英语 中的 animals 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 animals 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 animals 的说明。

英语 中的animals 表示动物 dòng wù, 动物的 dòng wù de, 兽欲的, 不文明的人 bù wén míng de rén, 动物类, 动物保护积极分子, 动物饼干, 动物疾病 dòng wù jí bìng, 畜牧业 xù mù yè, 动物界 dòng wù jiè, 魅力 mèi lì, 动物花纹, 印有动物花纹的, 动物权利 dòng wù quán lì, 动物科学, 动物收容处 dòng wù shōu róng chù, 动物的吼叫声 dòng wù de hǒu jiào shēng, 动物实验 dòng wù shí yàn, 辅助动物, 苔藓虫, 动物伴侣, 爬行小动物,爬虫 pá xíng xiǎo dòng wù,pá chóng, 家畜 jiā chù, 情感支持动物, 畜禽, 实验室用动物 shí yàn shì yòng dòng wù, 海洋动物 hǎi yáng dòng wù, 驮畜 tuó chù, 热衷于社交聚会的人 rè zhōng yú shè jiāo jù huì de rén, 动植物 dòng zhí wù, 政治动物 zhèng zhì dòng wù, 理性的动物,有理智的动物 lǐ xìng de dòng wù,yǒu lǐ zhì de dòng wù, 宠物救助站的宠物, 流浪动物, 动物填充型玩偶 dòng wù tián chōng xíng wán ǒu, 动物标本 dòng wù biāo běn, 治疗动物, 野生动物 yě shēng dòng wù, 野兽 yě shòu, 野生动物园 yě shēng dòng wù yuán。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 animals 的含义

动物 dòng wù

noun (creature) (与植物相对)

Cats are one of the few domesticated animals.

动物的 dòng wù de

adjective (of or from animals) (与植物相对)

Ivana's coat was made of animal fur.


adjective (sexual)

Rob could not deny his animal attraction to Sara.

不文明的人 bù wén míng de rén

noun (figurative (uncivilized person)

Look at the way he eats! What an animal!


noun (uncountable (type of matter)

Most objects can be classified as animal, vegetable or mineral.


noun (supports animal rights)


noun (biscuit)

Children seem to enjoy biting the heads off animal crackers.

动物疾病 dòng wù jí bìng

noun (illness in animals)

Tuberculosis is an animal disease that is often found in cows.

畜牧业 xù mù yè

noun (breeding livestock)

Animal husbandry is big business in Wisconsin, the Dairy State. She wants to be a rancher so she is studying animal husbandry in college.

动物界 dòng wù jiè

noun (biology: category of animals) (生物学)

Apes are ranked on top of the animal kingdom.

魅力 mèi lì

noun (personal charisma, attractiveness)

That woman has an animal magnetism.


noun (pattern: animal markings)


noun as adjective (patterned with animal markings)

动物权利 dòng wù quán lì

plural noun (freedom of animals from cruelty)

John's a strong believer in animal rights.


noun (study of animals)

动物收容处 dòng wù shōu róng chù

noun (home for unwanted pets)

Stray dogs are sent to the animal shelter.

动物的吼叫声 dòng wù de hǒu jiào shēng

noun (animal's call or cry)

动物实验 dòng wù shí yàn

noun (vivisection)

I don't agree with animal testing, especially for cosmetics.


noun (animal aiding disabled person)


noun (invertebrate aquatic animal) (水生无脊椎动物)


noun (pet kept for company)

爬行小动物,爬虫 pá xíng xiǎo dòng wù,pá chóng

noun (informal (insect, etc.) (非正式用语)

My brother's always startled by the creepy-crawlies we see while weeding the garden.

家畜 jiā chù

noun (pet)

The dog was the earliest domestic animal.


noun (provides psychological support)


noun (agriculture: livestock or poultry) (农业:家畜或家禽)

实验室用动物 shí yàn shì yòng dòng wù

noun (animal used for scientific research)

The use of laboratory animals has advanced medical science.

海洋动物 hǎi yáng dòng wù

noun (sea creature)

Marine animals are many and varied.

驮畜 tuó chù

noun (animal used for carrying)

热衷于社交聚会的人 rè zhōng yú shè jiāo jù huì de rén

noun (figurative, informal (person who frequents drinking parties)

She was a real party animal when she was younger. That party animal must be exhausted when the holidays are over.

动植物 dòng zhí wù

noun (living organisms)

政治动物 zhèng zhì dòng wù

noun (figurative ([sb] active in politics)

Simpson continued to be a political animal who was active in the communist party.

理性的动物,有理智的动物 lǐ xìng de dòng wù,yǒu lǐ zhì de dòng wù

noun (human being) (指人类)

Though we're supposed to be rational animals, we do much stupider things than animals do.


noun (pet from animal shelter)


noun (dog or cat living in the streets)

动物填充型玩偶 dòng wù tián chōng xíng wán ǒu

noun (soft toy)

We have a range of stuffed animals on the bed, mainly teddy bears.

动物标本 dòng wù biāo běn

noun (embalmed animal)

The taxidermist has a number of stuffed animals displayed in his shop window.


noun (comforts patients)

野生动物 yě shēng dòng wù

noun (untamed creature)

Keeping wild animals as pets is a bad idea. When children eat too much sugar, they can begin to behave like wild animals.

野兽 yě shòu

noun (savage or fierce creature)

The explorer was attacked and eaten by wild animals.

野生动物园 yě shēng dòng wù yuán

noun (animal reserve)

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animals 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。