英语 中的 band 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 band 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 band 的说明。

英语 中的band 表示乐队 yuè duì, 带 dài, 条纹 tiáo wén, (一)群(人) yì qún rén, 箍 gū, (一)条(土地) yì tiáo tǔ dì, (一)群(动物) yì qún dòng wù, 皮带 pí dài, 橡皮筋 xiàng pí jīn, 波段,频带 bō duàn,pín dài, (一)条、根(丝带) yì tiáo gēn sī dài, 捆扎 kǔn zhā, 给...系上标记, 乐队指挥 yuè duì zhǐ huī, 乐队排练,练团, 带锯 dài jù, 锯 jù, 联合起来 lián hé qǐ lái, 邦迪牌创可贴, 权宜之计 quán yí zhī jì, 大型乐队 dà xíng yuè duì, 铜管乐队 tóng guǎn yuè duì, 管乐队 guǎn yuè duì, 橡筋带 xiàng jīn dài, 发带 fà dài, 发箍, 发卡, 爵士乐队 jué shì yuè duì, 即兴坛罐乐队 jí xìng tán guàn yuè duì, 指挥 zhǐ huī, 游行乐队 yóu xíng yuè duì, 军乐队 jūn yuè duì, 摇滚乐队, 橡皮筋 xiàng pí jīn, 铜鼓乐队, 令人惊叹, 手表带 shǒu biǎo dài, (手)表带 shǒu biǎo dài, (无线电)波段 wú xiàn diàn bō duàn, 结婚戒指 jié hūn jiè zhǐ, 管乐队 guǎn yuè duì, 手表带 shǒu biǎo dài。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 band 的含义

乐队 yuè duì

noun (musical group)

There will be three bands playing at the concert.

带 dài

noun (strip or strap)

He tied a band of cotton around his arm to stop the bleeding.

条纹 tiáo wén

noun (stripe)

Do you see the bands that he painted around his car?

(一)群(人) yì qún rén

noun (usually pejorative (group or gang)

The band of kids must have gone into the movie theatre.

箍 gū

noun (ring)

They exchanged wedding bands during the ceremony.

(一)条(土地) yì tiáo tǔ dì

noun (land)

There is a thin band of land between the two rivers.

(一)群(动物) yì qún dòng wù

noun (group of animals)

A band of sheep grazed in the meadow.

皮带 pí dài

noun (belt)

The leather band turned the flywheel.

橡皮筋 xiàng pí jīn

noun (rubber band)

He put a rubber band around the papers.

波段,频带 bō duàn,pín dài

noun (radio frequency) (无线电频率)

What band is that station on?

(一)条、根(丝带) yì tiáo gēn sī dài

noun (ribbon)

She tied a band of ribbon around the post to help people find the party.

捆扎 kǔn zhā

transitive verb (tie)

He banded the package with a thick string.


transitive verb (mark with a band)

Band the stalks of the flowers you want to buy.

乐队指挥 yuè duì zhǐ huī

noun (music: conductor)


noun (music group's rehearsal)

I have band practice after school from 4pm to 6pm.

带锯 dài jù

noun (woodworking machine)

A band saw allows you to cut free form shapes, which may not be possible with regular saws.

锯 jù

transitive verb (cut with band saw)

联合起来 lián hé qǐ lái

(join forces)

The inhabitants banded together to fight the insect invaders.


noun (® (brand of sticking plaster) (商标)

权宜之计 quán yí zhī jì

noun (figurative (superficial solution)

This solution is just a band-aid; it will do nothing to solve the real problem.

大型乐队 dà xíng yuè duì

noun (style of music: large dance band)

Big band leaders like Benny Goodman, Glenn Miller, and Tommy Dorsey transformed jazz music into swing.

铜管乐队 tóng guǎn yuè duì

noun (band playing brass instruments)

A brass band will lead the funeral procession down Bourbon Street.

管乐队 guǎn yuè duì

noun (brass band, wind instrument group)

Concert bands have brass, woodwind and percussion, but no stringed instruments.

橡筋带 xiàng jīn dài

noun (rubber band)

Robert used an elastic band to hold all his pens and pencils together.

发带 fà dài

noun (elastic band for hair)

Her long tresses were held back by a simple black hairband.

发箍, 发卡

noun (rigid band going over the hair)

The little girls all wore colorful hairbands to keep their hair out of their faces.

爵士乐队 jué shì yuè duì

noun (musical group who play jazz)

即兴坛罐乐队 jí xìng tán guàn yuè duì

noun (music group playing improvised instruments)

The first jug band was formed in Louisville, KY in the 1920s.

指挥 zhǐ huī

noun (US (music: conductor) (乐团)

The leader of the band told them when to start and stop playing.

游行乐队 yóu xíng yuè duì

noun (musical group that parades)

I used to play clarinet in a marching band.

军乐队 jūn yuè duì

noun (instrumental group that plays on military occasions)

The military band was called to play at the governor's funeral, since he was an ex-Marine.


noun (heavy pop music group)

Geoff plays drums in a rock band.

橡皮筋 xiàng pí jīn

noun (elastic band)

The postman uses rubber bands to bundle together letters for the same address.




expression (US, informal, figurative (to a high degree)

手表带 shǒu biǎo dài

noun (strap of a wristwatch)

I replaced my old watch band with a genuine leather one.

(手)表带 shǒu biǎo dài

noun (strap of a wristwatch)

The watchband is available in several different colours.

(无线电)波段 wú xiàn diàn bō duàn

noun (radio: frequency range)

结婚戒指 jié hūn jiè zhǐ

noun (ring given on marriage)

管乐队 guǎn yuè duì

noun (musical group of wind instruments)

手表带 shǒu biǎo dài

noun (strap of a wristwatch)

I need to replace the wristband on my watch because it is broken.

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band 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。