Hvað þýðir to í Enska?
Hver er merking orðsins to í Enska? Greinin útskýrir alla merkingu, framburð ásamt tvítyngdum dæmum og leiðbeiningum um hvernig á að nota to í Enska.
Orðið to í Enska þýðir í, að, á, við, á móti, gegn, til að, á, til, hvað viðkemur, í, í, skál fyrir, á, í, til að, í, en, við, við, tilheyrir, er meðlimur, er hluti af, mergur málsins, þróast í, skora á, ná, koma í bakið, geta gert, geta gert, vera að fara að gera, samkvæmt, samkvæmt, samkvæmt, samkvæmt, samkvæmt, bæta við, bæta við, auka við, bæta við, bæta við , leggja saman við, beina að, ráðleggja að gera, hafa efni á að gera, mega við, mega við, hræddur við að gera, ætla sér að gera, næmur fyrir, leyfa að gera, gera kleift að gera , gera fært að gera, leyfa að gera, vera það sama, verða, vera spenntur fyrir að gera, biðja afsökunar, biðja afsökunar á, biðja afsökunar á að gera, höfða til, biðla til um, biðla til um að gera, biðla til, virðast vera, virðast gera, virðast vera að gera, virðast hafa gert, setja á , bera á, nota í , beita í, eiga við, sækja um hjá, nota við , beita við, sækja um hjá, plana að gera, fá til að gera, en ekki, hvað varðar, biðja um að gera, festa á , festa við , festa í, festa á , festa við , festa í, festast við , tengjast við, hengja sig á, setja í, hændur að, reyna , reyna að gera, sinna, sinna, fylgjast með, þjóna, vakandi fyrir , meðvitaður um, verða var við, gefa , veita, vera heimilað að gera, eiga að gera, vera reiðubúinn að gera, koma á undan, grátbiðja að gera, byrja að gera, beygja í átt að, gefa sig á vald, binda saman, blindur á, blindur á, skrúfa, dauðleiðast, nenna að gera, bundinn við, hljóta að gera, hneigja sig fyrir, gefa eftir, kalla, kalla til, langa að gera, passa að gera, valda, vís til að gera, læsa við, skora á, skora á, skipta út fyrir, fela að gera. Til að fá frekari upplýsingar, vinsamlegast skoðaðu upplýsingarnar hér að neðan.
Merking orðsins to
ípreposition (destination) He went to the shop. He went out to dinner. |
aðpreposition (toward) He walked to the house. |
ápreposition (upon) The painter applied the pigment to the canvas. |
viðpreposition (in relationship with) The table was parallel to the floor. He reacted with tenderness to her outburst. |
á mótipreposition (compared with) Manchester United won the match, four to two. |
gegnpreposition (ratio) The proposal was defeated by seven votes to two. |
til aðpreposition (in order to) Mo went there to pick up his order. |
ápreposition (on, against) The fighter took a punch to the jaw. |
tilpreposition (up to, until) To this very day, the original building still stands. |
hvað viðkemurpreposition (formal (regarding, with regard to) To your earlier point, I think we are in agreement. |
ípreposition (into: resulting condition) It was broken to pieces. |
ípreposition (constituting) There are a hundred centimetres to a metre. |
skál fyrirpreposition (desire, toasting) To the happy couple! Hear! Hear! |
ápreposition (rate of return) I get nearly 40 miles to the gallon in that car. |
ípreposition (time: before) It is twenty to three in the afternoon. |
til aðpreposition (with a purpose of) Fiona bought a new book to read. |
ípreposition (addition) The extra charges added salt to the wounds. |
enpreposition (in comparison to) This year's blackberries are inferior to last year's crop. |
viðpreposition (position: in relation to) The left rail is parallel to the right rail. |
viðpreposition (in reaction to) He reacted with tenderness to her outburst. |
tilheyrirphrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (be owned: by [sb]) This pen belongs to me. |
er meðlimurphrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (be a member: of [sth]) She belongs to the chess club |
er hluti afphrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (to be part of [sth]) That cup belongs to my mother's tea set. |
mergur málsins(figurative, informal (be essentially) What it all boils down to is a failure to plan. |
þróast í(figurative (work gradually towards [sth]) The race was building up to an exciting finish. |
skora áphrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (request that [sb] do [sth]) The union called on the workers to support a strike. |
ná(go as fast as) I walk faster than he does, so I wait at each corner for him to catch up with me. |
koma í bakiðphrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative, informal (repay: with [sth] bad) Finally, his unhealthy habits caught up with him and he became very sick. |
geta gertexpression (capable of doing) The only people able to afford to buy a house in this area are millionaires. Eina fólkið sem getur keypt hús í þessu hverfi eru milljónamæringar. |
geta gertverbal expression (can, have the ability to do) Claire wasn't able to reach the jar on the top shelf. Claire gat ekki náð í krukkuna á efstu hillunni. |
vera að fara að geraverbal expression (on the point of doing) I was just about to step into the bath when the doorbell rang. ⓘÞessi setning er ekki þýðing á upprunalegu setningunni. Hún var að fara að kalla á börnin þegar þau komu. |
samkvæmtpreposition (in the opinion of) According to David, the concert was very good. |
samkvæmtpreposition (in the words of) According to Proudhon, property is theft! |
samkvæmtpreposition (in order determined by) The children lined up according to their height, from shortest to tallest. |
samkvæmtpreposition (as stated in) Make the bread according to the recipe. |
samkvæmtpreposition (in proportion to) Salaries are determined according to experience. |
bæta við(supplement) Herbs will add to the flavour of the soup. Kryddjurtir mun bæta bragði við súpuna. |
bæta viðtransitive verb (contribute, enhance) Seasoning adds flavour to food. |
auka við(increase) The knowledge of how he died only added to his family's suffering. |
bæta viðtransitive verb (join, put in) Jim plans to add his work to the project. |
bæta við , leggja saman viðtransitive verb (mathematics: calculate total) If you add one and six, the total is seven. Ef þú leggur saman einn og sex er heildin sjö. |
beina aðtransitive verb (remark: say to [sb]) O'Neill addressed his remarks to the business owners in the audience. |
ráðleggja að geraverbal expression (counsel [sb] to do) I advised him to eat before the flight. Ég ráðlagði honum að borða fyrir flugið. |
hafa efni á að geraverbal expression (have enough money) Now that I'm unemployed I can't afford to go on holiday. Nú þegar ég er atvinnulaus, hef ég ekki efni á að fara í frí. |
mega viðverbal expression (figurative (be able to do) The army cannot afford to fight on two fronts at once. |
mega viðverbal expression (figurative (risk) He can't afford to let her speak badly of him. |
hræddur við að geraadjective (hesitant) I'm afraid to jump from the bridge into the river. Ég er hrædd við að stökkva af brúnni í ána. |
ætla sér að geraverbal expression (figurative (intend, aspire) When I play, I aim to win. Þegar ég keppi, stefni ég á að vinna. |
næmur fyrir(sensitive to, aware of) A dog's senses are alive to things we humans don't even notice. |
leyfa að geratransitive verb (let: [sb]) Will your parents allow you to go to the dance? Munu foreldrar þínir leyfa þér að fara á ballið? |
gera kleift að gera , gera fært að geraverbal expression (make possible to do) The new tramline will allow residents of this neighbourhood to reach the city centre in just ten minutes. |
leyfa að geratransitive verb (enable by neglect) By not applying the handbrake, he allowed the car to roll down the hill. |
vera það sama(figurative (be the same as) Slander or libel, it amounts to the same thing. |
verða(figurative (become) (áhrifslaus sögn: Sagnorð sem tekur ekki beint andlag.) He was told he would never amount to much. Honum var sagt að hann yrði aldrei mikið. |
vera spenntur fyrir að geraverbal expression (be eager) The avid fans were anxious to meet their favorite author. |
biðja afsökunar(say sorry to [sb]) I apologized to Brenda for the incident and she forgave me. |
biðja afsökunar áverbal expression (say sorry to [sb] for [sth]) You ought to apologize to Stephen for the way you treated him yesterday. Þú ættir að biðja Stephen afsökunar á hvernig þú fórst með hann í gær. |
biðja afsökunar á að geraverbal expression (say sorry to [sb] for doing [sth]) Jane apologized to me for calling me a liar. |
höfða til(be attractive) It is the film's intense love story that appeals to teenage girls. |
biðla til umverbal expression (ask for help) The state governors appealed to the President for help in stopping the riots. |
biðla til um að geraverbal expression (ask) The Senator appealed to his fellow legislators to vote for more aid to the poor. |
biðla til(ask) William appealed to his father in the hope that he would provide him with a loan. William biðlaði til föður síns í von um að hann myndi veita honum lán. |
virðast veraverbal expression (seem, look) Ken appears to be very dedicated to his family. |
virðast geraverbal expression (seem to do) Jenny appears to know what she's doing. Jenny virðist vita hvað hún er að gera. |
virðast vera að geraverbal expression ([sth]: seem) The rain appears to be easing off. Rigningin virðist vera að létta til. |
virðast hafa gertverbal expression (person: seem) I appear to have lost my umbrella. Ég virðist hafa týnt regnhlífinni minni. |
setja á , bera átransitive verb (spread [sth] on [sth/sb]) Apply the moisturizer liberally to your face and neck. Setjið rakakremið frjálslega á andlitið og hálsinn. |
nota í , beita ítransitive verb (put [sth] to use) She was able to apply her skills to the new project. Hún gat notað hæfileika sína í nýja verkefnið. |
eiga við(be relevant to [sb], [sth]) The guidelines do not apply to this case. Vinnureglurnar eiga ekki við í þessu tilviki. |
sækja um hjá(send a request) Cathy applied to three universities but none of them accepted her. Cathy sótti um í þremur háskólum en enginn þeirra samþykkti hana. |
nota við , beita viðtransitive verb (put to use) Gordon applied his mechanical skills to building and flying aircraft. |
sækja um hjá(submit job application) My brother applied to Microsoft and they offered him a job. Bróðir minn sótti um hjá Microsoft og þau buðu honum starf. |
plana að geraverbal expression (schedule) I haven't seen you in a very long time. We should arrange to do something. Ég hef ekki hitt þig í mjög langan tíma. Við ættum að plana að gera eitthvað. |
fá til að geraverbal expression (make preparations) They arranged for a babysitter to take care of the children. Þau fengu barnapíu til að passa börnin. |
en ekkiconjunction (in contrast to) I prefer old houses as opposed to new ones. |
hvað varðarpreposition (formal (with reference to, regarding) As to your request, I'm afraid I have to say no. |
biðja um að geraverbal expression (request that [sb] do [sth]) My sister asked me to pass the salt. Systir mín bað mig um að rétta sér saltið. |
festa á , festa við , festa í(connect to) The children attached hooks to the ornaments before placing them on the Christmas tree. Börnin festu króka á skrautið áður en þau settu það á jólatréð. |
festa á , festa við , festa í(fasten) Jamie attached a note for her son's teacher to his sleeve so he would not forget. Jamie festi miða á ermi sonar síns fyrir kennara hans svo hann myndi ekki gleyma. |
festast við , tengjast við(be fastened) A carabiner attaches to your belt or bag strap so that you can easily carry keys, a water bottle or other equipment. |
hengja sig áverbal expression (figurative (individual, group: follow around) Dave attached himself to our group in the first week of college, but none of us really like him. Dave hengdi sig á hópinn okkar á fyrstu vikunum í háskóla en enginn okkar líkaði eiginlega við hann. |
setja í(often passive (military: assign) The sergeant attached Rick to a special ops unit. |
hændur að(figurative (fond of) My daughter is very attached to her stuffed bear. |
reyna , reyna að geratransitive verb (try) (áhrifssögn: Sagnorð sem tekur beint andlag.) I will attempt to talk to him on Monday. Ég mun reyna að tala við hann á mánudaginn. |
sinna(take care of) Please excuse me while I attend to a business matter. |
sinna(help) The doctor will attend to you shortly. |
fylgjast með(formal (pay attention to) The students were told to attend to his instructions very closely as he carried out the experiment. |
þjóna(serve, wait upon) The guest was told that the waiter would attend to him. |
vakandi fyrir , meðvitaður um(figurative (alert) Parents of children and teenagers should be awake to the dangers of social media. Foreldrar barna og ungmenna ættu að vera vakandi fyrir hættum samfélagsmiðla. |
verða var við(become aware of) Ian awoke to feelings he didn't know he had. Ian varð var við tilfinningar sem hann vissi ekki að hann hefði. |
gefa , veita(give a prize to [sb]) They awarded the Oscar for Best Picture to "12 Years a Slave". Þeir gáfu (or: veittu) myndinni „12 ár sem þræll“ óskarinn fyrir bestu mynd. |
vera heimilað að geraverbal expression (have permission to) If you do not have your passport, you will not be allowed to enter the country. Once they had finished their exams, the students were allowed to leave. |
eiga að geraverbal expression (be supposed to do [sth]) Students, you're to arrive at 8:00 so that we can take a group photo. |
vera reiðubúinn að geratransitive verb (agree freely to) I'm willing to finish the report myself, but you'll have to give me more time. |
koma á undantransitive verb (arrive before) Thompson beat the other runners to the finish line. |
grátbiðja að geraverbal expression (plead with [sb] to do [sth]) She begged her parents to buy her the toy. |
byrja að gera(start: to do) The water began to boil in the pan. |
beygja í átt að(direct, turn) Alfie bent the lamp towards his book. |
gefa sig á vald(figurative (submit to) The warriors bent to the superior power of the outlaws that surrounded them. |
binda saman(stick to) In this recipe, the eggs bind to the flour. |
blindur á(figurative (oblivious to [sth]) Mina loves Graham so much, she is blind to his faults. |
blindur á(figurative (refusing to recognize [sth]) Ecologists say we can no longer remain blind to the damage we are doing to our planet. |
skrúfa(attach [sth] with a bolt) Ray bolted the shelves securely to the wall. |
dauðleiðastadjective (figurative, informal (be weary from lack of stimulation) Sitting in class, he was bored to death with the teacher's lecture. You looked bored to death during that play! |
nenna að geraverbal expression (make an effort) He didn't bother to answer the email. |
bundinn við(figurative (legally obligated) Judges are bound to the law. |
hljóta að gerapreposition (informal (likely or certain to) That boy is so reckless, he's bound to end up in jail. The vase that was balanced on the edge of the table fell off, which was bound to happen. |
hneigja sig fyrir(gesture respectfully) "Your majesty," said the man as he bowed to the Queen. |
gefa eftir(figurative (yield) The director bowed to the parents' demands and retracted his new policy. |
kallatransitive verb (summon to religious vocation) God called him to the priesthood. |
kalla til(yell to get [sb]'s attention) Steve called to his wife to come and help him. |
langa að geraverbal expression (be inclined) I don't really care to play golf today. |
passa að geraadjective (making sure to do [sth]) (orðasamband: Orðasamband með bókstaflega merkingu.) He is careful about locking the doors before he goes out. Hann passar að læsa dyrunum áður en hann fer út. |
valdatransitive verb (prompt) The cat ran out into the road, causing Ellen to swerve and crash the car. |
vís til að geraexpression (bound, sure to do) Lisa is certain to pass her exams. She's been studying so hard. |
læsa við(connect, link) When you park your bike, remember to chain it to a bike rack or tree. |
skora átransitive verb (demand) I challenge you to tell the truth! |
skora átransitive verb (to a game, etc.) Alex challenged me to a game of pool. |
skipta út fyrir(replace) Dan changed his profile picture to a photo of a monkey. |
fela að geraverbal expression (order) I charge you to look after the house properly while I am away. |
Við skulum læra Enska
Þannig að nú þegar þú veist meira um merkingu to í Enska geturðu lært hvernig á að nota þau með völdum dæmum og hvernig á að lestu þau. Og mundu að læra tengd orð sem við mælum með. Vefsíðan okkar er stöðugt að uppfæra með nýjum orðum og nýjum dæmum svo þú getir flett upp merkingu annarra orða sem þú þekkir ekki í Enska.
Tengd orð to
Uppfærð orð Enska
Veistu um Enska
Enska kemur frá germönskum ættbálkum sem fluttu til Englands og hefur þróast á meira en 1.400 ára tímabili. Enska er þriðja mest talaða tungumál í heimi, á eftir kínversku og spænsku. Það er mest lærða annað tungumálið og opinbert tungumál næstum 60 fullvalda ríkja. Þetta tungumál hefur fleiri málara sem annað og erlent tungumál en móðurmál. Enska er einnig sameiginlegt tungumál Sameinuðu þjóðanna, Evrópusambandsins og margra annarra alþjóðlegra tungumála og svæðisbundin samtök. Nú á dögum geta enskumælandi um allan heim átt samskipti með tiltölulega auðveldum hætti.