英语 中的 bird 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 bird 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 bird 的说明。

英语 中的bird 表示鸟 niǎo, 奇特的人 qí tè de rén, 少女 shào nǚ, 刑期 xíng qī, 竖中指 shù zhōng zhǐ, 羽毛球 yǔ máo qiú, 观鸟 guān niǎo, 一鸟在手胜于二鸟在林 yì niǎo zài shǒu shèng yú èr niǎo zài lín, 幼鸟 yòu niǎo, 鸟笼 niǎo lóng, 鸟啼 niǎo tí, 模拟鸟叫声的装置 mó nǐ niǎo jiào shēng de zhuāng zhì, 捕鸟猎犬 bǔ niǎo liè quǎn, 特指指示犬,塞特猎犬等猎犬, 调查研究 diào chá yán jiū, 调查 diào chá, 寻找, 找出, 鸟粪,鸟屎 niǎo fèn, 喂鸟器 wèi niǎo qì, 禽流感, 鸟食 niǎo shí, 天堂鸟,极乐鸟 tiān táng niǎo,jí lè niǎo, 鹤望兰 hè wàng lán, 猛禽 měng qín, 鸟类长居地 niǎo lèi cháng jū dì, 鸟类保护区 niǎo lèi bǎo hù qū, 鸟食 niǎo shí, 鸟类观察者 niǎo lèi guān chá zhě, 观察野鸟 guān chá yě niǎo, 笨的, 愚蠢的, 似鸟的, 像鸟的, 鸟巢 niǎo cháo, 鸟瞰 niǎo kàn, 全景 quán jǐng, 鸟笼 niǎo lóng, 鸟舍 niǎo shè, 鸟胶 niǎo jiāo, 观鸟,赏鸟 guān niǎo, 渡渡鸟 dù dù niǎo, 爱早起的人, 早到者, 捷足先登的, 晨鸟, 胃口小, 竖中指 shù zhōng zhǐ, 自由自在 zì yóu zì zài, 猎鸟 liè niǎo, 黑颈鹳, 候鸟 hòu niǎo, 八哥 bā gē, 红雀 hóng què, 速可眠, 司可巴比妥, 海鸟, 鸣鸟, 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。, 蜜雀, 涉水禽鸟, 涉水鸟 shè shuǐ niǎo, 水鸟 shuǐ niǎo, 缝叶莺 féng yè yīng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 bird 的含义

鸟 niǎo

noun (winged animal) (动物)

Morning brings the sound of birds chirping in the trees.

奇特的人 qí tè de rén

noun (figurative, informal, US (strange, eccentric person)

That boy with the funny hat sure is a strange bird.

少女 shào nǚ

noun (potentially offensive, UK, slang (young woman)

Simon's new bird is absolutely stunning.

刑期 xíng qī

noun (dated, uncountable, UK, slang (prison sentence)

George is doing bird again. The burglar will definitely be given bird after the trial.

竖中指 shù zhōng zhǐ

noun (US, slang (vulgar middle-finger gesture) (粗俗的手势)

The other driver flipped me the bird.

羽毛球 yǔ máo qiú

noun (US (badminton: shuttlecock)

Swat the bird hard with your badminton racquet.

观鸟 guān niǎo

intransitive verb (watch birds) (鸟类学)

Every summer, Allison goes birding in Canada.

一鸟在手胜于二鸟在林 yì niǎo zài shǒu shèng yú èr niǎo zài lín

expression (Don't risk what you have.) (谚语)

I'm told I can do better if I keep looking for opportunities, but I'll stay at this job for now; after all, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

幼鸟 yòu niǎo

noun (very young bird)

鸟笼 niǎo lóng

noun (metal enclosure for a bird)

My pet parrot always chews on the bars of its bird cage.

鸟啼 niǎo tí

noun (song of a bird)

模拟鸟叫声的装置 mó nǐ niǎo jiào shēng de zhuāng zhì

noun (device: mimics birdsong)

捕鸟猎犬 bǔ niǎo liè quǎn

noun (retriever: used in hunting)


noun (US, informal (dog: pointer, setter)

调查研究 diào chá yán jiū

intransitive verb (US, informal (investigate)

调查 diào chá

transitive verb (US, informal (investigate)

寻找, 找出

transitive verb (US, informal (seek out)

鸟粪,鸟屎 niǎo fèn

noun (excrement of a bird)

I just got my car cleaned, and now there are bird droppings all over it.

喂鸟器 wèi niǎo qì

noun (device: dispenses bird feed)

Squirrels are constantly trying to steal seed from the bird feeder.


noun (colloquial (viral disease: avian influenza)

鸟食 niǎo shí

noun (seed for birds to eat)

Teresa filled the bird feeder with bird food and hung it from a tree.

天堂鸟,极乐鸟 tiān táng niǎo,jí lè niǎo

noun (tropical bird: Australasian)

鹤望兰 hè wàng lán

noun (flower of genus strelitzia) (植物)

猛禽 měng qín

noun (bird: hunts, kills)

鸟类长居地 niǎo lèi cháng jū dì

noun (permanent shelter for birds)

鸟类保护区 niǎo lèi bǎo hù qū

noun (US (habitat reserved for birds)

鸟食 niǎo shí

noun (grain fed to birds)

Rita put some bird seed on the bird table.

鸟类观察者 niǎo lèi guān chá zhě

noun (hobbyist who observes wild birds)

Charles is an avid bird watcher; he even has a telescope set up in the dining room.

观察野鸟 guān chá yě niǎo

noun (observing wild birds)

Bird-watching is a very popular pastime in the UK.

笨的, 愚蠢的

adjective (stupid, not intelligent)

似鸟的, 像鸟的

adjective (resembling a bird)

鸟巢 niǎo cháo

noun (structure built by a bird)

There is a bird's nest built in the tree outside my house.

鸟瞰 niǎo kàn

noun (view from above)

I got a bird's-eye view of the Atlantic as my plane flew over it.

全景 quán jǐng

noun (figurative (overall view)

鸟笼 niǎo lóng

noun (enclosure for birds)

My pet parrot always chews on the bars of its birdcage.

鸟舍 niǎo shè

noun (to feed, shelter birds)

鸟胶 niǎo jiāo

noun (for catching birds)

观鸟,赏鸟 guān niǎo

intransitive verb (observe birds)

渡渡鸟 dù dù niǎo

noun (extinct bird) (一种已绝迹的鸟)

The dodo was a bird that was unable to fly.


noun (figurative ([sb] who wakes up early)

My husband's an early bird, but I find it hard to get out of bed in the morning.


noun (figurative ([sb] arriving before others)

Millie and I were early birds to the party; most of the guests arrived an hour or so later.


noun as adjective (figurative (advance, before others)

You will enjoy an early-bird discount of 15% if you book your tickets before the 1st of February.


noun (historical (satellite) (卫星, 历史用语)

Early Bird was launched by NASA in April 1965.


verbal expression (figurative (consume little or in small amounts)

No wonder she's so skinny, she eats like a bird!

竖中指 shù zhōng zhǐ

verbal expression (US, slang (make vulgar middle-finger gesture)

自由自在 zì yóu zì zài

adjective (informal (really free)

When this school year is over, I'll be free as a bird.

猎鸟 liè niǎo

noun (wild bird: hunted)

Henry enjoyed hunting game birds such as woodcock, partridge and pheasant.


noun (stork: Australian) (澳大利亚)

候鸟 hòu niǎo

noun (bird that makes a seasonal journey)

The swallow is a migratory bird that flies to warmer climes in the winter.

八哥 bā gē

noun (bird: imitates speech) (一种鸟)

红雀 hóng què

noun (US (bird with red plumage)

速可眠, 司可巴比妥

noun (US, slang (capsule of drug: secobarbital)


noun (bird inhabiting marine areas)

As the boys approached the beach, they could hear seabirds calling.


noun (bird with tuneful call)

Aaron was content to listen to songbirds all afternoon.


expression (figurative (start work early to be successful)


noun (NZ songbird) (新西兰)


noun (water bird)

Waders live on the coast or in surrounding wetlands.

涉水鸟 shè shuǐ niǎo

noun (long-legged bird that lives in water)

The flamingo is a very beautiful wading bird.

水鸟 shuǐ niǎo

noun (bird: aquatic)

缝叶莺 féng yè yīng

noun (bird) (鸟类)

Weavers make their nests in groups and live communally.

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bird 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。