US (record misbehaviour)

One more infraction and I will have to write you up.


expression (figurative, informal (unremarkable)

I enjoyed his last film, but this new one is nothing to write home about.

重写 chóng xiě

transitive verb (write in a revised form)

Please rewrite this section and don't mention the senator.

重写 chóng xiě

transitive verb (write out again)

Tom realized that his handwriting was unreadable and rewrote the note more clearly.

重写 chóng xiě

noun (informal (text, manuscript: revision)

You'll need to do a rewrite on this part of the speech here.


verbal expression (figurative (take unconventional approach) (比喻)

打破常规 dǎ pò cháng guī

verbal expression (figurative (reinvent [sth], do [sth] unconventionally)

The New Wave directors rewrote the rules of film.

写信 xiě xìn

verbal expression (compose handwritten correspondence)

Nowadays people are more inclined to email rather than write a letter.

以…为题材写作 yǐ wéi tí cái xiě zuò

transitive verb (write on the subject of)

Many authors write about war.


verbal expression (US (send a written reply to [sb]) (指以书面方式)

写编年史 xiě biān nián shǐ

verbal expression (compose written account of [sth])


verbal expression (record as total loss)

If someone owes you money and they do not pay it, you can cancel the debt and write it off as a loss for your business.

把…看作 bǎ … kàn zuò

verbal expression (figurative, informal (consider a failure)

Alison's teachers had written her off as a failure.


interjection (informal, written (I hope you will write to me soon) (用于信函中)


noun (business asset: reduction in value) (商业资产)


noun (procedure of making a write-down)

备选候选人, 非正式候选人

noun (US, informal (write-in candidate)


noun (finance: cancellation of bad debt)

减税 jiǎn shuì

noun (accounting: tax deduction)


noun (UK, informal ([sth]: cannot be salvaged)

Olga's mobile phone was a write-off after she dropped it in the bath.

报废的车 bào fèi de chē

noun (UK, informal (wrecked car)

Deirdre's car was a write-off after the accident.

报道 bào dào

noun (written review)

The paper called earlier because they want to do a write-up on our art gallery!


noun (finance: increase to book value) (金融)

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write 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。