英语 中的 year 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 year 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 year 的说明。

英语 中的year 表示年 nián, 一年时间 yì nián shí jiān, 学年 xué nián, 年级 nián jí, 学年 xué nián, 全年,整年,一年四季, 整年的 zhěng nián de, 一年 yì nián, 中国新年, 来年,明年 lái nián, 晚年 wǎn nián, 每年 měi nián, 五十岁 wǔ shí suì, 五十岁的 wǔ shí suì de, 最后一年, 财政年度,财年 cái zhèng nián dù, 英国财年, 财政年度末, 财政年度 cái zhèng nián dù, 四年任期 sì nián rèn qī, 大学一年纪, (毕业生的)休学年,空档年,间隔年 bì yè shēng de xiū xué nián,jiàn gé nián, 新年快乐 xīn nián kuài lè, 新年快乐 xīn nián kuài lè, 新春快乐,新年快乐 xīn nián kuài lè, 高中第三年, 大学三年级,大三, 去年 qù nián, 闰年 rùn nián, 光年, 太阴年 tài yīn nián, 多年的, 新的一年 xīn de yì nián, 新年 xīn nián, 元旦 yuán dàn, 新年前夕 xīn nián qián xī, 次年 cì nián, 非大选年, 歉收年, 非大选年的, 歉收年的, 一年期的,持续一年的 chí xù yì nián de, 季 jì, 学前班, 重读一年 chóng dú yì nián, 学年 xué nián, 迎来 yíng lái, 结业年, 太阳年 tài yáng nián, 这一年,今年 zhè yì nián, 时节 shí jié, 好酒酿成的年分 hǎo jiǔ niàng chéng de nián fèn, 持续不断地, 年复一年地 nián fù yì nián de, 年龄组 nián líng zǔ, 年复一年地 nián fù yì nián de, 从年初到现在, 年底的, 一年的,持续一年的,为期一年的 chí xù yì nián de, 年同比的,与去年同期相比, 整年的 zhěng nián de, 整整一年的 zhěng zhěng yì nián de, …岁的 suì de, …岁的人。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 year 的含义

年 nián

noun (January to December)

There are twelve months in a year.

一年时间 yì nián shí jiān

noun (365 or 366 days)

This project will take at least a year to finish.

学年 xué nián

noun (period within a year)

The school year starts in September and ends in June.

年级 nián jí

noun (class of students)

Our class is the Year of 2010.

学年 xué nián

noun (annual teaching period)

The academic year begins in September.


adverb (throughout the year)

I'd love to live in a climate where I could garden all year round.

整年的 zhěng nián de

adjective (lasting the whole year)

The school board is considering switching to all-year school, with staggered summer vacations.

一年 yì nián

noun (365 days: 1 January to 31 December)

This ticket must be used within one calendar year.


noun (holiday)

来年,明年 lái nián

noun (12-month period ahead)

She expects to visit four continents in the coming year.

晚年 wǎn nián

plural noun (old age)

My grandmother loved to reminisce in her declining years.

每年 měi nián

adverb (annually)

We celebrate Christmas every year.

五十岁 wǔ shí suì

noun (person: 50 years of age)

On average, a twenty-year-old sees three times better than a fifty-year-old.

五十岁的 wǔ shí suì de

adjective (50 years of age)

Joyce is a fifty-year-old woman.


noun (last 12 months of higher education) (高等教育的)

Mary is in her final year and will begin college in the fall.

财政年度,财年 cái zhèng nián dù

noun (mainly UK (law: annual accounting period)


noun (UK (law: accounting year ending 5 April) (截至4月5日)


noun (close of accounting period)

财政年度 cái zhèng nián dù

noun (mainly US (12-month financial calendar)

Our accounting system uses October as the first month of our fiscal year. The president of the company was happy to report record profits during the fiscal year.

四年任期 sì nián rèn qī

noun (official period of four years)

In the United States the President serves a four-year term.


noun (US (college: 1st year)

I got really bad grades in my freshman year of college.

(毕业生的)休学年,空档年,间隔年 bì yè shēng de xiū xué nián,jiàn gé nián

noun (school-leaver's one-year break) (指学生在中学毕业后和上大学之前空出的一年时间)

We offer paid placements for students in their gap year. I'm not sure how I want to spend my gap year.

新年快乐 xīn nián kuài lè

noun (1st January well-wishes) (指元旦时的祝福语)

They all clinked glasses and wished each other a happy New Year.

新年快乐 xīn nián kuài lè

interjection (1st January greeting) (公历元旦祝福语)

Happy New Year!" they all shouted drunkenly.

新春快乐,新年快乐 xīn nián kuài lè

interjection (greeting: start of lunar year) (农历新年祝福语)


noun (US (eleventh year in school) (美国)


noun (US (third year in university)

Many universities offer students the chance to spend their junior year abroad.

去年 qù nián

adverb (during the year before this one)

Last year I went on holiday to Italy.

闰年 rùn nián

noun (year: February has 29 days)

Leap year always falls in even years.


noun (astronomy: measure of distance) (天文学:距离的量度)

Barnard's Star is 5.96 light years away from Earth.

太阴年 tài yīn nián

noun (12 lunar months)

The Islamic calendar is based on lunar years.


adjective (for more than one year)

新的一年 xīn de yì nián

noun (period: start of year)

The new year starts on the 1st of January.

新年 xīn nián

noun (celebration: start of year) (元旦或春节)

Happy New Year!

元旦 yuán dàn

noun (1st January)

In the US, New Year's Day is often celebrated watching the Pasadena Rose Parade followed by football games.

新年前夕 xīn nián qián xī

noun (31st December)

On New Year's Eve, a lot of people go to parties and let off fireworks. New Year's Eve is the 31st of December.

次年 cì nián

adverb (during the year after this one)

We hope to see you again next year.


noun (US (year without major election)


noun (year of inferior production)


noun as adjective (of a year without major election)


noun as adjective (of a year of inferior production)

一年期的,持续一年的 chí xù yì nián de

adjective (lasting one year)

季 jì

noun (3 months)


noun (UK (England, Wales: first school year, 4-5)

重读一年 chóng dú yì nián

verbal expression (informal (retake studies)

Mark failed his exams so he'll have to repeat a year in college.

学年 xué nián

noun (academic year: autumn to summer)

The 2009-10 school year began on August 25th.

迎来 yíng lái

verbal expression (celebrate changing of year)

How did you see in the New Year?


noun (US (final year of school or college)

太阳年 tài yáng nián

noun (period of 365 days) (天文学:表示365天的时间单位)

这一年,今年 zhè yì nián

adverb (during the current year)

They've decided to get married this year.

时节 shí jié

noun (season)

It's been very cold for the time of year.

好酒酿成的年分 hǎo jiǔ niàng chéng de nián fèn

noun (particularly fine year for wine)

1984 was a vintage year for French champagne.


adverb (continously; without interruption)

We hear the same complaints year after year.

年复一年地 nián fù yì nián de

adverb (every year)

His Christmas parties seem to fail year after year. Year after year I say I'll quit smoking and I never do.

年龄组 nián líng zǔ

noun (students in same school year)

年复一年地 nián fù yì nián de

adverb (every year)

It sometimes becomes tiring doing the same thing year in, year out.


noun (from start of year to now)

Our income has fallen during the year to date. How much tax have you already paid in the year to date?


adjective (end of year)

一年的,持续一年的,为期一年的 chí xù yì nián de

adjective (lasting for one year)


adjective (compared to the previous year)

整年的 zhěng nián de

adjective (lasting all year)

Most students resist plans to implement year-round schooling.

整整一年的 zhěng zhěng yì nián de

adjective (lasting all year)

The patient died after a yearlong struggle to overcome cancer.

…岁的 suì de

adjective (as suffix (being of the specified age)

I have a 15-year-old son.


noun (as suffix ([sth] or [sb] of the specified age)

Jennie teaches a class of 30 five-year-olds.

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year 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。